Friday, June 10, 2022


 On this trip we’ve seen some of the giant things nature has designed….

from the most enormous caves we’ve ever walked in…to the tallest lodgepole pines.

We’ve seen mountains reaching to the sky…with Bison on their slopes.

We’ve see grizzly bears and elk…we’ve seen llamas and antelopes.

We’ve seen geysers whose steam spouts high into the sky…then on the wind will glide

We’ve seen mud volcanoes, waterfalls…we’ve seen rivers long and wide

Yes, we’ve seen some of the most humongous things nature has ever let loose…

BUT…in all our travels to date…we have never seen a moose.

In fact…since no moose has ever shown its face…it is with confidence we express:

We don’t believe they exist at all…ah…but I digress.

For though we’ve been impressed by the tallest mountains and the deepest canyons and ravines……Today we’d also like to celebrate all the little things we’ve seen.

The chipmunks who once they see we’re watching them…scurry on their way

The squirrels who chase each other up the trees…it’s fun to watch them play

The tiniest of flowers …when we get close enough we can smell their sweet perfumes..

the butterflies and bees who land upon their blooms.

The tiniest birds…some who show their faces..others who stay hidden in the trees

whose voices have enchanted us as they float along the breeze.

It’s the big things that make us sigh…that feed our souls but we know before we depart

It is the little things that capture our imagination…make us smile and caress our hearts.

The big things are what catch our eyes…when we see them…at first glance…

but it is the little things that have a way…to make the big things sing and dance.

It seems to me they need each other….when I sit back…reminiscing

If they weren’t both here to amaze us…something would be missing.

So here’s to the big and little things we’ve seen…

and the feeling of wonder together they induce…

which certainly more than makes up…or this country’s lack of moose.

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