Saturday, August 31, 2019


“What do you want to be when you grow up?” Her parents asked…
“A bird!” she said with glee.
“I want to glide across the sky 
I want to play up in the trees.”

“Well, come on,” they said each grabbing one hand…
without ever asking why...
“We have a lot of work to do…

if we’re going to teach you how to fly.”

Friday, August 30, 2019


She loves to walk in sunflowers…surrounded by the mountains and the trees
Where stretching out in all directions…sunflowers are all you see.

She loves to touch the baby sunflowers…still developing…still quite small
And stand dwarfed by the adults…the ones over six feet tall.

She thinks there are more to sunflowers than our eyes will let us see.
She thinks perhaps her sunflowers are more like you and me.

“What if,” she asks, “when two sunflowers looking across an open field
What if the love that’s housed within their stem, when their eyes meet, is revealed?”

“We know sunflowers move.” she says. “because they all turn toward the sun.
So isn’t it possible if they want to be together…sunflowers might also run?

“Run…veiled by the dark of night…no matter what the weather…
Run into each other’s arms…just to be together.”

“Look how some of them are hugging.” She says, making her point with ease.
“Look how many of them are smiling as they dance together on the breeze.”

“And tell me you can’t feel it….their happiness…their bliss…
When you’re lucky enough…when you get the chance…to see two sunflowers kiss.”

“It’s a feeling”, she says, “I wish I could bestow on every girl and boy…
How when you walk among the sunflowers…you can’t help but share their joy.”

We have different reasons for loving a walk in sunflowers…
she…for the emotions that they stir
My reasons is a little more selfish…

I love walking in them…with her.

Thursday, August 29, 2019


Is there an artist inside each of us?   Of this I have no doubt.
It’s just a matter of reaching down… and pulling that artist out….

“Mom…I have something to show you!” Christi said.
Her mom came right away
Christi handed her a piece of paper…”Look what I drew today!”

“Mrs. Smith said draw what we want so I drew a polar bear.”
Her mom intently studied the drawing…scanning it with care.

“Oh, Christi” Her mom said smiling. “I didn’t know how talented you were.
I can honestly say I’ve never seen a bear more beautiful than her.”

“Why she’s not just standing still…you have her moving too.
I love the way you’ve drawn her legs.
and how’d you make the water look so blue?”

“I’ve heard polar bears can be mean but you’ve made yours look nice.
and look how you used little bits of paper and made it look like ice!”

“I love the emotion in her face…why she looks hungry too
and look in the corner you signed you name just like artists do!!

“I can’t believe how beautiful this is…and you were its creator.”
and that picture found a cherished spot on their refrigerator.

Years went by…Christi grew up into a woman proud and tall
and visiting Mom one day she saw her picture framed upon the wall.

It immediately brought back a memory and with it a few tears
“Mom.” she said, “I can’t believe you’ve kept this all these years.”

“Of course I’ve kept it.” Mom smiled “Because I have no doubt…
the day you drew that polar bear

Is the day your artist first came out.”

Wednesday, August 28, 2019


The last thing I do before I get into bed…is remove my glasses from my head.

When young my thinking was innocent…my emotions raw…I assumed everyone saw the world I saw.

I was never annoyed…I didn’t worry….I imagined everyone’s world turned just as blurry.

I thought every star faded from everyone’s view…I thought everyone’s world turned foggy too.

Being young at heart I theorized…at night the worlds colors harmonized.

As I prayed the lord my soul to keep…I assumed this was how the world did sleep.

Looking back now I have to scoff…at my first thought with my glasses off.

How naive and innocent could I be…to think everyone saw the world like me!

Now that I’m older I know this to be true…that there are many visions…many points of view.

Still every night as I get ready for bed…when I remove my glasses from my head.

as the colors of people, their shapes and their size…all blend together…all harmonize…

with my glasses off I must proclaim……how, to me, everybody looks the same…

So with may glasses off it makes me think…the world looks so much more in sync.

It’s a nice feeling when the day is done…to see how the world blends together as one…

And it leads me to wonder what kind world this would be…if everyone saw the way I see. 

Would we all rejoice…or we scoff…if just for a moment…we took our glasses off.

Tuesday, August 27, 2019


When I saw this picture of me and a time long left behind
I’m not sure why or how…but William Shakespeare came to mind.

‘The time of life is short’ he wrote…and William was in the know
because this picture was taken, if I’m not mistaken, over 30 years ago.

The three women seated to my right are still as beautiful as can be
but when I look at this picture I’m left to ponder…what has happened to me?

First of all let me apologize for my clothing…I’m not sure back then where I shopped
but what in the world was I doing at a party…in a shirt AND a tank top?

My shirt wasn’t even buttoned…I imagine I thought my outfit would beguile…
but looking back now I have to wonder…if I ever was in style?

I had a lot more hair 30 years ago…since then it has found a way
to vacate most of the top of my head…what’s left is a hazy shade of grey.

My arms have not lost any hair…near as I can tell
but I’ll be darned if over the years they’ haven’t turned grey as well. 

I mentioned William Shakespeare as this poem was about to begin…
Have no fear, forsooth my friends, this is where I bring him in.

I notice I have have some wrinkles now,…okay maybe more than some!
but it was Shakespeare who said ‘With mirth and laughter…let old wrinkles come.’

I kind of wish Shakespeare was at that party…
I might have asked him to lend me an ear…
He probably would have asked me about my clothes…

and I’d have offered him a beer.

Monday, August 26, 2019


She looked at him and smiled…while he embraced her as they sat.
“I love your arms she she whispered…have I ever told you that?”

“I like to think I am enchanting.,” he kidded… “that I am filled with grace and charm.
but I have to ask,” as he looked at them… “what’s so special about my arms.?”

“They are hairy, they swing when I walk, 
most of the time they just hang down by my side…”
She smiled as she massaged them… “They do much more than that.” she sighed…

“These arms hold me when I laugh…they hold me when I cry.
sometimes I’ve felt like they were wings…and when I’m in them we can fly.”

“These arms have embraced the joys in my life…and on the other hand
at moments I’ve been sad…these arms seem to understand.”

“When you put these arms around me it immediately soothes my heart…
I can’t count the times they’ve held me together…
the times they’ve kept me from falling apart.”

“I don’t know what I’d do without these arms.” she said…
“For wherever the two of us roam…
whenever I am in these arms…
I know that I am home.”

He looked at her and smiled…
“No, you’ve never mentioned that…” 
and then…
He asked as he embraced her… 

“Could you tell me why…again?”

Sunday, August 25, 2019


We followed the path to the top of a hill 
not knowing what we might find
What we discovered was a lone headstone 
surrounded by a circle of pines.

There was only a last name written on it
neath the words… ’In memory of’
but all around the headstone
were other indicators of love.

How do we know this person was loved?
Because this headstone sits on a tiny hill
where it looks up and out at the mountains
where the air is surprisingly still.

We imagine friends of this person came together
and created this design…
a resting place with a beautiful view
shaded by a circle of pines.

There are no dates on the headstone
no way of knowing when this person was enshrined…
We guess it was a long time ago
judging by the height of the pines.

Over the years the pine needles have nestled
making a soft bed under the trees
It is a beautiful place to rest for a moment
or recline for an eternity.

And we feel blessed to have discovered
a place where the elements of nature intertwine…
to form such a beautiful memorial

in the midst of a circle of pines.

Saturday, August 24, 2019


Everybody has a point of view to express…that’s one of the joys of being free.
But what happens in a country when two sides completely disagree?

We end up fighting a war of words with both sides jockeying for position.
We end up far from a united country but a country in transition.

One side thinks our president is wonderful…they are his loyal devotees.
The other side…well let’s just say the other side…wholeheartedly disagrees.

One side would like to see some gun control…any measure however small.
The other side says if you take one of our guns then you might take them all.

One side says we need to do away with abortions…in all life we must rejoice.
The other side says this a heart-wrenching decision and should be the woman’s choice.

One side thinks their God is the only God…no matter where on Earth you wander.
The other side thinks that in this world there are many Gods to ponder.

One side holds up the teachings of their God as a reason to discriminate.
The other side thinks all people are equal in a world any God would create.

One side says there is no global warming and scientific arguments they doubt.
The other side says we need to listen to the scientists…that our time is running out.

One side says the Earth is just another resource…we are only like bees taking honey from the hive
The other side says we can’t mistreat the Earth…she is the reason we’re alive!

One side says we have an immigrant problem…it frustrates…it enrages
They say we need to be tougher…they have no problem putting people in cages.

The other side agrees we have a problem…but says our principles have gone astray
We need to find a better solution…we cannot treat people this way.

When we have two sides so diametrically opposed…then no solution can arise
when they cannot find a middle ground…they can see no compromise…

We end up with each side thinking they are right…while the other side disagrees.
One side believes they are fighting a civil war…the other…a war for civility.

We all know where we stand on these issues…on which side we belong…
I guess history will ultimately show us…
who is right…
and who is wrong.

One thing I might remind each side…whatever your point of view…

Our children are not only watching but learning from what we do

Friday, August 23, 2019


We love to walk in the morning…we know our walk is not complete
unless we walk the way the native Americans did…
as if we’re kissing the Earth with our feet.

At home we walk to the ocean…at our cabin mountain paths we take
our walks of late to our delight have centered around a lake.

We walk early as the sun is rising…before the summer day gets hotter
It’s also the only time we get to watch the fog dance across the water.

As the sun peeks over the mountains signaling the day’s about to begin
Her sunlight widens like a smile and the lake reflects her grin. 

Water spiders dash in and out of the fog…perhaps eating…or just having fun
Every fitful movement they make…highlighted by the sun.

A family of deer sees us coming…they also like to rise at dawn.
The mothers eyes us cautiously as she devotedly protects her fawn.

When she is confident we mean no harm…we see her trepidation decrease.
Her family goes back to eating and she let us pass in peace.

We see spots of yellow quickly moving and wonder…
is the sun playing tricks on our eyes
until we realize it’s not the sun but a family of goldfinches flitting by.

We stop and listen to their singing….from their nests in the trees they've made
and we feel privileged to hear a rare treat…a goldfinch serenade.

In another tree just up ahead a squirrel…enjoying the view
We wonder is he watching us…or did he stop to listen too?

Much of our walk is done in silence…because in silence it is clear
all the wonders we can see…so any wonders we can hear…

Around the lake we see our house…another wonderful morning walk complete

It’s amazing how much beauty we see when we kiss the Earth with our feet.

Thursday, August 22, 2019


I do not like the word different…it cuts too much like a knife
It adds to the trouble in our world…it causes so much strife.

When we see someone as different fear seeps into our minds
and where there’s fear…animosity and prejudice are never far behind.

What starts out merely as a way to tell that person apart from you or me
somehow ends up with people treating one another differently.

We end up in a word of labels, a world of discrimination and entropy.
A world of injustice, a world of oppression, of wars and bigotry. 

A world where suspicion and distrust rule and seeds of animosity are sown 
all caused when we find traits in people that are different from our own.

What if we looked at one another in a completely different way?
What if there is a word that would keep our fear at bay?

What if we weren’t afraid of diversity but reveled in it’s mystique
and instead of seeing others as different…we saw them as unique?

Perhaps then, in each life, we might focus on the good things that we see
and in the end create a world filled with peace and harmony.

I imagine by now many of you are thinking this man is different, he’s a freak
but I suggest I am not different…I, like you, am totally unique!

(Did you notice when you called me different a host of negatives abound
but when you use the word unique...see how wonderful I sound?)

It seems to me we should strive for a world where differences are not critiqued…
a world where people are more accepting…

now wouldn’t that be unique!

Wednesday, August 21, 2019


We are dog/house sitting for friends of ours while they are on a cruise
I’ve heard it said you don’t really know a person until you walk a mile in their shoes…

I imagine that is true…in their shoes you walk, you run…you roam
but I also think you get to know a person when you spend time in their home.

As I walk from room to room I realize how their house is their memoir
It’s filled with memories…with bits and pieces of who they were…and are.

I begin to notice how pictures of their family can be found in every room.
It’s like I’m in a museum…I stop…I look…then I resume…

I see old people, young people, babies…pictures spanning generations
all contributing to the story of one family’s creation.

I pause at every picture…and as I visit…one by one…
I suddenly realize how many families go into making one.

I see love portrayed in pictures of people I know and some who remain unnamed
captured for eternity inside a picture frame

Perhaps that’s why we have so many pictures…not only for us to easily see
but every time we pass…it awakens a memory. 

In every picture I can see joy…a smile on every face
proving quite definitively how happiness fills this place.

I’m sure there’s also been some sadness…some tragedy and fear….
Some people in these pictures I’m sure are gone…but their memories linger here.

And we are happy to be sitting in their house as off to other realms they roam…
Knowing not only do they have a beautiful house…they have a beautiful home.

(P.S.   Another reason we’re glad to be in charge as they enjoy their birthday cruise….

They left a bunch of unlocked cabinets…and they’re all filled with booze!)

Tuesday, August 20, 2019


So many questions in this world we cannot answer…
No one can tell us why…
Why do tragedies happen everyday?
Why do children have to die? 

This is the story of one child…
I wish I was singing a happier tune
but this child’s story is over…it ended much too soon.

She did not enter this world peacefully…although her birth was a joyous day
there were complications from the beginning…and more obstacles along the way.

Her story ended a few days ago…at least now she’s out of harm…
She has a place in heaven…she’s in the angel’s arms.

Her parents handled each setback with dignity…with courage…and with grace….
as they tried to cope with the kind of heartache no family should face.

There were trips to hospitals and surgeries…so much going on inside her
and her parents shared her pain and suffering as they stood stoically beside her.

It is a testament to their love…that as they suffered through the haze…
in the midst of all their sorrow…they found joy in other ways

For they loved their little daughter…that was plain for all to see
and they did the best they could to give her life some harmony.

I hope as the years go by…when they stop 
when they pause a while…
they will remember more of the joy than the suffering…
and when they think of her…
they’ll smile.

Perhaps one day their questions will be answered…
when they join their daughter…out of harm
when they hold her again heaven…
when they’re together…

in the angel’s’ arms.

Monday, August 19, 2019


When our first child is born
we celebrate the day
at that moment we don’t care
if they are bi or straight or gay

We only care they are alive…
have all their body parts...
that they are breathing on their own…
and come with healthy hearts.

And each time we are blessed with a child
we celebrate that day
still not caring at that moment
if they are bi
or straight
or gay.

We only care that they are close to us…
that in their lives we play a part
that they all have gentleness in their souls…
and kindness in their hearts

And so parents of the world I ask this question: 
As we think back to our initial vow…
If we didn’t care when they were born…

Why should we care now?

Sunday, August 18, 2019


I wrote a poem praising dogs yesterday …and many people agreed
But apparently the cats and birds and frogs weren’t happy.
Who knew they could read!

The frog was first to chime in…saying my poetry made him wince
If you kiss a dog, he said indignantly, will he turn into a prince?

Do dogs kill insects every day so they do not run amok?
Are dogs a symbol of fertility in Egypt or do they bring Japan good luck?

The bird was next to criticize…she asked…does a dog have wings?
Can a dog fly to the top of a tree?  Can it glide on the wind…or sing?

Does a dog’s singing help you think of love or beauty and how about romance?
Can a dog help control mosquitos…or pollinate some plants?

Finally a cat phoned me…isn’t it just like a cat to call.
She was angry we had the nerve to compare a cat to a dog at all!

“Cat’s are much more independent.” she said. I think I heard bitterness in her inflection.
“And although cat’s don’t need it from you humans…we put up with your affection.”

“Cats will never learn a silly trick…the kind that dogs are taught…
If you think that dogs are smarter than cats…think again…they’re not!”

After listening to their arguments
(No more animals contact me…please!)
I understand all animals…have their own specialties…

And I end this poem a different person
who understands every animal…every cat and bird and frog
should be proud of their accomplishments
and stand together with the dog….

The dog is certainly no more special than the rest.
I’m speaking now as a diplomat.
(By the way…in case you’re wondering

It was the cat who made me say that.)

Saturday, August 17, 2019


The following words are not written to disparages cats or birds or frogs
or any other animal for that matter…it’s just, in my opinion…
there’s something about a dog!

To start with…and this can’t be a coincidence…
I mean don’t you find it odd
that when you read the letters of dog backward it spells out the word god.

It doesn’t matter what faith you are, in what place of worship you sit
or if you don’t believe in a god at all…it’s a little curious…
you have to admit.

Dogs are innocent, they are loyal, they get excited over the littlest treat.
They are just as happy in your lap as they are sitting by your feet.

When they stand looking out a window they do so with style and grace.
Their love shows up from the wag of their tail to the tongue that licks your face.

No creature on this Earth greets you better when you walk into a room.
They have a way of lifting you up out of your darkest gloom.

They know when you are sad…somehow they understand
and they try to make it better by setting their paw upon your hand.

Spend some time with a dog…it won’t take but a little while
you’ll find how fast your troubles fade away…and you cannot help but smile.

And dogs never judge you by your color, sex, religion…
their acceptance is far and wide…
They don’t judge the way we humans judge…
they judge the person who's inside.

The only criticism I have of dogs is how soon their life is through
If I had one wish….I wish that dogs…would live as long as me and you.

Sure cats are self-reliant, 
birds sing beautifully 
and no animal jumps quite like a frog
but when you get right down to it…

there’s just something about a dog.