Tuesday, August 20, 2019


So many questions in this world we cannot answer…
No one can tell us why…
Why do tragedies happen everyday?
Why do children have to die? 

This is the story of one child…
I wish I was singing a happier tune
but this child’s story is over…it ended much too soon.

She did not enter this world peacefully…although her birth was a joyous day
there were complications from the beginning…and more obstacles along the way.

Her story ended a few days ago…at least now she’s out of harm…
She has a place in heaven…she’s in the angel’s arms.

Her parents handled each setback with dignity…with courage…and with grace….
as they tried to cope with the kind of heartache no family should face.

There were trips to hospitals and surgeries…so much going on inside her
and her parents shared her pain and suffering as they stood stoically beside her.

It is a testament to their love…that as they suffered through the haze…
in the midst of all their sorrow…they found joy in other ways

For they loved their little daughter…that was plain for all to see
and they did the best they could to give her life some harmony.

I hope as the years go by…when they stop 
when they pause a while…
they will remember more of the joy than the suffering…
and when they think of her…
they’ll smile.

Perhaps one day their questions will be answered…
when they join their daughter…out of harm
when they hold her again heaven…
when they’re together…

in the angel’s’ arms.

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