Saturday, March 31, 2018


There is a precept in the Tao (at least that’s what Taoists say)
A chain of thought, in point of fact, that is appropriate today.

Taoists find their wisdom in nature…in the wind…the trees…the birds
They say pay attention to our thoughts for our thoughts become our words.

If we want to live a life filled with peace and satisfaction.
Pay attention to our words as our words become our actions.

If we want to find the best way to live on this planet we inhabit…
Pay attention to our actions for they develop into habits.

And if we ever wonder where it is our character comes from…
our habits are responsible for the person we become.

Our thoughts, our words, our action, our habits…
these are important…
these are key
and its best to pay attention to them 
they become our destiny.

Friday, March 30, 2018


On their morning walk the other day the wife said something that perked up her husband’s ears
She asked if he realized they’d been taking these walks for almost 30 years.

And it got the husband to thinking of all the wonders they’ve seen in 30 years.
All the moments shared together…all the laughter, joy and tears…

30 years watching the neighborhood change…as people come and go
30 years getting caught in the rain…but never in the snow.

30 years of sunrises…each one a new surprise.
30 years of clouds and colors stretching endlessly across the sky.

30 years walking to the water…listening to the birds…smelling the morning air
30 years of dolphins, pelicans and eagles…waiting for them there.

30 years of watching people change…as they made this walk each day.
30 years of friends who have passed…while others moved away.

30 years watching their children grow…and then their grandchildren too.
30 years watching their lives unfold and relishing the view.

30 years noticing how they too have changed…how they now move a little slow
30 years of aches and pains and wrinkles…nonexistent 30 years ago.

30 years of walking…sharing hopes and dreams and fears…
And the husband wondered how it went so fast…these amazing 30 years.

Then he turned…saw his wife’s smile…and instantly…he knew
She was the reason for his 30 years of wonder…
She made each walk seem brand new.

And when the wife saw the husband’s smile
to herself she whispered his name
for as she thought about the last 30 years

she couldn’t help but feel the same.

Thursday, March 29, 2018


Have you ever wondered as we find ourselves 
on this rotating floating sphere…
What in the world is our purpose?
What are we doing here?

Are we here to be wicked to one another…
or to be kind, compassionate and fair?
Are we here to think only of ourselves…
or are we here to be generous and share?

Are we here to fight with one another…
in the air, on the land and sea?
or are we here to live together…
in peace…and harmony?

Are we here to suffer…to hate…to frown…
or do we have a choice?
A choice to cherish one another…
to love…to smile…rejoice? 

Are we here to be gentle or cruel…honest or deceitful?
Are we here to take or are we here to give?
If we weren’t created here merely to die…
then we must be here to live.

To live on this planet soaring through the heavens 
adrift in time and space,
to live together as one people…
to make this world a better place….

To come to the realization
our one intention…one goal…one aim
is to be happy and make other people happy
For in the end…they’re both the same.

Wednesday, March 28, 2018


“Have I ever told you the story?” I begin and immediately hear my family’s collective sigh…
“About the time I was accidentally shot by an arrow…
and it almost hit my eye?”

Before I finish this question my children and grandchildren collapse in frustration to the floor.
It seems they’ve heard me tell this story…
a million times before.

And as proof this is a story they have heard…
and heard…
and heard…
they finish the rest of the story with me…
complete with gestures…
word for word.

We have many stories like this one… 
stories where the present meets the past. 
stories that bind us as a family…
stories that will last…
and last…
and last…

Stories repeated over and over again…
so when any of us is gone
those left behind can sit and smile…
as that memory lives on.

For without these memories of friends and family…
life’s recollections large and small…
without these stories oft repeated…

there would be no life at all.

Tuesday, March 27, 2018


Deborah found the leftovers
(the ones I thought I stored in the fridge)
in a cabinet the other day
and we chuckled at my ‘senior moment’ as we threw them all away.

But it got me thinking…there was a time I remembered everything
a time when my memory was much stronger….
I knew getting old was inevitable…
I just thought it’d take a little longer.

I have forgotten where I put my glasses.
How did these keys get in this drawer?
I have forgotten, as I search for something, 
what the heck I’m searching for…

But just when I begin questioning 
if my memory is dwindling like a fire’s fading embers?
If at my age am I forgetting now
more things than I remember?

It is then I remember riding my bike as a child…
how Grandma’s death made me so sad…
It is then I remember splashing through puddles after a rain,
playing football with my dad.

It is then I remember friends from high school…
flying kites high in a summer breeze
It is then I remember trying to catch the falling leaves from Autumn 
as they cascaded from the trees.

It is then I remember moments with our children and grandchildren… 
yes, when I stop and think on it a while
there are so many moments I remember… 
so many memories that make me smile.

Sure, I might forget a few things every now and then…
and sometimes the storage of leftovers is misbegotten….
but I am blessed, in life, that I remember 

far more things than I’ve forgotten.

Monday, March 26, 2018


As we walked she made it a point to give to people she would meet…
the needy, the panhandlers the downtrodden…
the homeless in the street.

“But you don’t know anything about them.”…I remarked one day as in front of one we paused…
“I only know there is a need she answered…I don’t need to know the cause…”

She said, “Sometimes people need a little help and, after all is said and done,
aren’t flowers and trees dependent on the generosity of the sun?”

“Besides helping them helps me as well.” She smiled as we continued on our way…
“Because every flower leaves a little of it’s fragrance…
on the hand that’s given it away.”

Sunday, March 25, 2018


The adults in charge allowed a gunman to buy an assault rifle…
and after he entered a high school and 17 lives were lost…
They said this is sad but we live in a free society
and this…’s just part of the cost.

The adults did say (and keep saying) how sorry they are
that so many people are dead…
but we really don’t know how to fix it…
How about we use common sense! the young people said.

The adults said it is our right to own guns.
Taking them would amount to government theft…
The young people said we only want your assault rifles…
One right…before there are no children left. 

The young people repeated we can ban all assault rifles
No one needs them…let’s take them away…
The adults said we don’t have to listen to you…
Our allegiance is spelled N R & A.

The young people said we need more extensive background checks
appealing to both Republicans and Democrats…
The adults said yes we’ll study this problem…
but we’ll have to get back to you on that.

The young people said we need more money and services for mental health
People are suffering…we must help them find their way…
The adults said that’s true but we need to strengthen our military…
then they took mental health funding away.

The young people said we’ve shown you the first steps toward a solution
How about…you choose even one…
The adults said we’ve got a better solution
let’s provide every teacher…a gun…

The young people said this is unacceptable…
they pleaded and they kept asking why?
Why, when it’s your job to protect us…
are you willing to let all of us die?

The adults said to the young people you are too young to understand…
We are the adults…and you need to heed us…
The young people said, we understand the problem…
and it’s you
it was then…they decided to lead us.

So they gathered a multitude of people 
Black, white, LGBTQ, even some like me…old and gray
not only to show adults we are wrong in our thinking…

but also to show us the way.

Saturday, March 24, 2018


I love to wake up early when I can feel my house’s mystique.
I love to walk her rooms in solitude and listen to her speak.

I imagine she is always speaking…releasing memories I can hear
but in the quiet of the morning…they come in loud and clear.

So many moments I recall as I silently walk her halls…
because every memory we’ve ever made here
is imbedded in her walls.

She has seen a host of celebrations…everyone she stores away
so in the morning, when I stop to listen…she has quite a lot to say.

All the memories created here…babies crawling on these floors
toddlers walking, children singing…teenagers slamming doors.

Family dinners, birthdays, good times…the accomplishments…the miscues.
This house has seen much happiness…and her share of sadness too.

It’s as if time has been suspended…I know not why…or how
But I can hear and see and smell and taste these memories
as if they’re happening…right now.

Each step I take there is a memory, 
on each piece of furniture
behind each door
And I gladly pick and choose them…like a child in a candy store.

Realizing soon enough the day will begin…
for when sunlight replaces nightfall…
I know these wonderful cherished old memories…
will fade back into the walls.

Perhaps that’s why I love waking up early
not knowing what memories will be there when I arrive
not knowing as my house speaks to me…
what memories will come alive.

Friday, March 23, 2018


When you grow weary of watching politicians call each other names.
When you’re saddened by our government in disarray…
take a trip to any elementary school and watch their Field Day.

You’ll see children working together as children.
You’ll watch them cheer and laugh…embrace…
You’ll watch them root for every child on every team
regardless of color or sex or race.

You’ll watch their teachers and coaches fill their students with confidence.
You’ll watch as they show them respect…and praise…
but never shame.
You’ll watch them teaching children by example 
the right way to play the game.

You’ll watch the parents and grandparents on the sidelines
cheering, clapping…jumping in the air.
Watching the magic unfold in front of them.
Proud to be standing there.

Perhaps you’ll remember when you were a child…
when you somehow had the knack…to work together… 
to love your neighbor…
and you’ll want that feeling back.

Perhaps you’ll regain an optimism you thought was lost.
In fact…you may concede
that there is still hope for this world we live in
because one day…
these children will lead….

Lead us to a new tomorrow using their strength and intellect…
Lead us to a happier more peaceful world….
filled with dignity and respect.

You’ll be confident these children will put the world on their shoulders...and lead us to a better day…
confident they will lead by example…

like they did on Field Day.

Thursday, March 22, 2018


Because I could not stop for Death – 
He kindly stopped for me –  
The Carriage held but just Ourselves –  
And Immortality.     (Emily Dickinson  1830-1886)

The call came unexpectedly breaking the serenity of the night
A friend I knew while growing up…had given up the fight…

She was loved when she was living.
She was loved the day she died…as witnessed by her entire family
standing by her side.

And though I hadn’t seen nor talked to her in over 50 years
my mind opened the door to her memories…and I was moved to tears.

So many memories…so vivid…so easy to discern…
Memories stored away for all these years…awaiting my return.

I remember how she lived at the bottom of the hill…just a short walk down from me
I remember spending many days and nights…feeling part of her family.

So many memories came rushing now.
So many memories to make me smile.
I was happy to let them wash all over me…and so I lingered there awhile.

I knew her when her fire burned bright…
and though I missed the rest…and I missed her fading embers
I’ll never forget her…because I can’t forget someone
who gave me so much to remember…

Because she could not stop for Death – 
He kindly stopped for her, I see –  
And so she rode off with that smile I’ll cherish forever…  

to Immortality.