Thursday, January 31, 2019


They grew up in the ’60’s…and as their lives unfurled
They discovered they were righteous…laid back…two groovy kind of girls.

They had long hair…down to their shoulders…some people thought them wild
They were hippies…free spirits…unconventional…each one a flower child.

They wore their clothing tie-dyed in colors bold and bright
When they made the scene…they were a gas, a blast…so out of sight!

They would have gone to Woodstock but their parents didn’t approve
They believed in peace and love and they were always on the move…

But time has a way of moving too… and though they’re not sure how
Those two hippies of the ‘60s…are in their 60’s now.

Yet, through the years…through jobs and family
though their lives have rearranged….
they stayed as cool as they were back then
and their values haven’t changed….

They were sculpted by their past and no matter how old they grow
There is a universal truth…that they…as hippies…know….

Although there are certain parts of life over which they have no control….
They remain free spirits in their hearts and hippies in her soul.

They oppose violence…
They oppose hate and war…
Their symbol is the dove
They strive for a world of peace
They pursue a world of love.

So here’s to all the old hippies out there….
and any younger hippies too…
Let’s keep trying to make the world a better place…

because that’s what hippies do.

Wednesday, January 30, 2019


How did he ever live before her?…he wondered
and then
with his second thought
he realized the answer…
before her…

he did not.

Tuesday, January 29, 2019


It took him a long time to laugh after she was gone
even once the initial sadness faded.
He thought it would be disrespectful.
He thought her memory would be jaded…

But then in the midst of his sadness
he remembered her laugh one day
and he knew how sad it would make her feel
If her death took his laugh away.

Remembering her laugh made him realize
how by her memory he is blessed
how finding joy and laughter without her
doesn’t mean he misses her less.

So today he loves to laugh
he no longer feels blue…
for he knows when he is laughing…

she is laughing too.

Monday, January 28, 2019


The son hadn’t spoken to his father in years. 
too many words between them neither forgave
now he sits in silent sadness
seeking forgiveness at his grave.

Each one thought they would make up…some day
some day…
they thought…
some day…
but neither took the first step
and time slowly slithered away.

The son hadn’t spoken to his father in years
forgiveness…neither one ever tasted…
now he sits in silent sadness
regretting all the years that they had wasted.

It’s never too late they both thought to themselves
never too late to hold the other’s hand in his…
It’s never too late they both thought…
It’s never too late…

’til it is.

Sunday, January 27, 2019


When he was a baby he didn’t know what a home was…He didn’t now hat he had
He only knew two faces there…that of Mom…and that of Dad.

When he began to crawl and walk…so many years ago
he noticed as he was getting bigger…his house began to grow.

When he was but a little boy and into every room he crept
he knew his house was where he lived…where he ate…and where he slept.

He knew it kept him safe and dry.  He knew it’s where his family blended.
He knew it’s where his day began and where, at night, it ended.

When he reached his teenage years he noticed less and less the things within it
because as teenagers are wont to do…he was spending less time in it.

He spent less time at home now…for he was nearly fully grown
Less time with his parents and family…more time on his own…

It wasn’t till he moved away…that he was hit with a surprise
when he began to see his house…through a different set of eyes.

His mind began to wander and his thoughts to reminisce
he thought about his house…and all the things that he now missed.

He suddenly remembered moments…so many lessons his house taught
Moments of love and laughter and family…he thought he’d long forgot.

And when he’d call his parents…he’d ask them if they would
say hi to the house he grew up in…and his parents understood.

Now every time he visits…from wherever he may roam…
he pauses outside his house to smile…

knowing he is home.

Saturday, January 26, 2019


“I love you Mommy!” said the young boy as he climbed upon her knee
which brought his mother endless joy as she held him tenderly.

She decided as he she held him near to give her son a little quiz
So she gently whispered in his ear…can you tell me what love is? 

“What is love?” he shrugged
“I think it’s a lot of things.
It’s all those times that we have hugged.
It’s the lullabies you sing.”

“It’s like how when I’m with you,” he said
everything feels right…
Like how when you tuck me into bed
you kiss my head goodnight.”

“It’s like how you know just the right words to say…
how I never have to ask you why
you hold me in a different way
when I laugh or when I cry.”

“I guess in some ways love is a prize
we give each other every day.”
Then he looked into his Mother’s eyes and asked
“Did I answer it OK?”

“Did you answer it OK?” she smiled,
as tears her vision blurred…
“When it comes TO a definition of love my child,

that’s the best one I’ve ever heard.”

Friday, January 25, 2019


If we knew today was our last day…
If we knew tomorrow was the end of our bloom
what would we do
how would we act
what would we say…
and to whom?

Would we sprinkle words of love a little freer
before we pass this way
Would we hold those we love a little tighter 
than we held them yesterday?

Would we stop and smell the roses
as we head out your front door…
Would we notice a little more beauty today 
than we did the day before?

Would we smile and laugh a little more
Would we sit and watch a river flow
Would we notice the birds and the clouds a little more 
than we did a day ago.

And so I wonder…

if there are things we would make it a point to do
before we pass away
So many things we want to say or do

why wait til our last day?

Thursday, January 24, 2019


Sally came running in the door…”Grandma I have a secret!” She yelled.
It’s a really, really good secret…but I promised not to tell.”

“I want to keep my promise but you don’t know how hard it’s been.”
“Trying not to tell anyone…trying to keep this secret in.”

Sally looked up at her Grandma…her wide eyes, big and blue…
“Grandma can you help me?  Grandma tell me what to do?”

Grandma took Sally out to her back yard saying…“There’s something I want you to see.
They sat down under a very large oak… “This is my secret tree.”

“Grandma…” Sally laughed …”This is not a secret tree!
Everybody knows about it…everyone can see…”

Grandma put a finger to her lips…and gently shook her head
“The tree is not the secret, silly…it’s what it holds.” she said.

Ever since I was a little girl…and a secret was given to me
I’d hurry home and sit right here…underneath this very tree.”

“And when I was sure I was alone…that secret I’d retrieve
then I would let that secret out and share it with the leaves.

And so this tree is filled with secrets…every secret I ever brought
secrets she will never tell…and some I’m sure I’ve long forgot….

With that Grandma stood up and walked away…happy as can be
leaving Sally all alone in the shade of her secret tree.

On her way to the house Grandma turned around and smiled…
She couldn’t be sure but she believes
Sally was whispering to the tree

sharing her secret with the leaves.

Wednesday, January 23, 2019


When an older couple was asked: What’s the happiest part or raising a family?
This was their reply:
The happiest part of raising a family is watching how they grow and change as time goes by.

Then they looked at one another, smiled and happily exclaimed:
And If you want to know the saddest part of raising a family…
our answer is the same.

Tuesday, January 22, 2019


He was already a man of few words
but her death left him completely silent 
and bereft
as if she took to heaven with her

whatever few words he had left.

Monday, January 21, 2019


When we open our eyes to the world we can see her beauty everywhere.
from the colors of the trees to the birds that populate the air.

When we open our eyes to the world and see the beauty she imparts
We can’t help but feel joy in our souls and love within our hearts

When we close our eyes to the world…some of her vibrancy fades away
We begin to see the colors around us in quite a different way.

When we close our eyes to the world…we no longer see the beauty she imparts
We allow prejudice to touch our souls and hate to invade our hearts.

I believe our eyes all start out equally…free to see beauty everywhere…
urging all of us to feel the joy…and love that floats upon the air.

Sight is a fragile sense, however…and so easily we can lose it
depending on those around us…and how we’re taught to use it. 

But even if we’re taught in such a way our eyes become impaired…
There is a silver lining…for sight can be repaired.

Which leads to a hope…a dream if you will…that one day all our minds will be free
that prejudice will fade into the past…when we are again taught how to see.

When we again open our eyes to the colors all around us 
again look out on the world and see
the beauty in our differences…

the beauty in our diversity.

Sunday, January 20, 2019


Yesterday a young boy asked me
in a voice both innocent and bold
“Can you tell me what it’s like old man…
How does it feel…getting old?”

“A lesson on old age.” I smiled.
I’m afraid I cannot teach it.
for how can I speak of old age

when I have yet to reach it?”

Saturday, January 19, 2019


She has long since left her childhood behind
but there are days 
she looks outside 
and sighs…
days she longs to run without a care 
finding faces in the clouds 

and chasing butterflies 

Friday, January 18, 2019


I bring to you a memory…a story that undertakes
to show we never know what lesson we will learn from our mistakes.

Years ago I took my students on a field trip to Tarpon Springs
We visited the sponge docks and took a boat ride…of all things.

The plan was…after we finished with our spongy ocean jaunt
we would eat a sit down lunch in a nice Greek restaurant.

I put all my students money in two envelopes in the pocket of my coat
one half was for the restaurant…the other for the boat.

The boat ride was magnificent…a fun morning in the sun
and after paying off our captain…he hugged us…everyone…

He made it a point to thank each one of us before we went away…
I wondered if all Greek captains were as happy…or just him…that day.

The meal at the restaurant was amazing……the perfect way to end our day
but I ran into a little snag when it came time to pay.

When I reached for the second envelope inside the pocket of my coat
I realized I’d given both envelopes…all our money…to the captain of the boat.

It seems what enhanced the captain’s happiness…was my tiny, little slip
as I gave him something in the neighborhood of a $300 dollar tip.

So there I was at the restaurant…where…to my dismay
after we all finished eating…I had no money left to pay.

My students were blissfully unaware…they seemed as happy as can be
so I reached into my wallet and took out my credit card…Plan B.

I have made a lot of mistakes in my life…and I’m sure I’m not done yet
but the mistake I made that day is one I never will forget….

It’s the day I learned mistakes can also be blessings
for when I see that captain’s smile in my memory from way back then
I like to think if given the chance

I’d make the same mistake…again.

Thursday, January 17, 2019


Yesterday I was walking in the early morning fog
When I stopped at the edge of a field to watch a man and his Frisbee dog.

The man would throw his Frisbee east, west, north or south
the dog would chase it, jump up in the air and catch it in his mouth.

Next that dog would trot that Frisbee back and lay it at the man’s feet
The man would pick it up…toss it again…and this scenario would repeat.

After each chase the dog would wait as excitedly as he did the chase before 
and I couldn’t tell by looking at their faces which one enjoyed it more…

I noticed the more I stood there watching them…seeing how that Frisbee flew
seeing how that dog would jump…I was smiling too.

I watched until they finished…until the final chase was done
and marveled at how dog and man were having so much fun.

My thoughts drifted back to our dog- he couldn’t catch a Frisbee at all
but he would act just like that Frisbee dog when we threw a tennis ball.

And I remembered when we played fetch…how I loved to watch him run
how just like this man and his Frisbee dog…we too had so much fun.

Our pets will pass away too soon…before us…this is true
and now I wonder if there isn’t an explanation…a rationale for why they do…

To remind us life is short and to get the most from our life span
perhaps we should be chasing as many frisbees as we can…

Perhaps we should be running in the fields…jumping over logs

and having as much fun living…as that man and his Frisbee dog.

Wednesday, January 16, 2019


Sometimes I think the way we view the world is a little antiquarian
for instance we have words to label everyone…from Capricorn to Sagittarian…

Take Deborah and I…we don’t eat meat…we are proudly vegetarian
though occasionally we will eat fish…which makes us pescatarian.

and since we’ve been known to eat a burger…we are most assuredly hypocritarian.
however we do not care what you eat…because we’re not authoritarian.

And though we believe in eating food that is predominantly agrarian
we know it doesn’t matter what you eat…if you are humanitarian.

It doesn’t matter if you are straight or gay…black, white or Hungarian.
If you’re Democrat, Republican, Independent or Libertarian.

It doesn’t matter…if you’re Catholic, Muslim or Sectarian
If you’re a doctor, or a lawyer…a dentist…a Veterinarian… 

It doesn’t matter the type of music you like…rap, pop or opera that’s Wagnerian
or how you like your donut cream…whipped…butter…or Bavarian.

I think it’s time to apologize and end this poem
for I have shamefully become aware…
I can’t remember where I was going with it…
and, I imagine you…no longer care.

But let me end with these two hopes…
that you are not a strict grammarian…
and that we all may someday live…
in a world…
