Sunday, May 31, 2020


What if the Gods created the most beautiful planet
and filled it with valleys and mountains and trees
with wildflowers that bloom in Spring
with fishes, and birds and bees.

What if they added waterfalls…and ladybugs…an occasional butterfly
and sunrises and sunsets so colorful they kaleidoscope the sky.

And what if once they were finished the Gods were so elated
with the beauty and magnificence of the planet they created

they decided this beauty needed to be experienced to be felt…and thus
what if the Gods created people to enjoy it…what if the Gods created us.

What if the Gods hoped we’d not only appreciate the love and beauty that surround us
but spread that love and beauty to everyone and everything around us.

What if the Gods never dreamed anything bad would happen
What if the Gods were wrong…
What if the people tainted the beauty the Gods created
What if the people could not get along.

And what if now every time the Gods look down on us
every time they realize their mistake…
their tears fall as rain from the heavens
filling our oceans our rivers…our lakes.

What if the Gods created the most beautiful planet
with but one hope…that we’d enjoy it…
What if the Gods created the most beautiful planet…
and all we did…was destroy it.

Saturday, May 30, 2020


There is a reason I love to walk as the ebony night turns to grey
a reason I love to witness the birth of another day.

I have always had this feeling as each new day’s begun
an overwhelming feeling of hope that, in me, rises with the sun.

Hope…that joy and happiness will somehow find a way
to wipe out the hate and bigotry…and our tears from yesterday.

Hope that we will be accepting…hope that love will conquer hate.
Hope that wars and bloodshed will end and peace we will create.

What helps refresh this hope that each new morning brings…
Is the moment when I’m out walking and the birds begin to sing.

For just as I believe with each sunrise my hope has a rebirth
I believe the voices of the birds trumpet a hope that’s in the Earth.

My hope is linked into the Earth’s…for as long as to hope she’s clinging
Her trees will grow, her flowers will bloom and her birds will continue singing.

Which is the reason I love to walk in the morning…silent…without words…
waiting for Earth’s first sign of hope…with the singing of the birds.

Friday, May 29, 2020


We have a decision to make every time we’re caught out in the rain.
Do we concentrate on what we have to lose…or what we have to gain?

Are we sad that we’re getting wet and does that sadness cause us pain
or is there joy to be discovered…in every drop of rain?

We cannot choose when the rain will fall
sometimes we’ll win
sometimes we’ll lose
but how we react to the raindrops in our life…
that is something we can choose.

Thursday, May 28, 2020


I saw her standing in the grass…an owl…tiny, proud…but mute
which I thought odd because in the early morning owls usually love to hoot.

I‘ve heard owls are intelligent…and are said to be wise too
so, while I had her full attention, I thought I’d see if that was true.

I wanted to show this wise little owl that I had an intellect too
so I asked her existentially…”Little owl, tell me…who are you?”

“Who am I?” The little owl smiled, “as she looked up to the stars…
“Why who I am, who anyone is…depends on who you are.”

With that she flapped her wings and flew away.
I admit to feeling foul…
left standing in the middle of the street
befuddled by an owl…

But in my defense I am just a human. 
Wisdom in our species has long been overdue….
Which, once again, in my conversation with an owl
I discovered to be true.

Wednesday, May 27, 2020


He never heard a word she said…
not in all their years
for the moment words escaped her lips 
they transformed into notes
and became music to his ears.

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

SALUTE TO Memorial Day

I have never been in a war…PEACE…I’ve lived it…breathed it…taught it…
but as much as I have hated war…I respect all those who fought it.

I’ve lived long enough to know …we all see the world through different eyes…
I know I don’t have all the answers…no one is that wise.

I know most people in the world hate the thought of war as much as me
and I understand sometimes we must fight to keep our country free.

I know the men and women who die in war are black, white, gay or straight
I know that war…and bullets…and bombs do not discriminate.

I also know on Memorial Day we put our differences aside
and we come together to commemorate every soldier who has died.

How we commemorate is different for everyone…as everyone adapts…
We visit graves, we pause a moment…a lone bugler plays Taps.

I cannot play the bugle…so when it comes to playing Taps
I found a different way to commemorate…as I say…everyone adapts.

And though I’ve never fought or died in war…yesterday (with very little pizzaz)
I played Taps on my harmonica…for everyone who has…

I played to commemorate those who have died in wars…
while still praying wars will cease…
to commemorate those who gave their lives in wars 
so I can play my harmonica in peace.

Monday, May 25, 2020


Today we close our eyes,
we stand, 
we sit
we get down on bended knee
to honor and to mourn the soldiers 
who gave their lives to keep our country free.

Men and women who didn’t start out as heroes
but under the tension…the worry, the stress…
evolved, in those anxious moments, into heroes nonetheless…

And we thank our fallen heroes
who have made our country stronger…
not by being braver than the rest…
but perhaps….by being brave a little longer.

Sunday, May 24, 2020


We are brought up to believe…it gets imprinted on our brain
that perfection is an ideal to strive for…but one we often can’t attain.

Then one day we become a little wiser and begin to think a different way
We see our life is filled with perfect moments
perfect nights
and perfect days.

Yes, once we have matured
once we grow a little older
we realize the idea of perfection…
is in the eye of the beholder.

This means we don’t have to see eye to eye 
our planets don’t need to align…
for you are free to find your own perfection
and I’m free to find mine.

Perhaps this is how it’s meant to be
the way the creator designed it
That perfection be more personal…more private
and it’s up to us to find it.

Which means…much to our amazement…
to our wonder…and surprise
we can to see perfection once we open up our eyes.

What makes this all the more special
is…no matter who we are
If we want to find perfection
We don’t have to travel very far.

Saturday, May 23, 2020


So many things in life are out of our control
We don’t control the sun, the moon,, the stars, the wind…the rain
We don’t control those moments when our heart fills up with pain.

Perhaps then while we’re alive it should be our goal
to do the best that we can do….with the things we can control.

We cannot control our past…and the future’s not always in our hands…
but we can control how we treat the animals…and how we treat the land.

We can control how we treat others…if we are unkind or humane
We can control if we cause another person’s happiness…or pain.

If we make treating the animals, 
the land around us 
and people 
with compassion as our goal….
It becomes much easier to accept those things that are out of our control.

For they will be there to support us through the uncontrollable winds and rain
and they will be there when we need them most…when our hearts fill up with pain.

Friday, May 22, 2020


As I watched her perch upon a flower then quickly flutter by
I was reminded of the lessons I have learned from watching butterflies.

I’ve learned that change is not a bad thing…butterflies have taught me this
for every day we are alive is a metamorphosis.

I’ve learned that looks can be deceiving…for butterflies silently shout
how there is beauty inside each of us just waiting to get out.

I’ve learned there must be a higher power…
as I’ve watched butterflies who’ve found a way
to pause every now and then, to fold their wings and pray.

Butterflies have taught me time is short…
which means from the moment our wings unfurl…
we should do our best…to add beauty to the world.

Finally butterflies have taught me to find wonder in the tiniest of things
for what else is a butterfly but a flower that’s grown wings.

I will never stop watching butterflies…to them I shall always return…
for they have so much more to teach…and I…so much more to learn.

Thursday, May 21, 2020


She loved bedtimes with her daughter
reading her a story
listening to her ask the Lord her soul to keep.
She loved tucking her in
kissing her good night
and watching as she nodded off to sleep…

And when the room was filled with darkness
save one errant moonlight beam
she loved to linger in the doorway
and listen to her dream.

Wednesday, May 20, 2020



Walking by an empty stadium I was reminded the other day
of when we took our children to the ball park to watch grown men at play.

We were in the stands with our baseball caps on when I heard my daughter exclaim,
“Daddy, this is boring...what do you like about this game?”

As I handed each of them a hot dog, with ketchup and mustard on their buns
I could have explained the rules of the game, what are strikes and balls and runs.

I could have taken that opportunity surrounded by my children and my wife
to explain how baseball, when we think about it, can teach us about life.

I could have pointed out although it is the individual player’s name we scream
how baseball teaches people to work together as a team.

That baseball teaches humility…that sometimes you’ll hear cheers…
and sometimes you’ll hear boos 
That some games you are going to win…and some…you’re going to lose.

That baseball teaches perseverance, determination, tenacity and grit
how you shouldn’t worry when you strike out for you’ll get another chance to hit.

I wanted to tell them down whatever paths they choose…no matter where they roam
When they round the bases to look for us…we’ll be waiting for them at home.

These are the thoughts that ran through my mind as we sat in the park that day
wearing our caps, eating our hot dogs…watching grown men at play.

“What do I like about baseball,” I said smiling for the answer suddenly I knew
“What I like best about baseball is sharing it with you”.

Our children are all grown up now…time moves on…and that’s a shame
because I never got to explain to them…the intricacies of the game.

Tuesday, May 19, 2020


It is said time moves ever onward…at a slow and steady climb…
but there is a wrinkle in that theory…a peculiarity in time.

The time that’s measured by our clocks marches forward…absolutely 
The time that ages our once young bodies advances resolutely.

But there is a category, a kind of time that plays by different rules
defying all the lessons we once were taught in school.

It’s when old friends get together…for no matter how much time’s amassed
suddenly they are young if time has never passed.

This is the wrinkle in the time continuum, a wrinkle all friends know
allowing them to pick up from where they left off years ago.

And for the time they’re back together…they feel a certain thrill
standing in a moment…where time is standing still…

If you want to see this wrinkle in time…it’s simple…
watch as old friends come together…then…
keep watching for the moment when they are young again.

Monday, May 18, 2020


As children the two brothers were happy
their imaginations flowed with ease
when, in a box and a basket, they were pirates
who sailed the seven seas…

Amassing a great fortune
a treasure so plentiful and grand
and when they discovered a secret cove
they buried it in the sand

They took only what they needed
of the jewelry and the gold
vowing one day to return
perhaps when they were old.

Return to reclaim their fortune
their treasure chest so grand…
the one they left when they were children
buried in the sand…

The two young pirates have grown old now
as they remember now…with ease
when in a box and a basket they were pirates
who sailed the seven seas…

And they smile as they both realize…
their memories are strong….
and the treasure they amassed when they were children
has been with them all along.

Sunday, May 17, 2020


Dear God,

It’s Billy, have you got a minute…I apologize for bothering you
with the entire universe to look after…
I imagine you have a lot to do

But have you checked in on the Earth lately…
perhaps from way up there it’s hard to tell
but I think if you look hard enough
you’ll see we’re not doing very well.

I know you must be happy with all the love down here
and that is a reason to celebrate…
but as happy as you are with all the love
you’ve got to be saddened by all the hate.

Which is why after church this morning 
I’m sending this prayer to you…
you see I’m afraid and confused and I’m worried
and I don’t know what else to do.

So God if you happen to have the time…
I wonder…could you to re-create….
a world that keeps the love that’s already here
but gets rid of all the hate?

I hope this isn’t too much to ask…
and I’m not even sure what kind of power you’ve got…
but if you could make this one prayer come true
it sure would mean a lot.

And if you make this dream come true…
in church will I never miss another Amen…
and I’ll make you this promise:
I’ll never bother you again!

Well I have to go now…
My mom says there are a lot of things I have to do…
And if you’re going to get rid of everyone’s hate
I imagine so do you.

Your friend,

Saturday, May 16, 2020


They built a wall to keep them apart
forgetting love will not be dismayed…
for despite the barriers set out to stop them
their 2 hearts found a way.

Friday, May 15, 2020


I love to walk in my museum…filled with music…filled with art
It is soothing to the body, 
to the mind, the soul….the heart.

If I choose to walk in the evening…or before the dawns first light
when I look up I see Van Gogh has painted another Starry Starry Night.

If fog has covered my museum at the beginning of the day
I walk through muted colors and impressions of Monet.

The more I walk in my museum…I never really know
was that a Da Vinci…or a Renoir…or a Michelangelo?

As I walk I may see an autumn leaf, a raindrop a snowflake or a butterfly….
for only in my museum is artwork falling from the sky?

Unlike most museums where art is framed in a permanent display
my museum is ephemeral…temporary…it changes subtly every day.

And, courtesy of the birds, the crickets and the wind whistling through the trees
wherever you go in my museum you’re followed by symphonies.

What’s really great about my museum…
beside how every day in it is new…
is how you can see once you step outside…
it’s your museum too.

Thursday, May 14, 2020


Flowers have a language they share with all the trees.
Sometimes you can hear their voices carried on the breeze

Flowers speak from on the ground…
trees from up above
sharing words of kindness, 
words of compassion
words of acceptance
words of love.

If you listen closely to their voices never will you hear
words of anger
words of hate
words to cause another fear.

As I listen to the language of us humans 
carried on the breeze…
I pray for the day when we are as fluent
as the flowers and the trees. 

Wednesday, May 13, 2020


He often asks himself how she did it…
what subtleties did she employ
to help him find his happiness
to help him discover his joy.

Tuesday, May 12, 2020


I am in awe of silence…in her perplexity…
There is both a beauty and a mystery in her tranquility.

Have you ever sat in silence with someone you love…
or hoped a silent moment would never end?
For it’s in moments such as these when silence is your friend.

Have you ever stood hypnotized in the midst of a silent snow?
or watched clouds silently changing shape as they’ve drifted to and fro?

Have you ever felt the awkward silence that accompanies a first date?
or tiptoed through the silence when you arrived home a little late?

And there is a type of silence no one should never miss…
The silence one experiences…the moment before a kiss.

In the aftermath of a death, the ultimate silent tragedy,
have you ever felt the silence become your enemy?

Sadness arrives in silence, for there is a silent moment when...
you realize you will never see or hear or touch that person you loved…again.

And even though they may be gone…it matters not how many years
it is in the silence of our loneliness where we cry our deepest tears?

But silence doesn’t stay our enemy for long…she soon reminds us she’s our friend
for it is in the silence of our slumber…when our heart begins to mend.

And soon we’re comfortable again in silence…content because we know
it’s in the silence of the evening when trees begin to grow?

It’s in the silence of the morning that the flowers create their blooms
and the miracle of life begins in the silence of a mother’s womb.

So the next time you’re sitting quietly with the one you love
or on a silent stroll….
remind yourself where love begins…
in the silence of your soul.

Monday, May 11, 2020


I was leafing through my mom’s old bible that’s sat on our shelf since she died
when two pieces of paper floated out and landed by my side

Two old photos I hadn’t seen before…photos I never knew she had…
Photos of two soldiers…one my mom and one my dad.

On the back of the two photos…five words in faded grey
written in each other’s hand…’you take my breath away”

Photos they must have given each other before war tore them apart
Photos that, while in their youth, showed the essence of their hearts. 

I imagine they kept these photos with them…to help see them through the war
I imagine they kept them near their hearts…like so many soldiers had before.

And when they returned home again…safe, secure…unharmed…
the pictures were not needed for they had each others arms…

So they found a final resting place- their job was now complete..
in a page in Mom’s old bible…until they landed at my feet…

Two photos from a time I didi not know them…when their love was new and strong
Two photos that…after reading them…I tucked back where they belong.

Perhaps it’s a bit egotistical of me…and certainly it’s wrong
but I never thought much about my parents lives before I came along…

But reading the back of those two photos…
from another time…
another day…
made me smile for a moment 
as they took my breath away.

Sunday, May 10, 2020


Her eyes have a loving glow to them…her smile a certain charm
but the best place to feel her love is inside our mother’s arms.

From the first time we step into them they fit around us like a glove
providing us with all we need…
when all we need…
is love

And showing us, as we grow older, 
and anywhere
when we step back into our mother’s arms...
we’ll find some comfort there.

One day we’ll return the favor.
We’ll know when…and where
when she steps into our open arms and finds some comfort there.

And she will feel in that moment
how our arms fit around her like a glove
providing her with all she needs
when all she needs…
is love.

And when she’s no longer with us
when we close our eyes we'll find…
we still can feel that warm embrace…
her arms have left behind.