Tuesday, May 26, 2020

SALUTE TO Memorial Day

I have never been in a war…PEACE…I’ve lived it…breathed it…taught it…
but as much as I have hated war…I respect all those who fought it.

I’ve lived long enough to know …we all see the world through different eyes…
I know I don’t have all the answers…no one is that wise.

I know most people in the world hate the thought of war as much as me
and I understand sometimes we must fight to keep our country free.

I know the men and women who die in war are black, white, gay or straight
I know that war…and bullets…and bombs do not discriminate.

I also know on Memorial Day we put our differences aside
and we come together to commemorate every soldier who has died.

How we commemorate is different for everyone…as everyone adapts…
We visit graves, we pause a moment…a lone bugler plays Taps.

I cannot play the bugle…so when it comes to playing Taps
I found a different way to commemorate…as I say…everyone adapts.

And though I’ve never fought or died in war…yesterday (with very little pizzaz)
I played Taps on my harmonica…for everyone who has…

I played to commemorate those who have died in wars…
while still praying wars will cease…
to commemorate those who gave their lives in wars 
so I can play my harmonica in peace.

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