Wednesday, September 30, 2020


 She noticed the old man in the park…she saw him ever day

He’s always there at the same time she brings her child to the park to play.

Today she sat down next to him as she watched her child play

“I was wondering,” she asked the old man, “why do you come to this park every day?”

The old man smiled at the question, he said, “Young lady, I’m glad you asked.

“I come here every day to visit the memories I’ve amassed.

You see long ago there was this woman I fell in love with…

Yes, I think this is a good place to begin.

She never needed the sun or the moon to shine…she lit up from within.

She was like no other woman…you might say she had her own uniqueness.

She was strong when she needed to be strong but not afraid to show her weakness.

She lived every moment to the fullest…or at least, I know, she tried.

which meant, depending on the moment, she could laugh as easily as she cried.

Through all our years together…as we raised our family

she let me take care of her…while she took care of me.

This park is where we met…it’s where I got down on one knee

It’s where I first told her I loved her…it’s where I asked her to marry me.

I come here to think about all the ways my life’s been blessed…

I come here because it’s a place where my memories and I can rest." 

I come here because I miss being with her…I hope you understand…

I miss sitting with her on this bench…I miss her holding my hand.”

The young woman nodded then did something spontaneous…

something she hadn’t planned

She reached across that park bench and held that old man’s hand.

She kept staring straight ahead…

as they sat there watching her chid for a while..

and out of the corner of her eye…

she could see that old man smile.

Tuesday, September 29, 2020


 We’ve shown contempt for our Mother Earth…

We throw garbage on her beach.

Into her air

and land

and sea

our contaminants and pollutants leach.

Yesterday I watched as a beautiful old tree was pushed over to make room for a house…

and then another tree…

and another…

and I had to stop and ask myself…

Is this any way to treat our mother?

Looking at all the times she’s been abused


and defiled…

I wonder…

if we should stop thinking of her as our mother…

and think of her as our only child.

Monday, September 28, 2020


 Remember as a child…when it was raining and you sat by your window pane….

knowing you could’t stop the raindrops…you quietly watched the rain?

As you sat watching raindrops cascading from the sky

without making a sound

you knew eventually the rain would stop and be absorbed into the ground.

And even when the rain stopped falling and the sun was shining

although you knew not where or when

you understood there’d come come a time the rain would fall again.

I wonder if these moments were preparing us

for when a friend’s or lover’s tears fall like rain.

knowing we can’t stop their teardrops we sit beside them

and quietly watch their pain.

As we watch teardrops cascading from their eyes

as down their cheeks they scroll

we know eventually their tears will stop

and be absorbed into their soul.

And even when their tears stop falling and their smile returns

although we know not where or when

we understand those tears absorbed into their soul

will fall from their eyes again.

Sunday, September 27, 2020


 People often ask the old woman how she’s able to embrace 

a world where troubles surround her with a smile on her face.

“I once thought I was a unique individual,” the old woman smiles, 

“And to some extent I think that’s true

But upon further reflection I realized…I smile because of you.

Not just you…but you…and you…and you…

Shall we do the math…

The reason I’m still smiling today is because of every you 

who ever crossed my path.

You…my parents who gave me my smile…

you who raised me with dignity and grace…

You…my own family and friends who have kept that smile on my face.

You…the people whose lives touched mine if only for a little while…

you…who even when you didn’t know it…added to my smile.

You…my teachers…for you are all my teachers

Today…and in the past…

The wisdom I’ve obtained from you has made my smile last.

My smile didn’t get here by itself…my grin from ear to ear

It’s been nurtured since the time when I was young…

I’ve been growing it for years.

"So I leave you with this bit of wisdom.” The old woman always says.

“That I am certain to be true.

I would not be smiling today 

If it weren’t for you

and you

and you.

Saturday, September 26, 2020


 I would like to talk about the coronavirus which has caused so many of us to agonize

I will stay away from politics except to say…it has made some people act unwise.

Instead I would like to stay closer to home…after all home is where I’ve had to be

and talk instead how this coronavirus has been effecting me.

This pandemic has seized many things we used to take for granted and put them out of reach…

On the plus side we have spent more time in our kayaks and on walks along the beach.

I haven’t enjoyed wearing a mask…living in this kind of artificial bubble.

but if one person is saved because I wear it…it’s totally worth the trouble.

I’ve hated social distancing…I miss hugging…for goodness sake

I even attended a Zoom birthday party where I could only see the cake!

The wear and tear on our car is better…since we only travel to the store.

and my hands as well as my jeans and shorts have been washed more than ever before.

This pandemic has stopped us from going to the movies…

something we used to do religiously…

Apparently now we’ll watch anything…even the Tiger King…that’s showing on TV.

We are exercising, doing more puzzles and reading…mysteries, novels…almanacs

anything to keep us healthy and our minds sharp as a tack.

Because this pandemic has effected our memory…

for instance…any show we watched when this pandemic began…you know…way back when.

we’ve already forgotten what happens in them and so we get to watch them again and again!

Deborah says it’s not the pandemic…we’re just getting old…but her theory I must poo-poo

I’d rather look at all my faults…and blame them on the flu.

Forget where I put my glasses…walk into a room and can’t remember why…

have difficulty getting out of a chair…feeling a little less spry…

These have nothing to do with old age..I believe it’s academic

when it comes to problems such as these…I blame them on the pandemic.

And I’ve noticed Deborah doesn’t laugh at my jokes as much as she used to…

It’ can’t be that I’m not as funny…and I hate to start another unfounded rumor

but apparently this pandemic can effect a person’s sense of humor!

In conclusion as we are experiencing something in our lifetime 

we’ve never experienced before…

I know this coronavirus will win its share of battles…

but we’re determined to win the war.

Friday, September 25, 2020



52 words written in 1787 and ratified in 1788 were meant to be a guiding light to make America great.

It began with certain concepts on the kind of country we should be.

With a hope these words would be self-evident throughout our history.

We the people…it begins…not I or you or me

They knew if we were to be a country…it had to start with We.

The knew we would not always agree…they knew this in their hearts

but they hoped our disagreements wouldn’t tear our country apart.

But they did tear us apart back in 1861…

Where we learned when you fight a war against yourself…

that war is never won.

It’s happening again today…which makes me wonder what would it take

to understand the lessons from our history and learn from our mistakes?

There are those out there now who think this country is great…

There are those of us who disagree….

that there is no way we can be great until the two sides become We.

That if we can’t resolve these differences…our democracy will be gone

and the 52 words meant to guide us 

won’t be worth the paper they were written on…

It’s ironic those 52 words that began this country…

of this there is no doubt

are unable to be read…

when we turn our own lights out.

Thursday, September 24, 2020



With the soul of our country in crisis

there is a truth we must behold…

A truth just as important for the young to remember

as it is the old:

Evil will always be evil…

when history is reviewing it!

Evil will always be evil…

no matter who…

or how many people 

are doing it.

Wednesday, September 23, 2020



When you meet another person and your lives are intertwined

you don’t think much about the memories that person will leave behind…

You’re too busy enjoying this roller coaster of life you’re riding on

to think what your life would be like if this person was ever gone.

Big Nana is what we called her…it’s the only name we ever knew.

That’s what our grandchildren called her…so that’s what we called her too.

We used to see her often at family gatherings…birthday parties and soccer games.

We loved how when the children would see her they’d excitedly call her name.

Big Nana they would yell!

Big Nana they would shout!

And we would stand and wonder as all this love came pouring out.

Big Nana was like a flower…constantly in bloom

A smile from Big Nana could light up any room.

Big Nana loved to take care of others…Big Nana loved to cook

(And Big Nana was one of only a handful of people who ever read my book!)

But families are unpredictable…they have a way of changing course

and any future time we had with Big Nana was lost in a divorce.

And though it’s been years since I saw her last

since our lives were side by side

I was overwhelmed with sorrow when I heard Big Nana died.

But I feel blessed to ever have known her…

Blessed for the little while our two lives were aligned 

and blessed to have so many memories

Big Nana left behind.

Tuesday, September 22, 2020


 There is a house across the street…

from now on I’ll refer to it as she…

she’s a house our family’s loved..because we share a history.

When our children were children many a day they would meet

with the children who were children…

who lived in the house across the street.

Growing up together at a time when their characters were being set…

made the times in that house special…

made it a time they'll never forget.

The children who once played there have grown up now…

no longer do they meet

to play and laugh and discover who they are 

in the house across the street.

As the children grew a little older…

as children are supposed to do

the house across the street...grew a little older too.

It’s roof began to sag, it’s walls to crack and today was bittersweet

when they began to tear her down…

the house across the street.

It was sad to watch her crumble…sad to see her fall…

Sad to think of all the memories housed within her walls.

They are going to build a new house…

with a roof that doesn’t sag and walls made out of stone

that a new family will dwell in and make memories of their own.

But there are some of us who

in our dreams at night will meet

and keep alive the memories

of the the house across the street.

Monday, September 21, 2020


 Have you ever wondered when a friendship forms? 

When is that one moment in time when random people come together…

and their worlds begin to rhyme?

Have you ever wondered if there are people out there walking…

perhaps just around the bend 

people…we don’t know yet…who were destined to be our friends?

People who walk separately into a room…and from the moment they arrive

feel in their hearts…and souls…they’ve known each other all their lives.

Do they sense it in their greeting?

Can they see friendship in their eyes?

Is it somewhere in their smile?

Can they feel their friendship rise?

They begin to share their stories…share their feelings…share their woes…

Is it in between their laughter or their tears…Is that where friendship grows?

Or am I giving it too much thought?   Is it possible to know 

when a friendship seed is planted…when it actually begins to grow.

I suppose it doesn’t matter what feelings initially bind them

for when it comes to friends in life…we are lucky just to find them.

Lucky knowing we have old friends…we’ve had since we were young

friends who we grew up with…friends we love to be among.

And lucky knowing we can make new friends…who, when added to the old,

make our life even more meaningful…make it a wonder to behold…

Perhaps that is the beauty of friendship…

what makes it so astonishing…and sweet..

knowing we have some old friends…

some new friends…

and some friends…we’ve yet to meet.

Sunday, September 20, 2020


 I do not attend church but I do believe in God…

like many she’s a God I cannot see

and I am often quite amazed and awed at the signs she sends to me.

Usually I see no-one when I walk in the early morning dark

but today a young couple was sitting on a bench on the edge of our city park.

They looked so happy sitting there I wondered if they were newlyweds

I waved and as I passed by…”Love Ya” they both said.

Love Ya…when I heard those words I was immediately taken aback

and though I did not know this couple “Love Ya too” I instinctively hollered back.

Those two words were the extent of our conversation…

lasting only as long as they were said.

But for the rest of my walk I was smiling as ‘Love Ya’ echoed in my head.

I was amazed how these simple but beautiful words spoken by strangers along the way

could cause such immediate joy and influence my day.

Continuing my walk I noticed a man coming toward me…soon he’d be passing me by

So filled with the confidence joy instills…I thought I’d give ‘Love Ya’ a try.

He said good morning as he passed…and the moment he turned his head…

Good morning, have a nice day and….Love ya…is what I said.

Our conversation was over quickly…lasting only a short while

and I’m pretty sure once his initial shock wore off I saw that old man smile.

Instead of heading home I ran back to the bench

to thank the couple for the love they chose to share

but when I returned they were gone…

which made me wonder…were they ever really there?

Or perhaps they were two angels…

sent down to say a ‘Love Ya’ just for me….

A reminder to me to spread some love

from a God I cannot see.

Saturday, September 19, 2020


Cancer is an ugly disease…not only for the life it takes

But for all the sorrow and sadness…left floating in its wake….

Although I did not know her personally I’ve kept abreast of cases she has tried

which is why I was saddened yesterday when I heard that she had died.

But what finally caused my tears to flow…what opened my floodgate

was, amidst the many tributes to her, were the messages of hate.

The more I read the sadder I felt until soon I was feeling numb

as my heart filled up with sorrow at the country we’ve become.

Cancer comes in many forms causing families sadness, sorrow and strife

progressing slowly through the body until it finally takes a life.

Hate is a form of cancer…I wish people would understand

How it’s metastasizing quickly…as it spreads across the land.

Two forms of cancer make me sad today…

The first that took this woman I am thinking of…

and the second that is slowly killing

this country that I love.

Friday, September 18, 2020


 “You’ll never have to worry.” he whispered.

“Anytime…day or night

if you are feeling sad or lonely…I will hold you tight.”

“And when holding you tight is not enough to comfort you.

when sorrow surrounds your heart.

when your eyes, with tears, are filled,

you’ll never have to worry”, he whispered

“For in those moments…I will hold you tighter still”.

Thursday, September 17, 2020


 When I look back on this year, 2020, a year that has been insane

I’ll remember all the heartache…I’ll remember all the pain.

I’ll remember a country that, if not careful, is sealing its own fate

divided by its anger…its bigotry, its suspicions, lies and hate.

I’ll remember the wildfires in the west that scorched many a forest…and plain.

I’ll remember hurricanes in the east and south that flooded us with rain.

I’ll remember praying the rain from those hurricanes…

that eventually ran out of names

would miraculously move to the west coast and help extinguish all the flames.

I’ll remember praying that the tears we shed from the sorrow and sadness we create

would be enough to extinguish...the fires of our hate.

Of course we can’t control the weather…wildfires and hurricanes will always be our fate

but we can control the way we treat each other…we can control our hate.

When a wildfire or hurricane wreak havoc on our land…

immediately we begin repairs…

but when hatred destroys another’s life all we do is add our tears to theirs.

But 2020 is not over yet and in the world I’l like to see us create

when casting my ballot this November…I will not vote for hate!

I will not vote for fire…for prejudice…for duplicity and lies

I will not vote for dishonesty wearing righteousness as a disguise.

I don’t know what side of this division you are on…

but I’m tired of these wildfires of hate causing so much destruction…so much pain.

so when it comes to this election…I’ll be voting for the rain.

So when I look back on this year 2020…

I can say it was the year of our transcending.

a year I was saddened at the way it began…

but am happy with the ending.

Wednesday, September 16, 2020



They met on the beach as children…too young to comprehend

the difference in their colors…and they soon became two friends.

Two lives they happily shared…two lives easily aligned

They would remain two friends forever…their two hearts intertwined.

They came together often…they laughed and cried and played

So many moments they’ve lost count…so many memories they made.

When they graduated high school they began to drift apart

both knowing, despite the distance, they remained within their hearts.

They would meet periodically through the years…and through the miles.

remembering their youth together…sharing joys and tears and smiles.

On quiet moments when apart…innocently and unplanned

they would think about that day on the beach…when their camaraderie began.

They met one last time on that same beach under a clear cerulean sky.

This meeting not as joyous…they met to say goodbye.

One friend cried as the other’s ashes were spread across the dune

thinking he will miss his friend who was taken much too soon.

One friend remained on the beach alone…and whispered his other friends name

Thinking about the ashes we leave behind…and how all their colors are the same.

And remembering back to the moment they met…

and longing for the moment when…

two old friends, now separated,

will be two friends united again.

Tuesday, September 15, 2020


 A father loved to take his children and sit under what he called their imagination tree.

There he would ask: if you could imagine yourself as something else what would that something else be?

Once their dreaming was ignited and their imaginations were set free…

their father loved to listen to what his children were imagining…underneath their imagination tree.

I imagine I’m a cricket in the night…with no music to accompany me...I’d sing a-cappella

and anytime it starts to rain….I’ll use a mushroom as my umbrella.

I would love to climb a rainbow,…as you can see I am quite small.

I’d love to know what it feels like…to go down the biggest slide of all.

I want to ride upon a cloud…across the world I’d sweep…

and anytime when I got tired…I’d have a comfortable place to sleep.

I want to be a leaf on a tree…if I could be anything at all

I want to sway with my leaf friends on a windy day…and change my colors in the Fall.

I’d love to ride on the back of a pelican…I can imagine how much fun that would be…

I’d drag my hands along the water as we glide across the sea.

The father always smiled as he listened…as his children’s imaginations flew

for wherever their imaginings took them…they would take him too.

One day the children asked the father…as they sat underneath the tree…

“Father, if you could imagine yourself as something else what would that something else be?”

The father looked at his children…and smiled

as they sat together under their tree…

“You may find this hard to believe," he said,

“but I imagine I am happiest being who I am.

in a place I never imagined I would be”.

Monday, September 14, 2020


 When I was young I didn’t quite understand my shoulders,

“Shoulders!” I would scoff. 

“Why they’re just here to help hold up my head

and to keep my shirts from falling off”.

It wasn’t until I became a parent…until I became a Dad

that I finally came to realize the importance my shoulders had.

Soon after that blessed day…it really didn’t take long

to realize why my shoulders were there…

and why they needed to be strong.

When my children were so very young

when their life still so brand new

my shoulders were there for them to ride on

and see life from a different point of view.

And when they grew a little older…as their life unfurled

my shoulders were there for them to stand on…

as they stepped into the world.

Along the way I learned a funny thing about my shoulders 

for…near as I can tell

not only do they have to be strong…

but they need to be soft as well.

Strong so my children can lean on them 

when their life is filled with dread

And soft, when they need comfort, 

for a place to lay their head.

Yes, everyday when I look in the mirror 

I have a million reasons to be elated

not the least of which is knowing 

why my shoulders were created.

Sunday, September 13, 2020


 I took a moment visit my God today…

I don’t usually do this…but I got down on my knees to pray.

I wanted to ask him…or her…

(I use both, I believe, correctly

because in all my visits with my God…

he or she has never answered me directly).

At any rate, I had things I wanted…things I’d like to see..

wishes I thought important…

I hoped my God would grant for me.

As I was about to open my mouth…

about to give my God my speech

my mind was filled with memories 

of the students I used to teach.

There before me...swimming in my mind, 

my students were everywhere..

Autistic students, blind ones, ones with seizures…

and students in wheel chairs.

And swimming right behind my students…

this was really quite a feat

were children and people I did not know…

who had no homes, or food to eat.

I saw many people in pain, crying,

I know not the reasons why

but they seem to have more troubles than me 

as I watched them floating by.

Suddenly my mind went blank 

and I forgot what I had started praying for

as the troubles that I thought I had…

didn’t seem as troublesome anymore.

And so still on my knees with my head bowed 

as I visited my God today

it was for all these other people 

that I began to pray.

And I hope my God is happy 

as my prayers up to her or him soar…

smiling and proudly nodding his or her approval…

knowing that’s what prayers are for?