Tuesday, September 22, 2020


 There is a house across the street…

from now on I’ll refer to it as she…

she’s a house our family’s loved..because we share a history.

When our children were children many a day they would meet

with the children who were children…

who lived in the house across the street.

Growing up together at a time when their characters were being set…

made the times in that house special…

made it a time they'll never forget.

The children who once played there have grown up now…

no longer do they meet

to play and laugh and discover who they are 

in the house across the street.

As the children grew a little older…

as children are supposed to do

the house across the street...grew a little older too.

It’s roof began to sag, it’s walls to crack and today was bittersweet

when they began to tear her down…

the house across the street.

It was sad to watch her crumble…sad to see her fall…

Sad to think of all the memories housed within her walls.

They are going to build a new house…

with a roof that doesn’t sag and walls made out of stone

that a new family will dwell in and make memories of their own.

But there are some of us who

in our dreams at night will meet

and keep alive the memories

of the the house across the street.

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