Friday, August 31, 2018


When you take a walk in nature from the mountains to the sand
You’re impressed with how there is a balance…a rhythm to the land…

Every fish and bird and insect 
every flower…every tree
seems to know their place in nature
understands their destiny.

Understands how nature works
understands instinctively
what they are meant to do
what they are meant to be..

Yes, when you take a walk in nature
and witness her beautiful ballet
you realize only humans are out of balance…

only we have lost our way.

Thursday, August 30, 2018


3 girls grow up in a neighborhood…brought together by the hands of fate
too innocent to know back then the breadth of the friendship they’d create.

Three girls now 3 good friends…spending the best part of their childhood
laughing and running and playing together…through the streets of their neighborhood .

Three girls…now three adults…older…more mature
knowing no matter where life takes them…their friendship will endure.

Three girls…now older ladies…who, after marriages and motherhood,
rekindled the magic of that friendship they formed in childhood.

Three women…who, when they get together, somehow seem to glow
in the beauty of a friendship created all those years ago..

For is there anything more beautiful than 3 women enjoying the present… 
appreciative of the friendship they’ve amassed
and looking forward to a future 

held together by the past?

Wednesday, August 29, 2018


She was on the kitchen floor with her daughter….loving a moment like this…
for it gave her the chance to remember…a chance to reminisce

This reminds me of your Grandma she said…whose memories fill this space.
(Why is it I can’t think of her without a smile on my face?)

I remember when we baked together…I remember all those cookies I devoured
And I also remember the first time we made footprints in the flour.

It was our first time baking cookies…I was unsure which way to turn
When your Grandma smiled and told me, “Don’t worry, you will learn.”

And I will teach you how to bake cookies…cakes and pies and more…
but when she handed me the flour…I dropped onto the floor.

I looked up at your Grandma…as tears formed in my eyes
What she did would forever change me…for to my complete surprise

she smiled saying “Don’t worry…the best cook is a messy one
now that you’ve learned your first lesson it’s time to have some fun.”

She spread more flour across the floor…it seemed to cover every space
She even picked up a little pile and threw it in my face…

We laughed and played on our kitchen floor for what seems to me like hours…
then your Grandma stopped and said to me…”Look! We made footprints in the flour.”

I don’t remember what kind of cookies we made…but at that time I swore
If I ever had the chance…I’d make more footprints on the floor.

So now it’s my turn to say, “Don’t worry…the best cook is a messy one…

now that your first lesson is over…it’s time to have some fun.”

Tuesday, August 28, 2018


6 men once walked into a bakery…6 men all old and grey.
They sat at separate tables…it’s how they began their day.

6 men once did not know each other…didn’t give each other a second look
6 men sat alone with their coffee and donut…reading their newspaper…or a book.

6 men from different walks of life…all sitting independently
oblivious to those around them…unaware of their destiny.

One day 1 man smiled at another…this man returned his grin
then they began to talk together…soon the other 4 joined in.

And though still at separate tables (they are comfortable sitting this way)
they began to greet each other warmly as they began each day.

As the years went by this routine continued…6 men begin their day…
6 men sitting at 6 tables…and they wouldn’t have it any other way.

1 man’s wife dies unexpectedly…a loss he finds hard to bare…
When he returns to the bakery…5 men are waiting there.

5 men hug the other man…and when their hug is done
6 men at 6 tables…share the suffering of one.

Earlier I mentioned their destiny…of this there can be no doubt..
Where 6 men once walked into a bakery…6 friends each day walk out.

6 men who can’t wait to get together…who help each other find their way
Showing how love, just like to donuts in the bakery where they meet…

is made fresh every day.

Monday, August 27, 2018


Yesterday when the old man looked out his window pane 
he saw children playing in the rain

running through the puddles in the street 
with no umbrellas…in their bare feet

and he harkened back to a time with pride 
when he was a child playing outside

a time he wished he could repeat.  
when imagination inspired his feet.

when he played and climbed and recited rhymes…
back when he had the indulgence of time.

as more drops fell upon his window pane 
he wondered, when was the last time he played in the rain?

watching the children as they crissed and crossed 
he wondered…at what point was his innocence lost?

then his inner voice said, “It isn’t gone.  
it’s there in the rain…out on the lawn.”

so he left the safety of his window pane, 
took off his shoes…and ran out in the rain.

and barefoot out there in the pouring rain 
he was reunited once again

with an innocence…he thought was lost…
as on the lawn he crissed and crossed…

as he ran through the puddles out in the street 

with no umbrella…in his bare feet.

Sunday, August 26, 2018


The Greatest Showman is one of our favorite shows.
Deborah and I love to sing every song.
Which is the reason we decided to see it
in a theater we could sing-a-long.

I’ve never been known as someone who croons.
Singing is not my forte
In truth I’ve always had trouble carrying a tune.
I usually drop it a few times on the way.

But that doesn’t stop me from singing
In any style from falsetto to baritone…
Although I have reserved most of my singing
for the shower…or when I’m alone.

But singing in a theater while watching a show!
That was one scary thought!
Surrounded by people I don’t even know!
Just thinking about it made me distraught.

Still, we decided if we’re going to do it we’d do it up good.
Deborah bought a tutu and I a top hat.
And we decided to sing as loud as we could.
I mean seriously…what could be wrong about that?

So we sang all those songs from the movie we heard.
We sang with exhilaration and glee…
And it didn’t seem to matter if we sang like a bird
or if we were singing a little off key.

Because when our voices all blended together,
people who could sing…and people like me,
we sounded like birds of a feather
and in that theater..we found harmony…

So next time I’m about to sing me a song
I hope I can find me a way
not to worry if my singing is right or is wrong
and remember the lesson I learned here today:

As I watched 1000 people in a theater singing
on every face I saw a smile or a grin.
Proving the amount of joy you get out of singing

depends solely on how much you put in.

Saturday, August 25, 2018


Every moment nature’s artistry is put out on display…
It’s one of the reasons we love the morning walk we take each day

But there’s an even better reason we amble through our streets
It’s all the places that we walk by…and all the people whom we meet…

For instance, on our walk this morning…we passed by all of these:
An Iris pub, a Scottish coffee house and a restaurant- Japanese.

An Italian cafe, a donut shop, a Hawaiian restaurant we adore
and a church with a sign that welcomes everybody…everybody through its doors.

We walked today with a good friend who’s stories always entertain
A beautiful soul who is quite proud of the Peruvian blood within her veins.

We waved to Harry-an old man we know who was in Germany grown.
His wife is no longer with him so now he walks alone.

For years we would pass him quietly…but conversed with him one day.
Now we often stop and talk with him…as he shuffles on his way.

After walking out onto the pier- about halfway through our walk
We met a vegan from Jamaica his hair flowing with dreadlocks.

And we spoke of dolphins and egrets and fishermen…and the beauty of the sea
of diets and Jamaica…and about our families.

The beauty of our walk is no matter which way we turn
From the different places and people we see…there’s so much we can learn.

There is strength in all our differences for what a sad country this would be
without our various accents, and foods, and stories…without our diversity.

Our morning walk proved once again as another day unfurled
how every person is a new door to a multifarious world.

And instead of building a wall to keep people out…like they once did in Berlin…

Perhaps we should be opening that door to welcome that world in.

Friday, August 24, 2018


Time went by so quickly…
So many summer suns and winter snows.
They were remembering all their family times together…
but it was time for him to go.

This is the way it’s meant to be…
one of life’s classic paradigms…
The chid grows up and moves away…
it's never easy when it’s time…

Because they know the world can be filled with darkness
his parents were nervous…as was he…
But they also knew that he was ready
it was time to set him free…

“You needn’t be afraid”, they said,
as tears fell from their eyes
and they whispered as they hugged him..
“It is your time to fly…”

“For no matter where you go”, they said,
“No matter where you roam.”
“Follow the light that’s in your heart
and it will always lead you home…”

“You see our heart glows with that same light.”
“You will find it in the stars…”
“If you follow it when you need to
your light will lead you back to ours.”

And he walked with a little more confidence
the moment he was gone…
knowing even when his life is darkest…

their light is always on.

Thursday, August 23, 2018


The entire Earth is mostly water…
Have you ever wondered why?
Every human…also mostly water…
What is nature trying to imply?

Could it be there’s magic in the water…in its look, its taste, its sound….
and all we have to do to see it…is take a look around.

Water is enchanted it can be loud or barely make a peep
It is both soft and flexible but can create a canyon…deep.

Water has a beauty that is easily explained
Like how it rises misty on a lake…or falls softly as a quiet mountain rain.

Like how it can be so serene…as it reflects the sky of blue…
or when it clings to trees and shrubs as a drop of morning dew.

Like how it changes with the weather…as the winds of winter blow
How it transforms from a liquid to a solid…into ice…and snow.

We swim in water, we bathe in water…and I‘d be remiss not to include
how we can’t live without it…for it nourishes our food.

The sight of water can bring us joy…can make us dream…or sigh
and when we’re feeling sad or blue…it shows us how to cry.

Each drop of water is an individual…as to Earth they do descend
but when they mix with other drops…how easily they blend…

They harmonize so beautifully…you can’t tell them apart
They form one magnificent body of water…with but one soul…one heart…

Could it be that nature is trying to show us…with each drop of rain or morning dew
That, if there’s magic in the water,…there’s magic in us too?

And once we find our magic…once we let it’s beauty radiate through
Then, just like the water that makes us up,

there is nothing we can’t do.

Wednesday, August 22, 2018


Soon after World War 2 was weathered
The United Nations got together…
and after hearing of the peoples plight
created a declaration…of human rights.

Appalled at all the lives we lost
and sickened by the Holocaust
The UN set about decreeing
A set of rights for human beings.

Every person has these rights they declared
In any location…anywhere.
Every human…from their inception
Every human…without exception.

Every human is endowed they said
with reason, a conscience and should use their head
and every person everywhere should
act in the spirit of brotherhood.

Since the UN declaration 70 years ago
We have made progress…but much too slow.
We have not learned from our mistakes
and now our existence is at stake!

We must treat each person with dignity
each as a member of our family.
For when we become kind humans we will find
one world…one family…one humankind.

Or 70 years from now
If we don’t ensure everyone’s human rights…somehow…
If we continue to live in a world where human rights are bereft…

there won’t be any humans left.

Tuesday, August 21, 2018


I had a person on the Internet ask me… since I write a poem each day
if I ever worry there will come a time I run out of things to say..

This got me to thinking…of ideas…how can I ever run out
when I’m lucky to have so much in my life…so much to write about.

I have the love of a wonderful family…who, each day…as the sun rises,
carry me to new adventures filled with laughter and surprises.

I have an awesome group of friends…who in my poems appear
as they share their lives, their joys, their sorrows…their laughter and their tears.

And there are so many people around the world…so many I’ll never know
whom I can learn from every day…who unknowingly help me grow..

I’m blessed to be surrounded by nature…the oceans, the mountains…the trees
the animals and the insects, rainbows, a summer breeze…

the sunrise and the sunset, the moon the stars the rain…
that I know, when one day is concluded, will all return again…

Family, friends, people, nature all these somehow find a way
to make me smile, to soothe my heart…to improve my life each day.

So the answer to the question…of ideas…will I ever run out?
I can’t imagine that will happen…with so much to write about.

And now that I have completed my perfunctory introspection
my mind turns to the person who initially asked the question…

I wonder…

Did she ask if I might run out of ideas…because she thought I could…

or was she secretly hoping and silently wishing…that pretty soon I would?