Thursday, December 31, 2020


 I truly love my birthday…it’s a day that I hold dear…and I love the fact that my birthday falls on the last day of the year.

It’s a time to think about my friends, my children, my grandchildren and my wife…a time to reflect on the latest year in my Fairy Tale life.

I have always loved a good Fairy Tale…and though I know they’re only pretending…I love the stories…I love the adventures…and I love those happy endings.

I have often wondered why I love happy endings…its never been quite clear…if it was the Fairy Tales from my youth…or being born on the last day of the year.

But whatever the reason…now that, today, my birthday is descending, I feel blessed to have lived another Fairy Tale year…with another happy ending.

And though this year has seen its share troubles which tried so desperately on my happiness to infringe…seen it’s share of wickedness and evil that would make even Mother Goose cringe…

It has also seen its share of joy…of acceptance…of compassion…of love and kindness extending…which, if my Fairy Tales are correct, is the definition of a happy ending.

But this is just one happy ending to one chapter in the Fairy Tale I’ve created…The words of next years chapter have yet to be dictated.

When they are I hope I’ll see joy, acceptance and laughter blending…so the end of my 2021 will also have a happy ending…

Because I believe, in life, if you find ways to savor all the joy and cherish all the laughter…..if you string enough happy endings together…

you’ll get your happily ever after.

Wednesday, December 30, 2020


“It’s never easy to explain a death.” he said to his son sitting sad upon his knee.  “So I’ll explain it to you as best I can…the way your Grandpa explained it to me.”

It is true Grandpa has died and our life will change…it can never go back to the way it was before…but it only means that physically we won’t see Grandpa anymore.”

“You might not understand this today but, in time, you'll know it to be true…Even though he’s no longer here with us…he’s still inside of you.”

You see any time we meet another person…any time our lives are intertwined…we take a little piece from that person with us while leaving a piece of ourself behind.

You don’t even noticing it happening…you don’t feel it when you're apart but all those little pieces you took from Grandpa have found their way into your heart.

Every time you saw Grandpa being kind…every time you saw him give…you were learning about love and compassion…you were learning how to live.

Grandpa loved to take you to his garden…where you planted flowers or vegetables in a row…which means Grandpa will now be a part of every plant you ever grow.

And what do you say, though I disagree, on the weekend when I make your pancakes…you laugh and say mine don’t taste as good as the pancakes Grandpa makes.

Grandpas in the garden, he’s in the pancakes and as crazy as it seems…he will find a way into your thoughts…a way to sneak into your dreams.

To say that Grandpa’s gone forever…well that would be unfair

because if you stop and look around…you’ll find him everywhere.

His son jumped down from his Dad’s knee…with a huge smile on his face then headed out of the room at a somewhat hurried pace.

“Where are you going?” his father asked…noticing his son’s sadness now behind him…

“If Grandpa is all over the place he said…I think I’ll go and find him”.

It’s never easy to explain a death…because death is always bleak…but it’s nice to know we can ease the pain…

with a game of hide and seek.

Tuesday, December 29, 2020


 On their wedding night they both made a secret wish…he told her that’s what newly married couples do…”and your wish is never to be revealed,” he said, “until that wish comes true”.

They each thought about their wish a moment…then, with a smile on each face they wrote their secret wish down…and found a secret hiding place.

Then they went about living their life together…they had children and grandchildren too…neither giving much thought to their wedding wish…as many other wishes in their life came true.

On the anniversary of their 50th year together he said, “It’s time to reveal my wedding wish to you.”  She smiled and said, “I think it’s time I reveal my wish too.”

They handed each other their wish…which they opened gingerly.  

“These notes are a little weathered.” He said. “She smiled…”as are we.”

After 50 years together….they were in for a wonderful surprise and as they read each other’s note…tears fell from their eyes.

'I make this wish on our wedding night,’ her note read, ‘a wish I’m hoping will come true: That I get to spend the rest of my life growing old with you.’

‘As I write this on our wedding night.’ His note read, ‘the only wish I’m hoping will come true is that we spend our life together…and I grow old with you.”

Their children and grandchildren love to tell the story of their wedding wish and how neither of them knew…

they had made the same wish on their wedding night…

and how that wish came true.

Monday, December 28, 2020



Five words he will always remember…five words he still adores…five words his mother used to say: Because I love you more.

So many times she did without so he could have what he was asking for…her simple explanation: Because I love you more.

He remembers a time when the piece of cake he was eating fell onto the floor…she smiled and slid the last piece to him saying, “Because I love you more.”

There were times she bought him new clothes…while old and tattered ones she wore…"Why didn’t you buy that new dress?" he asked…because I loved you more.

He knew they didn’t have much…but never did he feel poor…His mom wouldn’t let that happen…because I love you more.

When his mother became sick and he came home to take care of her…She asked, “What did you do that for.” 

“Whatever I was doing can wait, he said,: Because I love you more”.

And when the day came to say goodbye…He held her hand tighter than he had ever held her hand before….

I am the man I am today he whispered…because you loved me more.

Five words he uses with his children…five words he hopes they will adore…five words his mother taught him: Because I love you more.

Sunday, December 27, 2020


 There are many people to thank in this pandemic…many workers of whom we feel reverential…but today let’s concentrate on our doctors and nurses…and why they’re so essential.

They put their lives on the line every day…their sole purpose…to keep us alive…hoping they won’t contract this virus…praying they will survive.

What would we do without our doctors and nurses?

They’ve been our Covid superstars.

How often have they have gone without seeing their families…so we could get back to seeing ours?

They say that doctors are the brains of a hospital …and nurses are its heart…but if you’ve ever spent any time in one…you know nurses are just as smart!

Thank you for the way you work together…how you turn healthcare into an art…for we know a hospital cannot function without its brain…and can’t survive without it’s heart.

So once again...thank you all you doctors and nurses…thank you…and you…and you...and until we can get back to hugging…our thanks will have to do.

WAIT!…Perhaps there is a way to thank you by listening less to our politicians and more to you when you ask…that we wash our hands, socially distance…and…for the life of everyone…wear a mask.

Saturday, December 26, 2020


There are a myriad of reasons he loved his mother…

From the pancakes she made on Saturday mornings to their walks along the sands

but what fascinated him the most was how she could smile with her eyes 

and the way she whispered with her hands.

His mother was deaf…she could not hear…

which meant words were hard for her to say…

so in order to communicate…they had to find another way.

So he learned to listen to her eyes…

he learned her eyes could say so much….

and in the confinement of her silence

he discovered the wonder of her touch.

Her eyes spoke of her joy, her fear

her surprise…her sadness too.

and on those days when he needed it most

her eyes said, I love you.

Her hands were a comfort to her, 

and offered him comfort too

and when she took her hands in his

he felt them whisper…I love you.

And though his mother never heard his words

and her words were forever hard to understand…

all his life he saw the love spoken by her eyes

and heard it whispered through her hands.

Friday, December 25, 2020


 One of my favorite parts of Christmas is not the joy and merriment we make…it’s not the presents…or the food…it’s the family photo that we take.

Our yearly Christmas photo, a gift that can’t be bought…shows the changes within our family another year has brought.

Change is subtle…occurring gradually throughout our days and nights…our Christmas photo, capturing a moment in time, brings our changes into the light.

Some changes are easy to see…they don’t involve a lot of thinking…like how our children and now grandchildren have grown taller…while Deborah and I are shrinking.

It is easy to see the changes we’ve all made physically…but each year our Christmas photo makes me think of the changes I cannot see.

What were our highs and lows this year…who had joys…who had heartaches along the way…who finished school, who changed jobs, who came home…who moved away.

But my favorite part as I view those who in this years photo are cast…is the moment I take this years photo and compare it with Christmas photos of the past…

Looking back…I can see all the changes in our lives that have taken place…but I still see the same smiles…the same love on every face.

I think that’s why I love our Christmas family photos so much…why they give ma such a thrill…because I can see the things about us that have changed…and the one thing that never will.

Thursday, December 24, 2020


 When I was young there were many joys of Christmas and one of the biggest joys for me was opening up my presents I found underneath our Christmas tree.

I’d hold the present in my hand with a smile a mile wide, then rip the wrapping paper off to see what was inside.

When I grew a little older my focus shifted off of me and I found my joy in the presents for my family underneath our Christmas tree.

I’d see them hold their presents in their hands with smiles a mile wide then watch them rip the wrapping paper off to see what was inside.

When I grew a little older still…my focus underwent another shift for when it came to Christmas every year I wished for but one gift.

It wasn’t the presents I’d give my family or the presents they’d give to me…it was the presence of my family around our Christmas tree.

Children grow, they move away…that is what families do and it gets harder and harder every year for my one wish to come true.

But when it does you can see me all night with a smile a mile wide…having opened up my present to find my family inside.

Wednesday, December 23, 2020


 Dear Santa, 

(this little girl loved talking to Santa as she wrote but this year her voice quivered.). “Every year I’ve asked you for toys…and every year you have delivered.”

But this year is a little different (just this year…let me make that clear!) for I am old enough now to have been aware of what’s been happening this year.

Although school has been a combination of real and virtuality

I have learned a bunch of new words…like this one…humanity.

Which is why my first wish this year would be to please start intervening and help every person in the world to understand its meaning.

This year I wish you, Mrs. Claus and all your North Pole elves…could make people think a little more about each other…and a little less about themselves.

I wish you could make it easy to love one another…easy to forgive…and I wish you could help us take better care of this planet on which we live.

I wish everyone felt safe, secure…that no one had to live in fear…I wish no one ever felt oppressed (another word I learned this year).

I wish everybody could grow up kind and wise and strong…I wish there was no hatred…no wars…I wish everybody got along.

This year I also learned the word poverty…I’d like you to fix that if you could…(Hey Santa, with all these new words I learned this year…don’t you think my teacher’s pretty good!).

So teachers, doctors, nurses…all those essential workers…with great speed…this year, wait! make that every year…give them anything they need.

In conclusion Santa…this year if you could fill the world with Peace and Love and Joy…then next year you can get back to delivering all those toys.

To show the faith I have in you Santa…now that this year’s list is done…I’ve already begun my list of toys…for Christmas 2021.


Your friend


Tuesday, December 22, 2020


 There is a little bit of magic in my morning walk…in all the miles I’ve amassed.

It’s where my present meets my future as I step out of my past.

Looking back I cannot change the path I took…that is plain to see 

but where I step into the future…that is totally up to me.

For that is the glory of a new day…that’s what my morning walk is all about…I can choose to do things differently…I can take a different route.

I could choose to walk the same path, write my poems and rhyme my words…or I could choose to leave my poetry behind and just listen to the birds.

To immerse myself into the music of the morning…letting it seep into every pore.

How often when I’ve done this have I discovered sounds I’d never heard before?

Or I could take a different path completely…one I’d never walked before…a different street, a different road…perhaps a walk along the shore.

Where I might stop to breathe the morning air wafting on an ocean breeze or listen to the wind as it rustles through the trees.

Oh, I still love the sameness in my life, the daily routines I happily journey through for in that sameness I can always find a bit of magic too.

But it’s nice to know that sameness doesn’t have to be steadfast….allowing me a little bit of future magic each morning as I step out of my past.

Monday, December 21, 2020


 When I think about my eyes…I am filled with adulation for like many of my body parts…they’re a marvel of creation.

Allowing me with just a turn of my head to see the world around me.

Opening my heart and mind to the beauty that surrounds me.

But when I look at you, however, I find there is a limit to what my eyes can see.

The same limitations, I imagine, your eyes have…when you look at me.

At the moment you and I meet…the instant we begin…I can see if you’re old or young, tall or short…I can see the color of our skin.

These things my eyes can see from up close or even from afar…but what my eyes are unable to see…is what makes you who you are.

What I see is the exterior, a semblance…a facade…I cannot see what religion you are…I can’t see if you even believe in God. 

I can’t see what your parents were like, where you grew up, if you have enough food to eat.

I can’t see if you’re married, raising children by yourself, scraping by to make ends meet.

I cannot see the sexual preferences you were born with, if your brain work fast…or slow…I cannot see the experiences you’ve had in life or the gender you might be struggling to know.

My eyes can only see so much…because the last time that I checked…who you are is where all the things I can’t see intersect.

I wish there was a way to see how all these different part of you align…to view with a bit of clarity the way they intertwine.

If I did perhaps I’d be more accepting…perhaps I wouldn’t begrudge…perhaps if my eyes could see a little more…a little clearer…I’d be less likely to misjudge.

Perhaps this simple wish will, one day, come to be…until then I’ll try to remember there is so much more to you than what my eyes first see.

Sunday, December 20, 2020


 From the time you were a baby many nights after reading you a book and planting a kiss upon your head…after making sure there were no monsters lurking neath your bed.

After praying to the heavens how safe your soul should be kept…your mom and I loved standing by your bed and watching…as you slept.

Do not be alarmed it’s not as crazy as is seems…for parents often cherish every moment they are blessed to watch their children dream.

You see…while you are dreaming of soaring through the sky or sailing the ocean blue…or whatever you might be dreaming of…we are dreaming too.

Our dream is that your life will be like a fairy tale…with a happy ending just for you.

Our dream is that the dreams you dream will…all…one day…come true.

We whisper to you if one dream fails…we will be there with a smile and ice cream…to soothe your heart while encouraging you…to pick another dream.

And another…and another if you must…because in this world dreams are teeming…and while we watch you sleep we hope you never will stop dreaming.

We stopped watching you sleep long ago as the older and older you grew…but we never have…and never will…stop wishing for your dreams to come true…

You see wishing the best for their children…wishing all their dreams come true…wishing for their happiness…is just what parents do.

And no matter how old you get in life…if you ever need a bridge 

from your dreams to our dreams remember…

there’s always ice cream in our fridge.

Saturday, December 19, 2020


 When it came time to picking names for Christmas presents…their Dad was the name no one would vie for…because they all knew, when it came to presents, their dad was hard to buy for.

It didn’t matter who put their hand into the hat and drew out their dad’s name…when they asked him what he wanted…his answer was always the same.

“I’m surrounded by the beauty of nature and as long as we don’t destroy it…I’ve already been gifted with a number of ways in which I can enjoy it.

I can see sunrises and sunsets, hear the birds and smell the flowers too. I can taste the mushrooms from my garden and touch the morning dew.

I have a few aches and pains from growing older but I am lucky to be healthy…and though I don’t have a lot of money in the bank…in so many other ways…I’m wealthy.

I have a roof over my head, clothes on my back, food to eat and books to read.  I have the love of my wife, my family and friends…what more do I need?

Then he would smile, stare at whoever asked the question that year and say…”I think the best gift would be…if everyone in the world was as hard to buy for as me.”

Yes, his children had a hard time buying a present for their dad when it came to Christmas Day...but looking back on all their Christmases together...they wouldn't have had it any other way.

Friday, December 18, 2020



My Grandma was a little different., Dad used to say it was in her chromosomes, 

For example at Christmas we didn’t make gingerbread houses, she called them Gingerbread homes.

“We’ll make a nice home for when a gingerbread man and a gingerbread woman wed.

“After all”, she’d say, “even gingerbread families need a nice roof over their heads.”

Grandma would say, ‘It’s my hope that long after I’m gone…long after I am dead 

You’ll remember the lessons you learned as we made homes out of gingerbread”.

And today as my wife and I make gingerbread homes with our grandchildren…as we watch them sprinkle on the snow I remember the lessons Grandma taught us…in her kitchen all those years ago.

She said, “have fun when you’re in the kitchen…don’t worry about making a mess.”

When we asked her to do something she’d say, “it’s easy to say no to your children…sometimes try saying yes.”

On days when our homes fell down and we didn’t think ourselves very good cooks Grandma would say, “a house made with love is never as bad as it looks!”.

It didn’t matter how our homes turned out Grandma was always thrilled…and if she saw we were dejected or crying…she’d help us to rebuild.

“This is another beauty of life and gingerbread homes,” she’d say, “for no matter how many times it takes…every time we rebuild or make a new home…we‘re learning from our mistakes”.

“Every time we make a gingerbread home .” She’d say, “as we make more and more and more…each new home turns out a little better than the home we made before”.

This year our grandchildren outdid themselves…the kitchen was a total mess

and when they asked if they can add more snow to their homes…remembering Grandma we enthusiastically told them YES!.

For its our hope they will remember this moment…these lessons long after their Grandma and I are dead…lesson they will pass on to their grandchildren as they make their homes out of gingerbread.

Thursday, December 17, 2020

A Florida Christmas Eve

We had just finished reading Twas the Night Before Christmas

“Good Night children.” Their mom and I said.

“Wait a minute Dad…something’s not right. We live in Florida.” Our eldest son said.

“It’s too warm down here for the reindeer.” (Our second son said sounding defeated). “How does Santa deliver the presents if all his reindeer become overheated?”

“There’s no snow, it’s not cold and we have no chimney.” (This statement was made by our daughter) “How does Santa deliver presents to those of us who live on the water.”

I looked at my wife and smiled…my hands thoughtfully covering my mouth.  “You mean we’ve never told you”, I said sitting down, “how Santa delivers presents to the south?"

“Santa’s reindeer love to fly…high across the winter sky they soar…but even they get tired so when Santa’s sleigh reaches our shore he gives his reindeer a break on the beach with some suntan lotion and a bale of hay…and hooks up nine Florida dolphins who take over guiding his sleigh.”

“Thank you for helping all my dolphin friends!” each year Santa happily exclaims.

Then one by one they smile and nod as Santa Claus calls them by name.

On Aqua, on Ocean, on Brooke, on Marina…Noelani are you ready for me?

On Splash, on Delta, on Raindrop…it's time to guide me out over the sea.”

“Over and under the sea we will swim…look smart, please stay in two rows…and when it gets too dark to see out there…on Coral…please light up your nose.

“You see Santa is very resourceful.” Dad said…”I hope you now understand…how he can deliver his presents on the water as easily as on the land.”

“Many children all over the world see Santa and his reindeer and instantly believe...but only the children in Florida see Santa and his dolphins on Christmas Eve.”

If you look out your window tonight you might see…on the water…in the moon light arise...a sleigh pulled by nine dolphins, Santa in short sleeves with sunglasses covering eyes.

And if you're lucky you even might hear him exclaim as he and his dolphin drive out of sight.

Happy Christmas to all the children in Florida…

and to all the children in Florida…

a good night.

Wednesday, December 16, 2020


 We visited a Vincent Van Gogh exhibit—he happens to be a favorite of ours—and as we stood mesmerized in the shade of his sunflowers and the shadow of stars I was struck by the pain, the suffering and the sorrow in this brilliant artist’s mind…and the joy he has given to others by the art he left behind.

And it made me think, as I observed in his art the different methods he’d employ, at the relationship there is between one’s suffering and one’s joy.

And it reminded me of something I’ve wondered since I first saw his paintings as a boy…If he hadn’t felt all that sorrow…could he have painted all that joy?

For aren’t we all a mixture of our sunshine and our rain…of every joy we’ve ever felt combined with every pain?

And even though in his lifetime not many people did he reach…

over the years that is exactly what Vincent’s paintings teach…

That our joys…our sorrows…what we feel and how we act is how we are defined…and if we’re lucky when we’re gone…we leave a little joy behind.

Vincent always makes me think like this (did I mention he’s a favorite of ours) as I stand in the and the shade of all his sunflowers and the shadow of his stars

Tuesday, December 15, 2020



Today…some thoughts on grief because I am of the belief

just as life can give us joy…we can’t escape its grief.

When we lose someone we love…life will never be the same it was before.   

It’s as if, in that one moment, our world is not in balance anymore.

Grief can come out of nowhere…at first it makes us seethe..

It causes endless tears…it makes it hard to breathe.

When we’re overcome with grief…it can bring us to our knees as we feel the weight of scars…scars that no-one else can see.

It’s as if a window to our hearts has broken allowing in the arctic, frigid air and the person we want most to talk to…is no longer standing there.

Grief can come in waves…it matters not if we’re a mother, father, son or daughter…and sometimes the best that we can do is keep our heads above the water.

Then one day in the midst of our sadness we begin perceiving how the world around us does not stop…just because it’s us who’s grieving.

And we begin to think during those moment when we’re feeling blue…about the person whom we’re missing and what they’d want us to do.

And it’s our thoughts of them that help relieve our sorrow and our doubt and from the forest we are lost in…help to guide us out.

It's their voices that tell us grief is not a sign of weakness as each day another path we cross…It is the price we pay for loving…it is the price we pay for loss.

It’s their voices that remind us if it is balance we’re trying to achieve… then the only way to deal with our grief…is to allow ourselves to grieve…

It is their voices that are telling us…reminding us with ever breath

to live in the sunshine they created…not the shadow of their death.

Monday, December 14, 2020


 Working in a bookstore my eyes gaze out on a million words that captivate and endear…but nothing quite compares with one word I often hear.

Yes I hear the word Mom many times from the counter on which I’m leaning…and every time I hear it…it seem to have a different meaning… 

I hear the word Mom over and over each and every day and I find myself marveling how it can be said in so many different ways.

“Mommy, they have a Christmas tree! There’s an elf on the shelf, Mommy…look!”

“Mommy can you buy me this pack of crayons…Mommy I just have to have this book!”

“No you can’t buy that book it has too many words you will not understand.  Come on… we’re going to the Children’s section…hold on to mommy’s hand.”

A phone rings: “Hi Mom.  Yes I’m in the bookstore.  I’ll come see you when I’m through. Yes Mom, okay Mom, Yes Mom, Yes Mom, yes Mom…Yes Mom…I love you too.”

“Mom you look a little tired”. Her daughter pats her on the back and smiles. 

“I’m going to find us both a book. Why don’t you sit here for a while.”

“MOM HE ASKED YOU IF YOU WANT A RECEIPT!  The daughter yells but it’s a yell I find endearing as she looks at me she smiles and says. “My mom’s a little hard of hearing.”

A mom comes in with her little daughter in tow…her daughter’s crying, “She’s lost her favorite Teddy Bear. 

“She’s not sure when she lost it.” Her Mom said, “we’ve been looking everywhere.”

“She remembers looking at a book in your bookstore, she thinks her Teddy might be behind it”

“Thank you Mommy.” The little girl says as we search the store…and find it!”

A woman picks a book off the shelf and as she does she wipes away a tear

“Mom would have loved this book she whispers to herself…I sure wish she was here.”

What a wonderful little word is MOM…

for no matter how we convey it...

It’s meaning changes completely


by the way we happen to say it.

Sunday, December 13, 2020


 Have you ever read a book to your child, back when they were young and more carefree?

They pick out a book, brings it to you, then climb up on your knee.

With your arms outstretched holding the book you and your child feel safe and warm…and you realize at that moment a perfect circle has been formed.

Your arms forming a circle with your child in the center.

A circle so intimate that for a short time…no one else can enter.

I hope we’ve all been blessed to be the center of a circle just like this…which usually ends with a sigh or a smile...perhaps a little kiss.

Soon that child gets too big for our knee as they grow into a woman or a man…and so we find ourselves searching for perfect circles where and when we can.

There are moments around the dinner table when you smile because you’re aware…as you scan from face to face to face…that the perfect circle is right there.

There are moments around a campfire where laughter is the norm…while kneeling down toasting a marshmallow you feel the warmth of that circle form.

You find these circles in instants…the fun is never knowing where they might be…when they’ll be captured by your heart and imprinted in your memory.

We hope our children and grandchildren remember when they sat upon our knee

We hope the circles we form extend out…like ripples on the sea

For, that is the beauty of the circles we create amidst our family and friends…once formed, that circle is unbreakable...

because a circle never ends.

Saturday, December 12, 2020


“Think of your dreams like feathers.” the old man said…

The young boy asked him…why.

“Because the more feathers we have”, the old man smiled,

“The better chance we have to fly.

Friday, December 11, 2020


 Dear Santa,

On the lines below you’ll find my Christmas wish is listed:

Simply: could you take us back to a time when we didn’t quarrel…when we all co-existed?

A time when all the Earth was one…when we followed nature’s order…back before we thought we owned the land and quarreled over our borders.

Back when we thought of every person in the world as family…everybody as our kin…before we quarreled about the way we look and the color of our skin.

Back to a time when we didn’t quarrel about how our world interconnects.

When we treated the Earth and all her animals with kindness and respect.

Back when we didn’t quarrel about our food…across the world it was evenly dispersed…back when no one died of hunger, poverty or thirst.

Back when we all cared about each other and when the day was done…we didn’t solve our quarrels with violence and guns.

Back to a time when the Earth, the sky and nature were all we needed to be awed…before churches and religions made us quarrel about our Gods.

What’s that Santa, you say in all your years this has never been the Earth you knew…

In that case Santa, 

this Christmas

could you make my wishes come true.

Wednesday, December 9, 2020


 Kintsukuroi (KInt-soo-gi) is a Japanese art form…it is ancient…very old…it consists of repairing broken pottery with little bits of gold.

The idea is a simple one…innocent at it’s core

Where something that’s been broken can come back more beautiful than before.

It is a wonderful lesson…how something broken can be more beautiful…and new

It’s a lesson, if I’m not mistaken, that applies to people too.