Wednesday, July 31, 2013

What's in a name?

In Romeo and Juliet Shakespeare asks “What’s in a name?”.
A rose by any other name would smell as sweet he doth explain.

Like most people I’ve had many names with which I’ve been adorned.
James is the name my parents called me on the day that I was born.

But as I grew James seemed to formal and one day on a whim
I changed it and told everyone, “from now on, call me Jim.”

Then I was married and lo and behold a father I became
In an instant Jim was displaced and Daddy was my name.

Then my children grew up and though it sometimes makes me sad
My name grew up along with them and Daddy turned to Dad.

Next my daughter too got married and a mother she became
Although Jim and Dad were still with me, now Pop Pop was my name.

And if I’m lucky someday…at some future time and date
My children’s children will have children and perhaps they’ll call me great.

Sure as a name James is biblical and has a certain charm and grace
But Jim and Dad and Pop Pop will always bring a smile to my face.
This makes me wonder is it our name that really matter from the moment of our birth
Or how we live the lives we’re given on our time upon this Earth.

For when I die, it’s not the name but the person I hope you embrace
So the mere mention of my name will bring a smile to your face.

Perhaps that should be our legacy…that should be our final aim

So as as you head out in the world today ask yourself- what’s in my name.

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Monday- The Sequel

MONDAY- The Sequel
Yesterday I wrote a poem about the first day of the week
I said it got a bad rap and I thought the day unique.

Then I heard from a friend on Facebook who does not think like me
Who works a variable schedule and sees Monday differently.

She works in the restaurant industry and it blew me away
To hear that Monday, yes it’s true, is her most cherished day.

While my most cherished weekend-- time I can’t wait to spend
 She is working tirelessly and can’t wait for it to end.

This led me to think about the others who keep this world afloat
While I rest on my sofa changing channels with my remote.

To the soldiers doctors, police and firemen just to name a few
Who have uncertain schedules not like me or you.

Who are out there working weekends to their family’s dismay
So I have the time with my kin, to run and jump and play.

So thank you all the people who make weekends available to me

And thank you Chrissy for showing—not everyone thinks like me. 

Monday, July 29, 2013


As most of us start the work week let me set this on your lap
As a day of the week I think Monday has gotten a bad rap.

Sure it follows the weekend and is the first day of our work week
But if you only saw her differently you’d see she was unique.

Yes Tuesday is our voting day and in New Orleans can be fat
And Wednesday puts us over the hump…I’m sure everyone’s aware of that.

Thursday had must see TV and we know what days are left
First there’s Friday, the day we wait for- that’s T.G. I. and F.

Saturday and Sunday make the weekend the days we all await.
Two days to relax, to rest and play- two days to celebrate.

Which brings up back to Monday it’s not her fault she’s accursed
Did you know in many parts of the world as a week day- she’s the first?

And here’s a tidbit about Monday that perhaps will make you swoon
Did you know this day we struggle through was named after the moon?

So stop bad-mouthing Monday, she deserves a better fate

Hey look at the time, now off to work-, you don’t want to be late. 

Sunday, July 28, 2013


Today it is the great Mark Twain whom I am choosing to remember
No it’s not his birthday- he was born the 30th of November.

And no, it’s not the day he died- that was April 21st.
It’s just I like the insights that Mr. Twain dispersed.

He thought that it was better (here’s something we never learned in school)
For people to remain silent and be thought of as a fool.

Because he felt when they opened their mouth that would remove all doubt.
Ah… it does appear that Mr. Twain knew what he was talking about.

With the arrival of social media and 24 hour news
There are more people than ever before opening mouths and sharing views.

Perhaps now is the time we stop and heed Mark Twain’s advice
Or if it’s impossible to stop talking, could we at least be more concise!

I could do without all those news commentators who talk incessantly
I could do without political speak, and Reality TV.

I could go on opening my mouth, being more specific…more precise

But I’m told it’s time that even I, take Mr. Twain’s advice.  J

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Some people say the family is dead; as an institution you can close the book.
I say the family has never been better…you just have to know how to look.

A Mom and Dad and their children we were brought up to agree
Is the make-up of your normal, typical, yes, traditional family.

But even in this scenario why can’t sociologists explain
Why, no matter how traditional, no two families are the same?

So if it’s not tradition… then what makes a family thrive?
What makes one family fail while another one survives?

As I’ve observe the world unfold it has become plain to me
To be successful, a family needs love and consistency.

Consistent, unconditional love is as easy as it sounds
It’s what make a family flourish, and makes the world go round.

If this type of love and caring a family does comprise
Then it stands to reason a family can be any shape or size.

Parents can be single, double, same sex, or like me and you
They can be nuclear or extended and come in different hues.
It may not be traditional and it’s certainly been rearranged
But could it be now is the time for the family to change?

Some people say the family is dead and no longer what God designed
The family isn’t dead my friends it’s just been redefined.

Perhaps one day no one will care what parents we’re assigned
Perhaps they’ll be one family of Earth…Perhaps that is God’s design?

Friday, July 26, 2013


Our government is at a standstill as both sides undermine each other
It doesn’t appear our politicians are acting much like brothers.

With both parties fighting all the time it seems nothing gets completed
Unless you count their indiscretions and all the body parts they’ve tweeted.

Or affairs that take them from the governor’s mansion to a cozy little cantina
Not hiking along the Appalachian trail but to the streets of Argentina.

Now I know politicians are men and women like you and me
But how happy are you with these stewards of our democracy?

It may be that I’m an idealist and perhaps these two sides will never get along
After all even Benjamin Franklin couldn’t keep his wiener where it belonged?

But I’m tired of the gridlock and the partisan political rants
And I wish today’s politicians could keep their wieners in their pants.

But if they can’t keep those wieners tucked safely in their pants
Do you really believe these men we trust deserve a second chance?

Once they’ve trampled on that trust and made us gasp and sob
Perhaps it’s time to tell them go find another job.

Yes there is a chance our government will never again move ahead
With both sides at an impasse perhaps this democracy is dead.

But I hope the next generation will learn from this one’s mistakes
And will, through their sweat and tears, this democracy remake.

So a bit of advice to future politicians and all those who want to be them.
Please work together… and whatever you do… keep those wieners where no one of us can see them.

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

July 22, 2013: this date has a happy ring
It’s the day the Duchess of Cambridge gave birth to her future king.

The world rejoices for England, for William and his wife
And we too send our wishes for a long and happy life.

The happiness the world is feeling…no one can or should take away
But there were 370,000 other babies born on that same day.

370,000 other families celebrating their sons or daughters birth
370,000 other princesses or princes on this Earth.

It is wonderful to see the world rejoice and celebrate
Together with England, and, of course with William and with Kate.

But how great a place would be this planet, this home base we call Earth
If every child was celebrated with so much revelry and mirth?

Certainly rejoice England! Enjoy your countrywide soiree
But let us also celebrate the 369,999 other babies born that day

Yes every day we should be celebrating, we should party we should sing

As we celebrate with all those families-their future queens and kings.