Saturday, August 31, 2013


I have three grown children all over 30 years of age
And the pride I feel knowing them could fill many a page.

Fatherhood has been one of the most precious feelings I have known
Seeing them as babies and watching how they’ve grown...

Bryan’s about to take a has given him a chance
To visit Iceland; London, England; and even Paris, France.

As I was perusing his itinerary on my computer just today
I saw a story about Londyn...but not spelled the same way.

Londyn was a 1 year old little girl who was just learning how to walk
She loved to smile, what 1 year old doesn’t, and a few words she could talk.

She loved to crawl into her parents laps in the quiet of their house
Did I mention she had a beautiful smile...oh, and she loved Minnie Mouse.

Londyn lived in New Orleans, her mom works in a non-profit cafe
Dedicated to eliminating the violence that cause so many so much dismay.

While Mom was busy working trying to make violence obsolete
Londyn, her little baby, was gunned down in the street.

Her 18 year old babysitter, hired to keep Londyn free from harm
Was shot in the back, the bullet killing Londyn, as she held her in her arms.

I know this country is divided and the gun lobby is strong
But is there any human being out there who doesn’t think that this is wrong?

I don’t have any answers but I wish Londyn would have had the chance
To visit Iceland; London, England; and even Paris, France.

It saddens me to think of all the places she’ll never go
It saddens me that Londyn Samuels will never have the chance to grow.

Londyn’s funeral is today I wish her a fond farewell
Her little life was cut too short too soon, I think it’s bloody hell.

As I wish Bryan bon voyage, and think of the things he’ll see and learn

I also wish what every parent wishes...for his safe return...

Thursday, August 29, 2013


So many times I hear reporters from California up to Maine
Saying how this person or that one did not die in vain...

They talk of soldiers fighting wars that no one can explain
And say we can take some solace because they did not die in vain...

A police man or woman out on duty can be mercilessly slain
And we hear how these people who keep us safe did not die in vain 

They report of firefighters battling fires in an outlying terrain
And say they were doing what they loved and did not die in vain...

Children are gunned down in an elementary school, yes it seems insane
When we’re told by some reporter that they did not die in vain...

In a movie theater, on Chicago streets...people treated with disdain
How can anyone perceive they did not die in vain...

Perhaps we look for answers in circumstances that seem arcane
Perhaps we want to think no person ever dies in vain.

But everyone leaves someone behind, friends and family remain
Who, I imagine know the ultimate truth...that people do die in vain.

For as long as people keep treating people in ways that are inhumane
No matter what the reporters say...someone will die in vain.

Tuesday, August 27, 2013


When I was a baby, I imagine, so young and unaware
I had the knack for napping anytime and anywhere.

But as a toddler bouncing on Mom’s or Daddy’s knee
I’ve been told I went down for my naps somewhat reluctantly.

Then one day as I grew up my need for naps decreased
Till the naps I took in childhood altogether ceased.

There was so much to do in the world that was unwrapping
I barely had time to stop and think, let alone the time for napping.

Then came a job, a wife, a family and promises to keep
There was no time to take a fact...there was no time to sleep.

Before I knew it life moved on and the years went passing by
Isn’t it amazing how our life changes in the twinkling of an eye?

If I have but one regret as I sit, bouncing Ava on my lap
I wish I’d found less time for work and more time for taking naps.

For now that I am older, wiser and a great deal more aware
I have returned to taking my naps...anytime and anywhere.

So please excuse me.  I must go.  I have promises to keep

My granddaughter’s going down for a nap...and I shall follow her to sleep.

Friday, August 23, 2013

Good Night

After a summer of vacation and a full two weeks of work
I decided on a short rhyme...yes the long rhyme I must shirk.

If you think your kids are tired from that homework or that quiz
Imagine how exhausted every school staff member is.

So you’ll understand why at 6:00 the rest of the world will keep

Like many teacher this Friday night...I’m heading off to sleep.

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Claudia's Tree

A summer storm blew down an oak in Claudia’s yard yesterday
It’s odd but the mere thought of that has caused me some dismay.

Joyce Kilmer understood the tree. He wrote about it in a verse.
And If I may, my own two cents I’d like now to disperse.

I loved to climb trees when I was young and the trees didn’t care at all.
In fact, somewhere in my heart I knew the trees wouldn’t let me fall.

High through the skeleton I’d climb until I swayed upon the breeze
I was a pirate in the crows nest in a ship upon the seas.

When I played hide and seek or war my stately tree didn’t mind
If I used him as a decoy or a place to hide behind.

Even in my love life trees played an important part
They allowed me to carve in my initials...and those of my sweetheart. 

When the climbing stopped and the games abated with the passing of the seasons
I continued to enjoy the trees albeit for different reasons

Trees weather almost any storm and still stand strong and tall
And is there anything more beautiful than a tree dressed up for Fall?

They go to sleep in winter when the wind through them does sing
But they comeback with a passion to bloom again in Spring?

They furnish us with lumber to construct our simple nests
And provide us with a shady spot to stop and take a rest. 

In many ways wouldn’t it’d be grand if everyone could be
More welcoming, and giving...just like our friend the tree.

Perhaps it is the fact they give without making any demands
That makes me sad for Claudia now that her oak no longer stands.

Poems are made by fools, he said, but only God can make a tree.
And after reading this I’m sure with Mr. Kilmer you’d agree...

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Thank You Doctor

In case its not apparent by these silly rhymes I write
I grew up on Dr. Seuss...yes Dr. Seuss...that’s right.

There I said it and I’m not ashamed it doesn’t make me less a man
To admit I read The Cat in the Hat and loved Green Eggs and Ham.

It seems when I was just a boy I harbored this strange wish
To see a Fox wearing blue Socks while counting two red fish.

“Mom, let’s read about Horton the elephant.” Every night I’d plead and beg
I didn’t care if it was the one about the Who or the one where he hatches the egg.

But Dr. Seuss wasn’t just about the rhyme, there’s more to him if you please.
From him I learned to imagine and the need to save the trees.

I learned some basic counting and I learned to alphabetize
I learned how one small heart at Christmas can grow three times its size.

From the first book I was amazed how words could sound that way
And I’ve been afflicted by the rhyme bug ever since that day.

If I had to pinpoint the time I think it was on Mulberry Street
When I knew my life without some rhyme would never be complete.

And now my friends on Facebook my poetry get to see
At least those still remaining who haven’t hidden or unfriended me.

But I will keep on writing for better or for worse
You see this rhyme thing can be a blessing or it can be a curse.

Many times I have been sick or hurt but there’s one constant I deduce
No doctor makes me feel as healthy or as good as Dr. Seuss

Like Marvin K. Mooney I must go now but don’t be too distraught
For I am leaving but I leave behind one more rhyming thought.

When you’re feeling stressed, depressed or low and the world seems like a sham
May I suggest a little Cat in the Hat or perhaps Green eggs and ham.

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

In the blink of an eye

In the blink of an eye from the time I was born and I first started to drool
I was dressed up and heading out the door on my first day of school.

In the blink of an eye I was married and Oh my God! Heaven forbid!
Before I knew it, before I turned round I had a wife, a job and two kids.

In the blink of an eye from the time they were born and they first started to drool
My children were dressed up and out the door on their first day of school.

In the blink of an eye there was a divorce and remarriage and another child makes three
How quickly we turned from two awkward groups into one blended family.

In the blink of an eye like so many I didn’t know where the time had flown
For our children were now independent, and Deborah and I were alone.

In the blink of an eye there were grandchildren and soon after they started to drool
They were dressed up and heading out the door on their first day of school.

Isn’t it funny when we look back on our lives, we smile or we cry or we sigh

Because all of our moments, whether happy or sad, take place in the blink of an eye.

Monday, August 19, 2013

Daily Rhyme

Deborah and I took a pasta class and our pasta turned out great
Consensus was it was the most delicious pasta that we ever ate.

Although in hindsight I must admit what made the pasta taste divine,
Was all the hard work that went into it, and of course there was the wine...

At any rate last night we decided to make pasta on our own
After all we had the recipe and the process we’ve been shown.

We followed that recipe to the letter right from the very start
But the dough we ended up with was too dry and fell apart.

We decided to add some water and the pasta came out fine
But It was at this juncture we realized we forgot to buy the wine!

Because no matter how many mistakes you make in cooking this I swear
After a couple glasses of your favorite wine you find that you don’t care!

In the pasta class the dough kneaded out effortlessly without a fret
At home it involved a little swearing and a quite lot of sweat.

The pasta machine in our class rolled it out without a mess
At home the identical machine was the cause of endless stress.

First the pasta wouldn’t roll out at all then it rolled out way to slow
And it didn’t help when two times I dropped the handle on my toe.

Eventually we fixed the problem but our raviolis were too thin
They were too weak to hold the ricotta filling we were putting in.

But the second batch was perfect...we got those ravioli’s loaded
And we were happy when in the boiling water only a few of them exploded.

In the end they were delicious dredged with olive oil and parmesan cheese.
We were proud of our accomplishment despite our casualties.

I must admit making home made pasta is an enjoyable way to dine
If you are going to make it then my best advice is...don’t forget the wine.

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Old School

I grew up in Twinsburg, Ohio I was born in ’52
And like the Old School I attended I’ve gotten older too

You might say our structure’s dilapidated and perhaps with age we’ve slowed
Some people might even make the assessment that we’re not up to code.

We might not have the same energy as we did when we were kids
And you can bet our plumbing doesn’t work as good as it once did.

Just look in any mirror and you’re stuck with the sensation
That our structure has some wrinkles and our roof needs renovation.

Although our exteriors may not have stayed pristine, and fresh and polished
There is not a one of us, just ask, who’s ready to be demolished!

The Old School I attended in my wonderful little town
Is a lot like me, but the city now, wants to tear her down.

The city’s planning director thinks the Old School has past it’s prime
To preserve this 92 year old building is too costly a paradigm.

It’s funny but many people travel to Europe just to see
The old and ancient buildings and be part of history.

But here in our own country, in our cities, burgs and towns
Since it costs too much to preserve them we’d rather tear them down.

My vote if for the Old School to undergo a preservation
So she will stand as a monument to future generations.

To relish those memories we had when we were girls and boys
And preserve them for our children and their children to enjoy.

For there’s more to this old building than all it’s defects to be mended
You see the history of the Old School lies in the people who attended.

We may not all be famous alumni...but do not, my friends, be fooled
We are who we are today because of our Old Schools!

So be mindful all you cities when these vestiges of our past you take
It’s not just the building you’ve destroyed, it’s your own history you forsake.

Saturday, August 17, 2013

Saga Of A Writer--The Sequel

Yesterday I waxed poetic about my book’s fame and how I sought it
Only to be humbled when just a handful of people bought it.

I realized that in the end even though that dream was shattered
My life contained too many other dreams and gifts that really mattered.

Well, yesterday, as if on cue, to the mailbox I trekked
There amongst the mail was my quarterly royalty check.

I stopped for a moment before opening it, as I am wont to do.
For inside could be a big fat check and a movie deal too.

(Hey, isn’t it a good thing for a little fantasy to come calling
Before reality sets in and sends our destiny befalling?)

Slowly I opened the envelope and extracted it’s contents
No movie deal, just a check for eighteen dollars and three cents.

It’s a blessing I am happy with my life as it appears
Because at this rate I wont be a millionaire for 31,000 years.

So I smiled at my good fortune and shared with Deborah my delight
"Hey", I said waving the check over my head, "my treat at McDonald’s tonight!"

Friday, August 16, 2013

Saga of a Writer

In 2001 I wrote a book about teaching and I was pretty sure
My book would be hailed as a work of art, a great piece of literature.

At that time I was ecstatic. “I’m a writer!” I declared
I knew I wrote a bestseller...and I’d soon be a millionaire.

So I followed my progress on Amazon awaiting my ultimate fate.
But it seems my bestseller never got past number 900,998.

I never got discouraged, never whimpered, never whined
At least I was ahead of the person who wrote number 900,999.

It seems my first predictions in hindsight were to bold
And I would have to put my dreams of wealth and fame on hold.

In my defense I thought my book great insights would reveal
And naively thought a book about my life would have a broad appeal.

But fame can be a fleeting thing and in the end, in truth, who needs it!
Besides it’s not enough to write a book...but people have to read it.

Yet when I think about my life, there’s no reason for dismay
For I have many reasons to count my blessings every day.

I have a family whom I adore, and they seem to like me too
No matter what the world throws at us, we’ll help each other through.

I have friends, I have my health and life seems to be following some plan
You see, I may not be a famous writer, but I am a lucky man.

Sometimes I am overwhelmed at the riches that have come my way
It seems the most important book we write is the one we pen each day.

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Good News

The newscast begins in Egypt, a country trying to rebuild
Another thousand Egyptians injured and another hundred killed.

A young girls is kidnapped in Utah and only when free does she learn
That her kidnapper killed her mother and brother then left both of them to burn.

There are bullies on the internet who use words to ridicule and chide
These unthinking cowards are responsible for countless suicides.

And don’t get me started on politicians, we all know what that word evokes
We’re tired of all the gridlock, all those scandals and Weiner jokes.

Why even some of our sports heroes are nothing but common thugs
Who misrepresent the truth about steroids and performance enhancing drugs.

Even in the entertainment industry the sordidness is rife
Isn’t Simon Cowell expecting a baby with his ex-friend.’s wife?

It seems everywhere we look today its the bad news being shared
Just tune into any news channel and see what’s being aired.

But if we look a little harder good news truly does abound
News that once we find it will inspire and astound.

Nick Vujicic has no worries and is filled with insatiable charm
Despite the fact his legs are missing and he has no arms.

Team Hoyt, a father/son marathon/triathlon team are considerably quick
Actually, it’s Dick who does the running (but don’t tell that to Rick!)

If you look past all the bad news, all the killing, all the dangers
You might see people helping people, and strangers helping strangers.

You might see flash mobs rising up at any time or place
They are created for one reason, to put a smile on your face.

You vicariously feel the elation no matter how far you roam
As you watch a family’s reaction to a soldier coming home.

The bad news is the first to seems the networks want it that way.
It’s my hope one day the broadcast will begin with the good news of the day.

Until then...until they stop airing stories that are tragic, sad and bleak

I’ll probably turn off the evening news for it’s the good news that I seek.

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Teen Choice Awards

I was flipping through the channels, perhaps a little bored
When I landed on a program called Teen Choice Awards.

I thought it might be interesting to see which teens had won
Even though I ceased to be a teen in 1971.

But I thought of myself as ‘with it’ at least as ‘with it’ as I was before
Until my wife told me that people don’t say ‘with it’ anymore.

So I kept watching the proceedings ignoring her little slur
And wondering why everybody looked so young and why I didn’t know who they were.

“Am I really that out of it today,” I foolishly asked my mate
“You’ve been out of it,” she smiled and said, “since 1988.”

In truth it’s been a few years...I think it was 1995
Since I stayed up for Letterman or Saturday Night Live.

Yes, I think Jimmy Kimmel’s funny and Jimmy Fallon’s great
And I’d be tuning in to see them if they weren’t on so late.

No, I’m not a teenager anymore...hopefully I grew up along the way
In many ways I’m glad I’m not a teenager today.

For this world moves much faster than when I was once a teen.
(I’m sure there are plenty of you out there who know just what I mean.)

Perhaps I’m not a teenager...perhaps I’ll get no awards for being PHAT
But since I have no idea what PHAT is I guess I’m OK with that.

After the award show I kept flipping channels somewhat dejectedly

Until I found a Matlock that’s must see TV!

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

The Dentist

Let me begin by saying I love my dentist and my dental hygienist too
Since seeing them my teeth are cleaner and my cavities are few.

They are caring, kind and gentle even when they have to drill, scrape or file
They have not only promoted my dental health but they’ve helped improve my smile.

We certainly need our dentists. They help our mouths get back on their feet
After all the unhealthy things we drink and all those sugary things we eat.

So this little poem to the art of dentistry I happily now devote
Let’s give it up to the people who stick their hands all the way down our throats!

I don’t like looking into my own seems filled with mystery, darkness and danger
Let alone sticking my hands down the mouth of a total stranger.

Who’s to know if the person in the chair is going to struggle, or kick or fight me
And I don’t know what I would do...if he sneezes, or coughs or bites me?

So I’m content to be a patient..although my confidence is often times shook.
For instance when the dentist is prodding inside my mouth, I’m never sure quite where to look.

When they come at you wearing rubber gloves and a mask it seems to play tricks on your mind.
Are my teeth crooked, does my breath smell...or are they afraid of what they might find?

And though I try to be stoic and unemotional I come close to a nervous breakdown
When I feel my saliva rising uncontrollably for I know I’m about to drown.

I never thought, not once growing up.... but now I am proud to admit
I look forward to that tube they put in my know the one that sucks out the spit.

And though they try to have conversations while you’re lying there on your back
With their hands down your throat its hard to converse when all you can muster is ACK!

Yet once it is over and you look at your smile, you feel better and you are glad
“I guess when you think about it,” you say to yourself, “It really wasn’t that bad.”

So you smile broadly, rub your tongue ‘cross your teeth and feel the inside of your cheeks
Thank you, you say, here’s my twenty bucks and I’ll see you in another 12 weeks

Yes, my hats off to the dentist I think anyone with teeth should see one

I’m glad we have them, I’m glad they are around.....  I just wouldn’t want to be one.

Monday, August 12, 2013

The beginning of the end

Through the rough times and the good times the laughter and the jeers
In the school system Deborah and I have worked for almost 35 years.

Today we begin another school year and this one we’re sure to remember
Why, you may ask is it not like the rest?  Because we retire at the end of September.

You see unlike the 35 others this one’s more difficult to comprehend
For this is not just another’s the beginning of the end.

There’s a frantic kind of happy chaos that accompanies a new school year
It takes a while, OK sometimes never, for order to appear.

But this year, just as things settle down, in the twinkling of an eye
It will be the end of September and time to say goodbye.

Perhaps it will make everything more meaningful, more special than years past
Knowing that it is ending and this beginning will be our last

So as you head out in the world today here’s something I recommend
Treat today and every other day as the beginning of the end.

Saturday, August 10, 2013

An unfinished work of art

Yesterday an old friend of mine posted wedding pictures on Facebook
A young couple and their wedding I thought I’d take a look.

Turns out I was in their wedding and though I don’t remember the exact date
They’ve been married 40 congratulations Greg and Kate.

40 years together you two deserve to celebrate
And knowing Greg like I do, my hat is off to Kate.

The years have been a little tough on Greg, but Kate this you should know
You’re as beautiful today as you were those 40 years ago!

Of course with Greg around I’m sure you’re aware of that
Perhaps it’s being married to him....but my was that hat!

When I first saw those wedding pictures I had to look again
That can’t be me I thought to myself I have hair and I’m so thin.

And I can’t believe I ever wore a tux that bold and loud
Why, as Beth so kindly pointed out, I’d make John Denver proud.

We all grew up together and though our paths split us apart
I’ve looked upon your marriage as an unfinished work of art.

There is beauty in the old photographs it certainly does appear
But the life you’ve painted together grows more beautiful each year.

You’ve taken that initial painting and brushed in family and friends
And there’s no telling where or when your masterpiece will end.

May you last another 40 years and here’s a thought I must impart
The beauty of your marriage is in your unfinished work of art.

Friday, August 9, 2013


As a parent you may or may not sit down and discuss this with your wife
But you want your children to be healthy and have a happy life.

And though you know your life is blessed...are there any parents out there who
Don’t somehow wish your children will have a better life than you?

And when they do, your are overjoyed, there’s no envy...not a trace
You sit back somewhat cheerfully...with a smile upon your face.

And if you’re lucky (and I hope you are) you have grandchildren to adore
Because with grandchildren the rules of parenting aren’t applicable anymore.

As a grandparent you don’t often say no...”Sure have a second piece of cake,
Do you want ice cream cones for about a donut with that shake”

You have the time to enjoy them, fill them full of wonder... full of snacks
And when they’re tired, cranky and filled with sugar you simply take them back!

You get to observe from a distance without the rules and regulations
Yes grandparenting, if you’re lucky, is like one huge vacation.

And though you know your life is blessed...are there any grandparents out there who
Don’t know your grandchildren are taller, smarter, stronger and prettier than you.

And once again you find yourself overjoyed; there’s no envy...not a trace
As you sit back somewhat cheerfully...with a smile upon your face.

For now you have the time to discuss this with your wife
How you’re glad your children and their children have a healthy, happy life.

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Road Trip

When the school year is over Deborah and I are filled with such elation
As we say goodbye to our students and head off on our summer vacation.

We’ve taken the same roads to the mountains every summer year in-year out.
So this year we decided to buck tradition and take a different route.

I planned our trip without freeways…on the back roads we decided to ride
So off I drove with my GPS and Deborah by my side.

We drove up on the back roads and on back roads we returned
And now, if I may, let me express to you some of lessons that we learned.

If you’re at all religious in Georgia you don’t have far to search
Because it seems on every corner there is a Baptist church.

And after church if you’re hungry you can take your family or spouse
Out to lunch--because on every other corner there is a Waffle House.

On the back roads everywhere you look there is beauty to be found
But you may also discover people you’re afraid to be around.

People who may not quite believe what you believe is true
And who according to their bumper stickers will have no trouble shooting you.

People who, and on this I can’t be certain, but I believe may get their thrill
By marrying their sisters and eating fresh road kill.

Yes the back roads can be wonderful- with all the beauty that’s awaiting
But they can also be a little scary and somewhat intimidating

So the next time Deborah and I head to the mountains in order to survive

We decided to leave the back roads behind and take I-75.

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Goodbye Logan

Mother Teresa said we are all but a drop in the ocean and we need to coexist
For if even one drop was no longer there it surly would be missed…

I mentioned just the other day amidst the Wieners, war and strife
A 2 year old boy named Logan and the story of his life.

As best man at his parents wedding- I was taken by his charms
Yesterday, I’m sad to say he died in his mother’s arms.

I did not know little Logan, his mother or his Dad
Then why does the news of his passing make me feel so sad?

Many people I don’t know die each and every day
Why should a boy I never knew affect me in this way?

Perhaps I didn’t need to know him to offer him a prayer
Perhaps the little I learned of his life was enough for me to care

What if we knew something about everyone who dies?
Then we all would be affected at the time they said goodbye.

Yes, if we knew everyone who died today or his mother or his Dad
Perhaps the news of their deaths would make us all a little sad.

And in our sadness perhaps we’d find the joy and be delighted
At the thought of our shared agony and the hope of a world united.

For if we share our sadness with the whole of our mankind
Could also sharing happiness be very far behind?

Sure this may be a pipe dream—but it does have a certain charm
And it would help me understand a boy dying in his mother’s arms.

So goodbye Logan you’re not just another name who no longer exists

In 2 short years you left your mark…and your drop will be missed.

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

The Rubik's Cube

I’m not sure when I realized I’m not the world’s smartest man
Perhaps it was when I bought into the hype of cereal containing bran.

Or it’s possible it could have been when I failed to see the glitch
In thinking a career in teaching was going to make me rich.

Be that as it may it didn’t take long for me to understand
That the children I brought into this world were smarter than their old man.

When I tried to help them with their homework I only incurred their wrath
In my defense is there anyone in the world who understood New Math?

But I was content as they grew up with the information in their heads
Knowing I didn’t understand a thing they did and only half of what they said.

Until my grandson Taylor brought me this cube--6 colors as pretty as could be.
He twisted it over and over again then handed it back to me.

The idea is to put it back the way it was and in case I fail to mention
Improving analytic and cognitive skills seems to be Mr. Rubik’s intention.

But I think there was an ulterior motive and although the data on this is hazy
I think what the inventor really wanted was to drive the whole world crazy!

It takes 40 seconds for Taylor to complete the entire cube
“I’ll shoot for 40 seconds,” I said…Could I have been a bigger boob?

So I began and it didn’t long for me to sink into a deep depression
It seemed I would need some assistance or perhaps a quick therapy session.

I knew I couldn’t solve this cube alone given my limited powers of deduction
So I bought an easy to follow, how-to book with step-by step- instructions.

I was determined to solve this puzzle and become a Rubik’s cube whiz!
Easy to follow my Aunt Suzie! You have to know what an algorithm is!

Algorithm- that had me stumped and I’m not afraid to announce it
For not only am I confused by the word…I don’t know how to pronounce it.

But I studied and studied, practiced and practiced and in 3 weeks I had it solved.
I was proud of my accomplishment….as my intelligence evolved.

“3 weeks Pop Pop.” my grandson chortled, somewhat condescendingly
“I bet if you practiced harder you’d get as good as me.”

“My head hurts.” I said. “I’m going to take a bath.” then quickly bade goodbye
For it seems in intellectual prowess even my grandchildren are passing me by.

But as I soaked my aching head and my bruised ego in the bath

I had to smile- Taylor starts high school this year- I wonder if he’ll need help with math?

Monday, August 5, 2013

Exercise Fads

I don’t consider myself a ‘nut’ but every day when I arise
I like to get my morning started with a little exercise.

I was part of the national running craze… I’d run over hill and dale and bluff
Until one day my knees (pretty important parts) decided they’d had enough.

Over the years it’s been my goal to stay healthy, happy and strong
But oftentimes when I turn on the TV only I find out I’m doing it wrong.

TV is filled with infomercials and celebrities doing all kind of ads
Telling me they have the key to good health…if only I’d buy their fad.

Though I am a 60 year old man who has exercised most of my years
The only ‘6-packs- I’ve ever had were filled with cola, toilet paper or beer.

I think it was sometime in the ‘80’s when I tried 8 minute Abs
Well its 21 million minutes later and I still have a layer of flab.

The sauna suit I was assured would make me feel better than muscatel
Would have worked if not for all that sweating…not to mention the horrible smell.

Now I’m not usually one to criticize and I certainly don’t like to pout
I had no trouble getting into Tony Little’s Gazelle but a hell-of-a time getting out.

I even tried Sweatn to the Oldies- Richard Simmons was my biggest supporter
But I had to stop when I couldn’t stop thinking, “Could those pants of his get any shorter?”

There was a time when the country and I with Tae Bo was enthralled
Who knew with a couple of kicks you could put a hole in the living room wall!

My toning shoes remain in my closet not only did I look like a clown
But walking in them proved problematic as I couldn’t stop falling down.

Did you know the thigh master was marketed by the man who sold us the mood ring?
Truthfully, if it wasn’t for Suzanne Sommers I would have never purchased that thing!

Some fads are even laughable and bordering on the obscene
If you’ve ever watched those ‘shake weight’ commercials I think you know what I mean.

When Deborah talked about Zumba I couldn’t be happier with my spouse
FYI… the Zumba is not a machine that robotically cleans your house!

Piloxing is one exercise I’ve never tried as a way of losing my fat.
‘Cause when Pilates meets up with boxing-nothing good can come out of that!

Yoga was to be physical and mental and give you a spiritual feeling
But today you can do it by swinging your baby or hanging from the ceiling.

Just when you’ve had enough and you think you’ll go stark raving mad
You open a magazine or turn on the tube and there’s another exercise fad.

We are bombarded with these programs and we don’t know which one to do
Physique 57… P-90 X…and Cross-Fit to name a few.

It’s funny but after 60 years of all the hype, the celebrities and the talk
The best advice is still to watch what we eat and go for a daily walk.

Hmmm…a healthy diet and walking beats any fad you might see on TV.
Hey wait I’ll have to get back to you… is that an ad for Insanity?

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Good Luck Logan

I was watching the news this morning and amidst the Wieners, war and strife
I saw a 2 year old boy named Logan and heard the story of his life.

He has a disease that ends in ‘a’ and hasn’t much time left
He will leave the world a little emptier and his family bereft.

And though death hovered over his story- he won’t escape it- then who can?
At the wedding of his mom and dad- Logan will be the best man.

Mom will carry Logan down the aisle and I’m sure words can’t convey
The pride and jubilance they’ll feel as he gives his Dad away.

To Sean and Christine I wish you well for you I cannot help admiring
As the love I felt through my TV was truly awe inspiring.

Somehow you found joy in your tragedy and you worked hard to revive it.
Perhaps finding happiness in adversity is one way to survive it.

No one knows what tomorrow brings in our realm of time and space
But I’m sure memories of Logan will always bring a smile to your face.

As stories of war and Wieners on the morning news unfurl
I think our time would be better spent on the Logans of this world.

Stories of people, family and their love, like Logan’s dad and mother
Would help us see what’s truly important and connect with one another.

For if we saw each person as members of our family
Just think what a wonderful place this world of ours would be.

How exciting would it be for us to then explore
A world without the scandals, the hatred and the war…

In the meantime, Logan, when the wedding’s over and you have a chance to play
May you listen to Elvis, eat spaghetti and dance the night away.

Speaking for those of us who this wedding will not be attending
Remember, at an open bar it’s polite to tip the man bartending.

Saturday, August 3, 2013


My wife just got a flying heart tattoo (she has a sunflower from before)
My daughter has at least seven and her husband has two more.

They asked me if I have a reason that to them I could express
As to why with all the ink around, I am tattoo-less.

I told them to keep their many tattoos I won’t be coaxed or wheedled
For it’s not the artwork I abhor--did you know they use sharp needles?

Sharp needles that they fill with ink before the process begins
Then a thousand times repeatedly they stick that needle in your skin.

True when completed on your body is art both charming and sublime
But to get there you have just been stabbed at least a million times!

Beside the pain, in ten years I might not feel as blessed
When I see my arm still sports a naked Viking woman with big breasts.

Tattooing is a true art form whose beauty I do extoll
Tattoos not only decorate the body but they can enhance the soul.

Many tell a story for certainly if you can think it
Then the tattoo virtuoso with her artistry can ink it.
But a tattoo is perhaps one gift I never will receive
Perhaps I’m just not meant to wear my heart upon my sleeve.

So in answer to their question – from tattoos I must abstain
Perhaps I’ll get one on the day when needles cause no pain.

But more likely, though I love their tattoos and the stories they embrace
My story is destined to be told by the lines upon my face.

Friday, August 2, 2013

Dreams do come true


Yesterday we helped our son move into his new home
It made me think of our three children and the places they have roamed.

When they were born our first wish for each was a healthy, happy life
As a parent you want to keep them safe and shelter them from strife.

Then somewhere in the back of our minds where no one else could see
We dreamt of the life they would be leading and the people they would be.

For we knew what is best for them, at least this we believed
Until our vision was replaced by visions they conceived.

And we gladly shed our dreams for theirs- for let me now review
As our children grow up my friends…that is what parents do.

We ride along on their journey and the dreams that they pursue
Till one day we smile when we realize…our first dream has come true.

It’s nice to know they’re healthy and happy as they make their life’s dream ride
And now the only dream we harbor is that we’ll be by their side.

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Monsters in our midst

When we are young if we are lucky our parents are the team
Who keep us warm and healthy and help fulfill our dreams.
They are around us every day to help alleviate our dread
They are the ones who check for monsters hiding neath our beds.

Then as we grow it becomes unclear just who is to be trusted
As we realize our views on this must now be readjusted
For we find in our once innocent world there does indeed exist
People who want to harm us…call them monsters in our midst.

What makes these monsters dangerous is they can be anyone you see
There is no way to tell the difference between them, or you or me.
They can even be your neighbor, or God forbid, a friend.
And we can never fathom the horrors they intend.

Take Ariel Castro, I’m sure no one dreamed he could
Hold 3 women captive right inside his neighborhood.
Preying on their innocence and pretending them his wives
While robbing them of their purity and 10 years of their lives.

But the world will always have its monsters, causing havoc, causing strife
My only hope is that they’re caught before they damage one more life.
And once their caught to another monster I will gladly say farewell
For I hope all monsters, like Ariel Castro, will forever rot in hell…

I wish there were no monsters to cause so much unrest
I wish there was an app to tell one monster from the rest
I wish the monsters in this world could easily be dismissed
And more than ever I wish there were no monsters in our midst.

I wish it were still easy – that we were all part of that team
That helps keep one another safe and fulfill each other’s dreams.
I wish we lived in a world where no one would cause us dread
And all our monsters would stay safely hidden neath our beds.