Monday, November 30, 2020


 Yesterday before the sun awoke as odd as this may be

I paused while I was walking to have a conversation with a tree.

Now you might think it crazy conversing with a tree

but, in my defense, it was the tree who first called out to me.

“I’ve seen you walk by for many years.” (This tree conversing was a she!)

I think it’s time we get to know each other…come…sit…and talk to me.”

Before you think my craziness has gotten too pervasive

Let me tell you, right up front,…a tree can be persuasive.

We had a wonderful conversation and though we didn’t always agree

I have to say I was impressed with the wisdom of the tree.

I asked her where her wisdom came from and as she swayed in the early morning breeze.

She said not only do her roots run deep but they connect with all the other trees.

She said, “I may look like I am one tree standing on my own

but being linked to all the other trees means I never stand alone.

"Which means,” she said, “you’re not talking exclusively to me.

Since I am connected to all the others…I am more than just one tree.”

And though she didn’t come right out and say it

I’m sure the message was meant for me.

Her subtle way of saying humans should be a little more like trees.

As the first rays of the morning light began to shine on me

I smiled, told her I had to go…then turned and thanked the tree.

As I walked away I thought to myself…I’m not crazy but how lucky must I be

to think that I just sat down and had a conversation with a tree…

So I turned back to the tree…I smiled, waved, and to prove my sanity’s intact…

That old tree not only waved to me…but I’m pretty sure she smiled back.

Sunday, November 29, 2020



Each year Deborah and I share one Christmas tradition-we do this religiously.

Together the day after Thanksgiving we buy our Christmas Tree.

As we head out to purchase our tree we are filled with anticipation

for we know the gift lies not in the tree itself, but in its decoration.

From the moment we open our storage bins and rediscover the ornaments they contain

It’s not just a simple trimming of the’s a trip down memory lane.

There is a special feeling about finding an old ornament time and time again

Holding it up and saying....Hey Deborah do you remember when....

Each ornament adds to the story of our life as we’ve watched our family grow

Most are significant only to us and carry meanings only we would know. 

We have ornaments that remind us of our children,”Hey, isn’t that Ryan’s baby shoe?”

There’s a photo of Ali and me, Bryan’s manatee and pickles for the grandchildren too.

There are ornaments from old friends, a few of Whitman: he was a great dog!

And the ornaments of places we’ve been form a lifelong travelogue.

Each year when we’re finished trimming we have more than just a tree

There in the corner stands memories of our’s an album in 3-D!

Every year when the tree is finished Deborah says, “Now you might think me mad,

but I’m sure this year, this tree, is the best we’ve ever had!”

As I stare at the tree and nod my agreement I think I can now attest

to understanding why every year our newest tree is the best.

Last years tree was the best we ever had…that was easy enough to see

but we’ve added another year of memories to the boughs of this year’s tree.

So as wonderful as last year’s tree was it’s the new memories we’ve amassed

that make this year’s Christmas tree a little better than the last.

And I’m sure as another year of memories in 2021 we add

next years tree will take it’s rightful place as the best Christmas tree we’ve ever had.

Saturday, November 28, 2020


 Every night when he tucked her into bed at the end of another day he’d give his daughter a kiss then spread his arms, “I love you this much!” He’d say.

When she grew a little older she didn’t want to let another evening pass so just before he left the room, 

“How much is this much?” She asked.

Her father turned around and smiled, “How much is this much.” He said.

Then he walked back to his daughter and sat upon her bed.

“Love is kind of like a seed.” He said, “and, as odd as that may seem, it’s a seed that was planted long before you were born…when you were just a dream.”

“I’m not sure exactly how it works…I think there’s some kind of magic at play…but once that seed begins to grow…it grows a little more each day.”

“I guess the best way to explain ‘this much’ would be if you counted every star up in the sky and ever grain of sand along the shore…that’s how much I love you today." he said… 

“but tomorrow, I’ll love you even more.”

“It’s not an easy concept.” He said as he squeezed his daughter’s hand.

“Don’t worry if you’re confused…someday you’ll understand.”

Then he gave her a kiss and tucked her back into bed but just before he got to the door

She spread her arms and said, “I love you this much, Daddy.

and tomorrow…I’ll love you even more.”

Friday, November 27, 2020


 At first glance when you visit our house you might not notice it

but, by the time that you depart

you’ll realize you were in a museum filled with priceless works of art.

The works of art, though on full display, at first aren’t easy to discern

but as we take you on a tour…the more and more you learn.

There’s a walking stick in the corner an an old chair we’ve always had

you might not recognize their value but the artist was Deborah’s dad.

There’s a cookie jar sitting on a bookcase…

”That doesn’t look priceless.” You might say.

Until you see it’s filled with notes of remembrances

our children wrote to Deborah one Mother’s day.

There’s a framed black and white drawing of a young man

a little pensive…perhaps a little sad 

that was drawn by my own father long before he was my dad.

We’ll show you artwork from our children that still gives our hearts a lift

and our name made out of license plates given to us as a gift.

There’s an old closet door where you’ll see our children’s and grandchildren’s measures…

There’s an old chest in the back bedroom overflowing with more treasures.

Our house is filled with so much priceless art that can be found on every shelf

but the best way to experience it would be to see it for yourself.

Because what makes our artwork priceless…what gives our art pizzazz 

Is not how much it cost…but the story each piece has.

This means when you visit our house…for whatever reason you are there

we will gladly show you all our art…and all their stories gladly share.

Which is why, when you visit our house, by the time you all depart

you’ll know you were in a museum filled with priceless works of art.

Thursday, November 26, 2020


 With the pandemic still taking lives…with our country so divided…

where half the people think wearing masks is fruitless and misguided…

What do we have to be thankful for in this year…2020?

If we look to the innocence of children…it turns out…there is plenty.

I love listening to children…they are innocent and bright…
After being thankful for they parents and their family their innocence takes flight.

It’s not surprising food is next…the things that feed their hungry bellies…

They are thankful for chicken nuggets, cookies, ice cream

and peanut butter sandwiches…made with jelly.

They are thankful for mermaids, for toilet paper, for rainbows…

for playgrounds with swings and slides.

They are thankful for the people who make shoes…

and relatives who give piggyback rides.

They are thankful for all the little things they see with their big eyes…

for ants and lizards and caterpillars…for bees and butterflies.

They are thankful for their house, for music…for TV and I-Pads…

One little boy listed Netflix first…and second was Mom and Dad.

Another little girl after being thankful for her parents…both her father and her mother

added, although she was praying for a puppy…she was thankful she got a little brother…

Yes the pandemic is still raging and our country is more divided than it ever was before

but there is still so much in this wonderful world for us to be thankful for….

Since 2020 has been so crazy…a ride so unpredictable…so bizarre…so wild

this year I’ll be giving thanks…as if I was a child.

I’ll close my eyes…I’ll fold my hands and even if it’s only for a little while

I’ll give thanks for all the little things this year that made me smile.

Yes, for a little while all the little things I will try to name…

With the hope that this Thanksgiving…everyone else can do the same.

Wednesday, November 25, 2020


 The father was a fisherman…the weekend could never come too soon

for he loved to drive up to the lake and fish under the moon.

The son was not interested in catching fish…but for him the weekend could never come too soon

for when he accompanied his father up to the lake he couldn’t wait to catch the moon.

The father often wished a fisherman his son would one day make

but the son seemed much more interested in catching the moon reflected in the lake.

One day instead of handing his son a fishing pole on a quiet moment afloat…

The father filled a bucket with water and set it in the boat.

“Keep your eyes on the water in the bucket.” The father said. 

“I’ll row around and soon…

Yell out the exact moment when we have caught the moon.”

The son was so excited having captured the moon in his bucket made of chrome

and at the end of the night he smiled asking, “Dad, can we take it home?”

“The moon is not meant to be captured for long.” He heard his father say.

“But do not fret, when we get home…I’ll show you another way.”

When they returned home from the lake…the son began to swoon

as the father refilled the bucket and said, “Let’s go catch ourselves a moon.”

The father knew a lot of tricks…he’d been teaching his son since he was small

but that night he taught his son, perhaps, the greatest trick of all.

He showed his son a father’s love is something that can never come too soon…

The night they filled their bucked with water…and went fishing for the moon.”

Tuesday, November 24, 2020


 As we visited with our daughter and grandchildren the other night

we were reminded of the moment each was born. 

Oh, how we celebrated that day.

at that moment we didn’t care if they would grow up 

to be bi 

or straight 

or gay.

We only cared they were alive…

had all their body parts...

that they were breathing on their own…

and came with healthy hearts.

And we’ve been blessed that three healthy children 

and four healthy grandchildren have come our way.

And as they’ve grown we still don’t care...

if they are bi

or straight

or gay.

We only care that they are close to us…

that in their lives...we play a part

that they all have gentle souls…

and kindness in their hearts

The reason is quite simple…

and to this we both avow

If we didn’t care when they were born...

Why...would we care now?

Monday, November 23, 2020



It seems to us as we continue to grow older the more and more we find

how often we climb the memory tree that grows within our minds.

A tree that’s nourished by our memories…at least that’s what we believe…

Memories that enter through its roots and form its branches and its leaves.

Last night our family sat around a campfire…toasting marshmallows…making s’mores

Which, except for the masks and social distancing, we’ve done a thousand times before.

And what a treat it was for us…what an absolute delight!

as we watched our daughter and our grandchildren aglow in the campfire light.

Suddenly we found ourselves high atop our memory trees…and near as we can tell

amid the branches and the leaves where our campfire memories dwell.

From where we perched upon our branches we were shown a wonderful surprise…

as memories of old campfires danced before our eyes.

Perhaps that’s why old people smile so much around campfires…

as they watch their reality and their memories blend…

and hoping time will at least pause…or this moment will not end…

But when all the s’mores were eaten, the campfire had burned out

and we said goodnight to our daughter and our grandchildren…

We were not sad…

we did not pout.

Because as we continue to grow older

it becomes easier and easier for us to see…

Our memories made today around the campfire

will find their way into our tree…

And if we want to visit them…any place or any time

All we have to do is smile…close our eyes…and climb.

Sunday, November 22, 2020



He asked his God, “Why did you leave so many stars in the sky

when all your creating was done…

“With so many people making wishes.” His God said.

“I realized I needed more than one.”

“And the more stars I created

the more people’s wishes grew and grew and grew…

which means if you keep wishing 

one day…


you’ll find the star

that will make all your wishes come true.”

Saturday, November 21, 2020


Times moves forward…she stops for no one

perhaps that’s why the wise ones say

we must cherish every minute…

every moment…

of every day.

Perhaps that’s why as parents 

we try to make every moment with our children last

knowing, from experience, childhood is over much too fast.

Knowing once their childhood is over we only have time to blame…

as to why summers and Christmases and holidays 

are never quite the same.

Which is why, I imagine, there isn’t a parent out there

once all their children have grown

who…when they look around their house

and find themselves alone…

would give just about anything 

to bring back one more childhood moment

would love to find a way…

for their children to be children again…

if just for one more day.

Friday, November 20, 2020


He watches as she finishes reading one of his poems.

She smiles as she always does…

but he can feel her sadness too…

“How often I have wished,” she said.

“I could write poetry like you.”

“But I can never find the right words…

words transcendent…

words sublime

and even if I were to find them…

I could never make them rhyme.”

“Ah…but that is what makes us so beautiful”, he smiled 

“for wherever we may roam…

I may always be the poet…but you shall forever be the poem.”

“I might pen words that are transcended

words that are sublime…

but you” he said as he kissed her forehead

“you are the reason my words rhyme.”

Thursday, November 19, 2020


 A sailboat stranded on the beach…we’d never seen her there before.

She was blown off of her moorings and came to rest upon this shore.

As I saw her stranded on the beach I admit to feeling chagrinned

thinking how a sailboat is truly at the mercy of the wind.

As people gathered round her…as people are won’t to do

I smiled thinking about the life she’s lived as she’s sailed the ocean blue.

And I secretly wished she was happy that she had a thousand adventures before

the winds of fate decided to place her upon this shore…

And then I thought how we are all like sailboats trying to steer our courses straight

And how often our direction is influenced and sometimes determined 

by the winds of fate.

And if we’re lucky those winds of fate have taken us

when our sailing days are over and we, too, come to rest upon the shore

to places that we never knew and could only dream about before.

And when people gather round to say goodbye to us…

as people are wont to do

may they smile remembering how we smiled 

as we sailed the ocean blue.

Wednesday, November 18, 2020


“What was that?” The young boy asked his mom as he pointed to the sky.

“That star…it’s gone now but I’m pretty sure…at least I think I saw it fly.”

“That was a shooting star.” His mom said as she raised her eyes and stared.

Then she smiled at her son and said, “To see on is quite rare.”

“How amazing…now lucky…how fortunate you are…

now close your eyes and make a wish upon that shooting star.”

“But what should I wish for?” The young boy asked, 

“at this wishing stuff I’m kind of new.”

His mom smiled and said, “It’s a special wish…

between the shooting star and you.

There’s magic in a shooting star…

at least that’s how the legends go.

No one knows how the magic works 

but when you close your eyes you’ll know.

“This is how it happens…if the stories I’ve heard are true

You don’t have to search for a wish…the wish will come to you.”


The young boy closed his eyes and smiled 

and as his face began to shine

he whispered, “I wish everyone could have a mom 

as kind and wonderful as mine.”

Tuesday, November 17, 2020


When it comes to honesty and integrity 

there is a simple reason why

we need to understand the subtle difference 

between telling a truth…and telling a lie.

When we tell the truth to someone

as we look them in the eye

we know we’re telling them the truth

even if they believe it to be a lie.

And when we tell a lie to someone

as we look them in the eye

even if they believe it to be the truth

we know it is a lie.

Monday, November 16, 2020


 I’ve often wondered where art originates.

How much of it is planned…how much of it is chance.

Until I discovered it’s origins sprinkled in the dance.

An artist was asked about a painting he just finished…

a painting with only the moon and stars for light…

Why, with so much beauty in the day, had he chosen to paint the night?

“I watched a woman dancing under the stars.” The artist replied

I watched how in the moonlight her shadow was enhanced…

I knew I had to paint the kind of beauty …that could entice a shadow to dance.

A poet was asked why she created a particular poem.

What inspired her to write…about the stars and the moon and with her words…capture the essence of the night.

“I saw this painting of the moon on a starry night.” The poet replied

I thought….what a serene and beautiful time.

and when I sat down to write a poem…

my words danced into rhyme.”

A composer was asked why he wrote a specific song

How did he find a way 

to write a song that, when we hear it,

makes us want to dance the night away..”

“I read this beautiful poem.” The composer said.

about a woman dancing under a moonlit sky

and as I read the poet’s words the music floating right before my eyes”

A dancer was asked about her dancing

Why, when she could dance under the lights, did she choose to do her dancing

under the moon and stars…at night.

“I heard this beautiful music.” She replied…”and I was immediately entranced.

It was the music that guided me under the moon and inspired me to dance.”

This is how I discovered how something as complex as art… 

has an affection…an affinity for chance

That can begin with something as pure…as beautiful, 

and as simple…as a dance.

Sunday, November 15, 2020


 I like to think of family by visualizing a boat

with one family all together as on the sea they float.

Every family’s boat is different in size and shape and form

It’s a place where we learn of love and happiness 

and find safety from the storms.

As babies….under motor or with its sails unfurled

this boat is all we know…this boat is our whole world.

As we grow a little older we can see while we’re afloat

there are many other ships upon the water…

that we are not the only boat.

We make friends with other boaters…

friendships our parents happily promote.

knowing everyone at the end of the day

returns to the safety of their own boat.

But as we grow still older…as we move from year to year

we take on more boating responsibilities…

and sometimes we even get to steer.

Until the day we’re given our own boat

and with a mix of sadness, hope and glee

We thank our parents as we set sail

alone…upon the sea.

Then sometime while we’re sailing

we never know where or when

we have our own family on our ship

and the cycle begins again…

And we are happy sailing this way

because we know where our parents boat is moored…

and we know they are always willing

to welcome us aboard.

Saturday, November 14, 2020


 One of his favorite moments

in all the memories he’s compiling

is when he walks in the early morning

and it seems, to him, the moon is smiling.

He’s amazed how the moon’s smile

from way up there in space

can travel in an instant

and land upon his face.

He believes there’s something magical

in the way the moon shares her smile with such ease…

and for the rest of the day he’s inspired to share that smile

with everyone he sees.

Friday, November 13, 2020



What inventions have had the biggest impact on my life?

This is a question I was recently posed

and I didn’t have to think a lot about it before this answer I composed.

I didn’t need to mull the question over…

didn’t need to give it too much thought

because I realized almost immediately

The best inventions are the ones that can’t be bought.

There are many inventions that make my life more effortless…

that make it easier for me.

There’s electricity, the light bulb, the phone the computer

the car, the radio, running water and TV.

I’m sure I’m leaving others out…

I’m sure there are many more

more inventions that make my life much easier 

than my ancestors who came before.

But I’d like to thank whoever invented love and kindness 

and the capacity to care…

whoever invented generosity, decency and the ability to share.

Certainly man-made inventions have made my life easier

but the invention of friendship, the invention of the smile….

the invention of love and kindness and caring…

they have made my life worthwhile. 

Thursday, November 12, 2020


 As I was sitting in the waiting room about to get the results from a biopsy I recently had

I was thinking how quickly life can change…it can go from good to bad.

I was feeling a little sorry for myself…a self-imposed gloom and doom

until I realized my urologist and an orthopedist shared the same waiting room.

I immediately stopped thinking about myself…social distanced…sitting there

when a young woman walked in on prosthetic legs followed by an old woman in a wheel chair.

Next through the door was an old man who gave my senses a shock.

His legs were swollen and purple and he could barely walk.

From these people obviously far worse off than me I quickly was exhumed

as my name was called and I was taken into my doctor’s waiting room.

Where sometimes I sat, sometimes I stood…other times I’d pace the floor

wondering what news was waiting for me on the other side of that door.

I tried not to think about it…tried thinking about my wife and my family instead

but waiting for that door to open…a host of tragic thoughts entered my head.

I read my book, looked at the doctors credentials…thinking his parents must be proud

when I noticed the faucet leaking…and wondered why it had to drip so loud.

As I was studying the map of the urinary system thinking I could use some Vodka or Vermouth

the waiting room door opened…it was my moment of truth.

I took a deep breath as I watched my doctor’s face…looking for a sign

and to be honest I don’t remember anything…after he said the word benign.

As I opened the door back into the waiting room I noticed a young man sitting there

It was obvious he had Cerebral Palsy and was confined to his wheel chair.

And I noticed all the people in that waiting room…the one my doctor shared

had someone who helped them through the door…someone in their life who cared.

And I thought about my wife and family who when they hear the news

will be sharing in my joy…but would have also shared my blues….

And how any happiness we feel is more joyous and any pain is much less sore

when we have people who love us…waiting…on the other side of the door.