Thursday, November 5, 2020


 I was recently asked what advice I might give to my great-grandchildren

I think some advice can be helpful…some is ‘for the birds’

I’ve always believed a person’s actions speak louder than their words.

In lieu of any advice I might give, then…

here are a few things that I know

I know no one is perfect…I know it’s always better to go slow.

I know a smile can change a person’s day…I know not to ridicule

I know religions can be wonderful…I know religions can be cruel.

I know love and family can make you happy from childhood to adult

but chocolate in the right amounts can achieve the same results.

I know a smile and a kind word can help wipe away a tear.

I know that joy is sometimes waiting on the other side of fear.

I know we should listen more to nature…

I know I love a good bookstore.

I know I love our soldiers…but I hate that there is war.

I know innocent people should never die…from a bullet…from a gun.

I know there is more love in this world when all is said and done.

I know dogs pass away too early and children grow up too fast.

I know we should do everything we can to make each moment last…

I know everyone is beautiful…I know it’s okay to cry.

I know compassion and acceptance are powerful things, 

I know we should all give them a try.

Finally I know Emily Dickinson was right…

when she wrote this beautiful refrain…

‘If I can stop one heart from breaking…I shall not live in vain.’

So take what I know as advice if you want…wherever you may go

and add them to the growing list of the things you already know.


And keep in mind my first thought…how advice sometimes is for the birds

and that your actions will always speak much louder…

and more clearly than your words.

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