Monday, November 23, 2020



It seems to us as we continue to grow older the more and more we find

how often we climb the memory tree that grows within our minds.

A tree that’s nourished by our memories…at least that’s what we believe…

Memories that enter through its roots and form its branches and its leaves.

Last night our family sat around a campfire…toasting marshmallows…making s’mores

Which, except for the masks and social distancing, we’ve done a thousand times before.

And what a treat it was for us…what an absolute delight!

as we watched our daughter and our grandchildren aglow in the campfire light.

Suddenly we found ourselves high atop our memory trees…and near as we can tell

amid the branches and the leaves where our campfire memories dwell.

From where we perched upon our branches we were shown a wonderful surprise…

as memories of old campfires danced before our eyes.

Perhaps that’s why old people smile so much around campfires…

as they watch their reality and their memories blend…

and hoping time will at least pause…or this moment will not end…

But when all the s’mores were eaten, the campfire had burned out

and we said goodnight to our daughter and our grandchildren…

We were not sad…

we did not pout.

Because as we continue to grow older

it becomes easier and easier for us to see…

Our memories made today around the campfire

will find their way into our tree…

And if we want to visit them…any place or any time

All we have to do is smile…close our eyes…and climb.

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