Wednesday, November 25, 2020


 The father was a fisherman…the weekend could never come too soon

for he loved to drive up to the lake and fish under the moon.

The son was not interested in catching fish…but for him the weekend could never come too soon

for when he accompanied his father up to the lake he couldn’t wait to catch the moon.

The father often wished a fisherman his son would one day make

but the son seemed much more interested in catching the moon reflected in the lake.

One day instead of handing his son a fishing pole on a quiet moment afloat…

The father filled a bucket with water and set it in the boat.

“Keep your eyes on the water in the bucket.” The father said. 

“I’ll row around and soon…

Yell out the exact moment when we have caught the moon.”

The son was so excited having captured the moon in his bucket made of chrome

and at the end of the night he smiled asking, “Dad, can we take it home?”

“The moon is not meant to be captured for long.” He heard his father say.

“But do not fret, when we get home…I’ll show you another way.”

When they returned home from the lake…the son began to swoon

as the father refilled the bucket and said, “Let’s go catch ourselves a moon.”

The father knew a lot of tricks…he’d been teaching his son since he was small

but that night he taught his son, perhaps, the greatest trick of all.

He showed his son a father’s love is something that can never come too soon…

The night they filled their bucked with water…and went fishing for the moon.”

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