Friday, October 25, 2013


Yesterday Sheryle an old friend of mine from a very long time ago
Decided she needed a pick-me-up as she was feeling low.

So she did something as practical as it was both clever and wise
She asked her friends for some examples to help her spirits rise.

Sheryle thought about Yosemite and asked her friends to please respond
And I was intrigued by all the answers her innocent query spawned.

It made me wonder how do we cope those times that we are sad?
What are the things that make us smile when things are looking bad?

Many people mentioned a certain city they liked and some a specific place
They call these up from memory when they need a smile on their face.

They alluded to driving down a scenic highway with the clear blue sky above
Or spending time anywhere in the world with the people whom they love.

They talked about sitting by the ocean with their feet immersed in sand
And they mentioned it’s even happier with a beverage in their hand.

As I read people’s reactions I couldn’t help but be beguiled
At the myriad of memories that induce people to smile.

It seems when you test the human spirit you never know what you will see
For you find a needed smile can emerge from the simplest memory.

How can you not smile when you see a newborn calf?
Or remember your Grandma’s cookies, or hear a baby laugh?

How can you not smile when you watch the sun ascend?
When you see an elderly couple holding hands or get a postcard from a friend?

How can you not smile when you watch your children soar?
When you walk under a moon lit night, or your dog greets you at the door.

How can you not smile when you think about Christmas Eve?
Or any family get together, or you watch the changing of the leaves?

When we’ve had a particular trying day and there’s happenings we’d like to erase
We’re lucky to have our memories to return that smile to our face.

Sheryle when you stop to think about it, what should make you smile today
Is that so many people cared enough to send a message out your way.

You see I could go on and on with more examples to recommend

But here’s one more thing to make you smile…this poem’s just come to an end. 

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