Thursday, August 15, 2024



As I was researching Frank Sinatra for a wedding I’m performing

a lady walked into the bookstore after I opened the other day.

She sat down in our comfy chair…and had quite a lot to say

What made this situation difficult…it was hard for me to see

when she was talking to herself…and when she was talking to me.

I had never seen this lady before…she came from out of the blue

and I could not tell how many different people she was talking to. 

I admit at first to feeling a little anxious…filled with a little frustration….

I wasn’t sure if I should listen in…or they were private conversations.

But since she was pretty close to me…I listened for a while

and when she looked in my direction…I looked back at her and smiled.

She’d return my smile…then quickly go back to what she was doing before

talking to different someones…who were not in the store.

I did not understand everything she said as her words kept flying by

I’m pretty sure she was upset…but I could not make out why.

She paused just long enough when a particular thought was through…

to look up at me and ask…what am I to do?

When I realized she was asking me…I wasn’t sure what to say…

I wasn’t sure I could say anything to help her through her day…

But with Frank Sinatra’s lyrics staring me in the face…

I took a deep breath…smiled at her and then..

I said…you should pick yourself up, dust yourself off…and start all over again.

All of her ramblings stopped…she smiled back at me instead….

then asked all the voices she was hearing…if they heard what this old man said.

And then she started laughing…and with her voices tagging along

she exited the store repeating the words to that old Frank Sinatra song.

I learned a valuable lesson….in a moments just like this

when it’s confrontation I want to avert….

A smile helps to ease the situation…and a little Frank Sinatra does’t hurt.

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