Wednesday, August 28, 2024



I was walking the other morning as I do most every day

when up ahead I saw a car stop in the middle of the street…then quickly drive away.

I didn’t think much about this as I was enjoying the stars, the planets and the moon

until I realized that car…had run over a raccoon.

I thought it was just a cat sleeping in the road…

(on my morning walk this is something I often see)

until she raised her head as I walked by and that raccoon looked up at me. 

Never approach a wild animal is a rule to which I steadfastly adhere

but something in her eyes told me there was nothing for me to fear.

I knelt down in the street next her…told her I’d sit with her a while

and as she laid her head back on the street…I think I saw her smile.

Within minutes she closed her eyes, stopped breathing

and that morning just before the dawn

as tears fell from my eyes I knew that she was gone.

I couldn’t do anything to save her when I found her lying out there on her own

but I was glad I came along and she did not die alone.

Once again nature gives us a lesson she’s hoping we all will heed

how sometimes in life and death…a little comfort is all we ever need.

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