Tuesday, August 13, 2024


 We drove to Lakeland to have lunch with Damien and Trista

(our eldest grandson and his fiancé) we love to see them as often as we can

but this lunch was a special one…to discuss their wedding plans.

Driving home I thought about the night we stopped at a cabin on the Skykomish river.

How one part of the river flowed directly to the Pacific…making a beeline to the west

While another part veered off toward our cabin

creating little waterfalls…before joining with the rest. 

I remember watching this river…studying it for a while…

and I swear…when the two groups of water came back together I could see both waters smile.

I remember wondering…the more I watched this raging river flow

where did each drop of water join the river…

and where will each drop go.

Will some continue on forever…following the drops who’ve come before

Will some decide they’ve gone far enough…and make their home upon the shore.

After visiting Trista and Damien I thought how a family is like a river…

how together, in the beginning, all the members flow…

How we know where everyone begins…but we have no idea where they will go.

How we don’t control Damien and Trista’s flow of water…

understanding when they’re fully grown…

there’s a good chance they will veer off in a direction all their own

But we also know if we fill our river with love

when they do choose a direction of their own…

there is a good chance from wherever they flow

they will find their way back home.

For waters filled with love that once flowed together

love to see each other as often as they can…

Even if it’s only for a lunch…to discuss some wedding plans.

And I can tell you from experience…when the waters reconnect

even if only for a little while…

It only takes a moment before

you can see both waters smile.

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