Sunday, August 18, 2024



 Last year I wrote of serendipity…how out of nowhere…in a snap

when we least expect it…life…can drop a blessing in our lap.

Yesterday was Milt’s memorial service…to our son Bryan he was a good friend.

Since the service was in Asheville, North Carolina…we could not attend.

The service began at 2:00 P.M. so to honor the friendship they had built 

at 2:00 P.M. we stopped for a moment to remember…and say a prayer for Milt.

Everyone who knew Milt loved him…and since we both felt the same

as a lasting tribute to him we’re having a tree planted in his name.

We learned from Bryan who attended the service that Milt had always been drawn

to the teachings and the writings of the author Kahlil Gibran.

Skip ahead to last evening…I was tidying up the bookstore…making sure everything was neat

when a book flew off the shelf…and landed face down at my feet.


I had already finished tidying and all the customers had gone.

When I picked up the book and turned it over…

it was The Prophet…by Kahlil Gibran!

Skip farther ahead to this morning (I go in early to clean the store)

when I see this bookmark about trees lying in front of me on the floor.

I knew this bookmark wasn’t there when I closed the store last night….

and the moment that I saw it…I smiled at the sight.

I can only imagine Milt had a hand in this book and bookmark finding their way to me…

as a way of saying how he enjoyed Bryan’s friendship 

and to say thank you for planting him a tree.

Oh! I bought the book and the bookmark…thinking they are divinely haunted..

and I’ll be handing them off to Bryan the next time we see him…

because I think that’s what Milt would have wanted.

So thank you Milt for a little serendipity…how you out of nowhere…in a snap

when I certainly wasn’t expecting it…you dropped two blessings in my lap.

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