Wednesday, August 14, 2024



 I love apple pie…this sweet confession off my chest I now unload…

I love it in a fresh baked crust …with whip cream…or al-a-mode.

As I sit down to enjoy my apple pie…before I’m halfway through

I kind of wish that everyone could feel about this pie exactly like I do.

And then I think what if I could make a law…for every person in this country…everyone I meet…

that apple pies…are the only pies they are allowed to eat.

I would say all the other pies are inferior…even though you may think them just as sweet

that blueberry, cherry, peach…coconut cream…you’re no longer allowed to eat.

And what if I was able to make others believe…something I know to be untrue

that whoever eats another kind of pie…must be inferior too.

And if I can’t convince those who eat other pies that they are going to hell

what if I abuse, belittle, mistreat and punish them as well.

Then every time I sit down to eat dessert…I’d be as happy as can be

because now the entire country would be eating the exact same pie as me.

And after banning other pies from stores and restaurants…

making sure in the home they could no longer be baked…

who knows…once I banned all the other pies…I might move on to cakes.

But wait…as I look at the variety of people eating a variety of pies in every bakery…

I quickly come to my senses and think…how ridiculous that would be.

Who am I to tell another person what is or isn’t sweet…

Shouldn’t it be their individual decision as to what pie they can or cannot eat.

Yes, this is a wide and diverse country…from sea to shining sea…

And there is plenty of room for people who love different pies than me.

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