Saturday, August 3, 2024



 It was only 120 miles from our motel in New Hampshire to our Air B & B in Bangor’s front door

which means today we had a lot of time for new adventures to explore.

So we took a little detour into the White Mountain National Forest

because all along this trip it seems

we cannot get enough of mountains, forest, rivers, lakes and streams.

Next we stopped at an old covered bridge across the Sunday River. 

Covered bridges are always wonderful to explore…

To stand under the cover and feel the presence of all the people who have crossed these planks before.

Also as we grow older it feels good as we admire every plank and beam and truss

to be in the presence of something…anything 

that is older than the two of us….

Our final stop was in Skowhegan to find the World’s Tallest Indian 

A 62’ statue erected as a tribute to the Abenaki tribe…

The feelings it ’s dedication evokes are a little difficult to describe.

For there on a wooden sign is a beautifully written turn of phrase:

To the Maine Indians…the first people to use these lands in peaceful ways.

When we finally settled in at Bangor…at the end of another beautiful day

I thought how today’s adventures reinforced what we’ve learned along the way:

How we’ve seen nature’s unmatched beauty…acts of divine creation.

and how we find we’re always walking in the footsteps of the original first nation.

And how if we want to build bridges that will last forever and a day

We need to follow in those footsteps 

and do our best to use the land in peaceful ways.

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