Thursday, October 31, 2019


I was fortunate to see him coach his first game
at that time I didn’t know
how fortunate I really was…34 years ago.

Watching his manner, his patience, his kindness, 
his calmness…his overall approach
I quickly learned this man…was much more than just a coach.

He was a teacher, a counselor a psychologist…
so many professions intertwined
He was a chauffeur, a motivational speaker
a reader of young minds.

Wearing all these hats I saw him coach my daughter, 
her children…(my grandchildren too)
I watched him coach for many years
I learned from his point of view 

I watched his teams win…they won often
I’m sure all his players are glad their paths have crossed
as he showed them how to be winners…even when they lost.

When they won, he praised their achievement.
When they lost he did the same.
Teaching them about the complexities of life
from a simple volleyball game

34 years ago I watched him coach his first game
but time moves on so fast
and yesterday…I found myself
watching him coach his last….

Sitting there I thought of all games I’ve watched him coach
all the time together we’ve traversed…
and I felt just as fortunate watching his last game

as I did watching his first.

Wednesday, October 30, 2019


Here’s an interesting fact about the color of our skin:
the section that holds the color is unusually thin.

I imagine to our creator…it was a snap…a finger flick
making the section with our pigment only a millimeter thick.

I’m sure she had her reasons…perhaps it wasn’t even functional
Perhaps she just wanted to make our world a little more beautiful.

Perhaps even though he was the creator he was inquisitive
perhaps he wanted to see how people of different colors live. 

Perhaps after creating in us similar brains, and eyes and hearts
he wanted to give us a simple way of telling each other apart. 

Perhaps she wanted us to look both outside as well as in
and see there is so much more to who we are than the color of our skin.

Perhaps her belief in her creations was both resolute and strong…
and she never guessed there would be reasons we would not get along…

My guess is he didn’t think it important…the color of our skin 
which is why when creating all our pieces she made our color part so thin.

Perhaps our creator hoped…from the moment our life begins
We would use our brain, our eyes and our heart…to see past the color of our skin.

After all, if our creator made color such a small part of you…
and such a small part of me
If she didn’t think it that important…
I wonder…

why do we?

Tuesday, October 29, 2019


There is a wise old saying…an ancient Chinese gem: 
When three people walk together my teacher is among them.

We had a simple dinner with some friends and the first thing I was taught
was if you listen but a little…you’re bound to learn a lot..

I learned a lot about sadness
sadness that our basic foundation seems destined to destroy…
I learned if we are ever to survive that sadnesses
we must discover joy. 

I learned a lot about how the sadness of a natural disaster, 
of divorce
of sickness 
of wars that never seem to end
can be offset by the joy that floats around a table
filled with family and friends. 

I learned in the midst of a sad world
there is more joy than one might think
as I watched the laughter, support and wisdom 
of people sharing food and drink. 

As luck would have it other friends came into the restaurant
It was like a holiday!
They were celebrating their 5th grandchild…
born earlier that day.

I learned although weakness can come from sadness, 
meant to injure, to bruise…to annoy
our courage, our determination…our strength
comes from our faith, our love…our joy.

I learned this simple lesson which I will from this day forward now employ….
I shall not close my eyes to sadness
but I shall open them more…to joy…

Any ancient Chinese scholar sitting in that restaurant would have smiled…
It would have been easy for he…or she…to see
there was more than one teacher in that room that night…

In truth…they were surrounding me.

Monday, October 28, 2019


I love working in the bookstore where I am constantly surprised 
as I get to watch slices of life play out before my eyes…

I heard them before I saw them…a mother and her daughter too.
“Hey Mom”, I heard the daughter say, “let me hold the door for you”.

The daughter stood there smiling while opening the door wide…
as her mom, now using a walker, slowly stepped inside.

“Hey Mom! Do you want to look for a book?” her daughter ask her twice.
"Come to think of it”, her mother said, “a dictionary would be nice.”

I showed them a used dictionary, the mother’s face turned red…
“It’s just like the one you had growing up!”
“We’ll take it!” the daughter said.

“Hey Mom, do you want to look for another book?” the daughter asked
“If you want…you know you can.”
“No, I’m tired dear I think I’d like to sit down and talk to this young man.”

(I looked around the store, no other customers did I see
I happily concluded as this mother smiled…she was talking about me!)

She sat, we talked together in voices kind and calm
Meanwhile throughout the store we heard her daughter call “Hey Mom”.

“Hey Mom, are you sure you don’t want another book?” 
“Hey Mom, here’s something you don’t want to miss.”
“Hey Mom I remember reading this when I was young.”
“Hey Mom take a look at this.”

The mother smiled as she heard her daughters questions, her calls…her pleas…
“It’s nice to have a daughter.” she said, “who takes good care of me.

“Hey Mom, do you want to get some ice cream?” the daughter asked as they headed out the store…
“Hey Mom, watch your step…be careful as you’re walking out the door.”

I love how life is cyclical because as the mother finally cleared the door
another mother held it for her daughter as she ran into the store…

“Hey Mom, can I get a book?” her daughter asked…
“there’s so many in here I haven’ t read…
Her mother smiled as she looked at me..
“Of course you can.” She said.

And as the Mom passed by the counter…
With grace…with confidence…with aplomb
A voice rang out from the back of the store…

“Hey Mom! Come here!…”Hey Mom!”

Sunday, October 27, 2019


I pass this lovely bougainvillea every day and am happily aware
how a bush this bright and beautiful can exist with oh so little care.

It is a fact of nature…one we can’t dispute
how the bougainvillea doesn’t need much tending…once it’s taken root.

The other day an old friend stopped in the bookstore, 
one I hadn’t seen in years
and I was reminded how old friendships 
in spite of time and distance still endear.

Seeing him was a wonderful surprise…it gave my heart a thrill.
We talked as if it was yesterday…as if somehow time stood still.

Friendship has a unique way…when it comes to time…
to circumvent…
for when old friends meet…any time that’s passed…becomes irrelevant.

It was just a short visit and after he left I joyfully conceded
how to keep our friendship going…this was all the time we needed.

I paused by the bougainvillea on my way home…
happily aware
how a friendship bright and beautiful can exist with oh so little care.

For it is another fact of nature…one we certainly can’t dispute

how a friendship doesn’t need much tending…once it’s taken root

Saturday, October 26, 2019


We attended a retirement party or a friend who won’t be teaching anymore.
He’s been teaching at the same school…since 1984.

We sat in the back and watched the people sharing laughter…sharing tears
with the man who has been changing lives for the last 35 years.

I watched him hug one person after another…I watched as other hands he clutched
and I thought here is a room full of people whose lives this man has touched..

I have no proof to back this up…but in my heart I believe it’s true
whenever a person touches your heart…a piece of that person stays with you.

When compassion, generosity and kindness between two people are exchanged
though they may not realize it at the time…both of them are changed.

And as I looked around the room…and listened to what was said…
I realized in its simplest form…this is how love is spread..

One drop in the ocean might not seem like much…but in reality
that one drop, that simple drop…can find it’s way across the sea…

I’m not sure how far his drops have traveled…how far his drops have roamed
but as I watched him at his retirement party…they found their way back home.

They returned to him in a smile, 
in a hug, 
in a poem
in the many ways he was caressed….
And as I watched countless people celebrate this one man 
I thought…

We all should be so blessed.

Friday, October 25, 2019


Once a year it comes in the mail…a kind of annual rebirth
It’s a card…it’s from a realtor…asking…
“What is your house worth?”

This year’s card again got me thinking…and I’m sure Deborah would agree
the value of our house is different for the realtor than it is for Deborah and me.

A realtor might pause in front of that bedroom door and frown
wondering who in their right mind could have hung it upside down.

She could not know I worked on that door for almost an entire day
and though it is a little different we kind of like it hanging that way.

A realtor might want the writing on our closet door erased…
He might not realize it’s part of our family’s lore…
that our children’s and grandchildren’s every changing heights are written on that door.

A realtor might see the lights in the kitchen…she might laugh or scoff
wondering why to turn them on…you actually turn them off.

She’d have no way of knowing…the switch will stay that way forevermore
having been installed by the same person who hung that bedroom door.

A realtor might want that swing in our backyard replaced…its old and shows its wear
He couldn’t know our children and grandchildren grew up swinging out there. 

A realtor might see the cracks in the ceiling and become enraged.
She wouldn’t see them as we do…wrinkles that come with age.

Yes, a realtor might look at out house and see imperfections behind every window and every door
Never comprehending, in our house, 
it’s those imperfections we adore

To a realtor this is just another house as in search of houses to sell they roam 
but a long time ago it became more than that, 
when it became our home.

So back to the question of the moment, how much is our old house worth?
The house that has seen us through sadness and joy; through marriages and births.

The house where for over 30 years our family has laughed and cried and sat...
The answer is quite simple, you can’t put a price on that.

At least that’s what I was thinking as I read on the card the realtor would pay cash!

And why I smiled so contentedly…when I tossed it in the trash.

Thursday, October 24, 2019


How do we explain love…should we even try?
It’s a complicated intermingling of our hearts our brains…our eyes…

I suppose the best definition…when all is said and done
is that love is a universal feeling that’s universally different for everyone.

Which reminds me of my first year of teaching…over 40 years ago
I wanted two teach my Autistic students about humor…I wanted to help them grow.

I thought, ‘who better to teach them?’…after all I am a funny guy.
They would be learning from the master…how the principles of humor apply.

On an easel in front of me was a comic strip from the newspaper…
In front of each student was the same.
My goal was to explain the humor…while going frame to frame.

It seems humor when explained this way is not an easy concept to see…
In the investigation…in the analysis…It loses it’s spontaneity 

Not one chuckled…no one laughed…
my students had no sense of humor as far as I could tell
that is until they erupted with laughter…when I tripped on the easel…and fell.

My students showed no comprehension of humor…
not even the littlest giggle sound
Until they heard my high pitched scream…and I was face down on the ground…

There are two possibilities why this experiment failed:
The first…perhaps humor cannot be taught
The second, and my money’s on the first one here, 
I’m not as funny as I thought.

Or perhaps there are some things in life we’re not meant to fully understand
That are designed to make us wonder…to be mysterious…and grand

Which brings me back to explaining love…
Perhaps the best explanation of all
Is that love is a lot like humor
And the best way to experience it…

is when you fall.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019


I had a dream last night…
I know dreams aren’t always as they appear…
this one had me teaching……and I’ve been retired for 6 years.

For me to remember a dream…is extraordinarily rare
and I don’t remember this entire dream…just bits and pieces here and there.

When I awoke on the other side of my dream…ready to begin my day
I had to stop and wonder what my dream was trying to say.

Perhaps it was reminding me…trying to make me comprehend
that even in retirement…teaching never ends.

That there is always someone out there…someone I can reach
someone with whom to share my wisdom…someone I can teach.

Another reason for my dream was easy to discern…
to remind me I will always be a student…who has a lot to learn.

Reminding me in life through adventures big and small
no teacher…no person in this world…
ever knows it all.

Reminding me in life…through my successes and my flops
if I’m lucky…if I’m truly blessed
my learning never stops

Reminding me wherever I go…east, west, north or south…
A good teacher is one whose ears…get as much exercise as their mouth…

Yes, I had a dream last night…
that I was still teaching
and still learning too…
and I woke up this morning realizing…

that dream keeps coming true.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019


When she was young…just a little girl
when life was more innocent and free
she believed in castles in the sky
in fairy tales…and fantasy.

She believed from the sparks of a campfire fireflies were born
She believed in happy endings
in mermaids and unicorns… 

She believed in houses made from gingerbread
that every sentence ended in rhyme
She believed rubbing a lamp could summon a genie
She believed long hair she could climb.

When she was young she believed in Santa Claus.
She believed her grandparents lived in a world of black and white.
She believed in the magic of a kiss.
She believed her blanket would protect her at night.

When she was young she’d play outside for hours.
She’d come home with scraped up knees.
She believed she could see the entire world when she climbed to the top of a tree.

And when she grew up she still believed… 
In happy fantasy…and play
but the duties and responsibilities of life often got in the way…

Which is why now that she is older
she loves to find moments when her fantasies are reborn…
moments when she revisits her fairy tales…

and finds her unicorn.

Monday, October 21, 2019


Just the other day I had a chance to run my DNA
and was pleasantly surprised at what I found.
Other friends and family say they’ve also run their DNA
and ended up surprised if not spellbound.

For once my DNA was scanned…at this point I began
to understand we are all a little more related than we think.
How quickly I did see how many different people make up me
and how it seems with everyone I have a link.

A little DNA shows there is a flood….a mix of people in our blood
made up from lands both near and far…
who across these many years…somehow it appears
have had a hand in creating who we are.

If we trace our bloodline back…we may find that we are black
all from a little DNA
We might come to know…in our blood is Latino
and I imagine some people in our past were straight and others gay. 

Which makes me wonder if members of the KKK should ever run their DNA
Would they dismiss this fact or be enthralled….
could they possibly conceive…despite what they believe
We are not one race but a mixture of them all!

Would they be upset…would they be angry…feel mad
to think how we are all one symmetry? 
Or would prejudice slowly melt away… due to a little DNA
and would we begin to see the end of hate and bigotry.

People of the world refuse to unite…we continue our wars and fights
despite what our spiritual thinkers say…
Wouldn’t it be great…if what ultimately makes the world cooperate…

is just a simple little bit of DNA?

Sunday, October 20, 2019


When we meet somebody new…perhaps with a different point of view
We know not the things their eyes have seen.

We don’t know a thing about he or she…we only know what we can see…
We know not the many places they have been.

When at first we choose to meet…we know their story’s incomplete
We know not if their’s is a life of silence or one of noise.

It’s hard at first to ascertain…to get inside their brain
when we know not their sorrows or their joys

Perhaps we smile, shake their hands….unable to fully understand
how many times in life they may have cried.

We try to read their face…wondering what has brought them to this place
and are they showing us humility or pride

It is within our own discretion…to form a first impression
not knowing how many times they may have been confused…

And though first impressions can be strong… they also can be wrong
for we know not if or when their hearts have been abused.

So what are we to do…when we meet somebody new?
What would be prudent, sensible and wise?

Perhaps it would be great…to make our first impression wait
to try to see the world through someone else eyes.

To make a point each day…not to push others away
for this is not, I hope, what we’ve been taught.

For once we see life through their eyes…I think we’d be surprised

and realize we have more in common than we thought.

Saturday, October 19, 2019


When you see a person in wheel chair?
Have you ever thought about their plight?
Thought about their daily struggles…about how they sleep at night?

Wondered though they may be paralyzed…if they feel any pain?
Wondered how they get around in snow or sleet or rain

Have you ever thought of all the pathways in this world that slant?
When you think of all they places you can go…
Have you thought about where they can’t?

When you see a person without sight…
have you ever thought about their plight?
Thought about how they navigate the world…or live in constant night.

Wondered how they choose their toothpaste or the clothes they wear?
Wondered if they mix up day and night and how difficult are stairs?

When you see a sunrise, sunset, or the colors of a flowering plant
When you see the beauty all around you…have you ever thought…they can’t

When you see a person who is deaf
Have you ever thought about their plight?
What it’s like not to hear the melodies of the day…or the harmonies of the night?

Wondered if they feel more danger, more anxiety more fear
living in a world of sounds…but sounds they cannot hear..

When you hear someone call your name, or sing or scream or chant
as you listen to the music of life, have you ever thought…they can’t.

Have you ever thought of all their families 
helping those who cannot walk or see or hear
and of all the unseen ways they show their love…
every day…
of every year.

What if those of us who are lucky…
who can walk and hear and chant
take a moment every day to think of those who can’t… 

To help in any way we can…
for love has many ways it can be shone
knowing the weight of any burdens is less

when we don’t carry it alone.

Friday, October 18, 2019


Is there anything more beautiful
than a smile
that rises out of tears…
or more gratifying
than courage
that emerges out of fear?

The moment we find the courage
that beautiful moment when we dared
to act in the face of danger
even though we may be scared.

And the truest form of courage
of beauty ever made
is facing our fear when we’re the only one

who knows we are afraid?

Thursday, October 17, 2019


I recently left some water on the table…only half a cup
but I was thirty so I took the water pitcher and quickly filled it up…

As I poured water into water it became obvious to me
when the water from the pitcher met the water from the cup…
they blended easily.

And once the two waters joined together
once they were completely blended 
I could not tell where one water began 
and where the other water ended.

And I thought it doesn’t matter where this water comes from 
out of my spigot or across the sea
when I pour water into water…they blend so easily.

And I thought it doesn’t matter the color of the waters
because it’s easy to comprehend
when water is mixed with water…
how easily they blend.

In fact the colors blend quite beautifully
without having to be taught
when one water is a color…and the other one is not.

When two colors of water come together
both colors are transformed…
and from two separate colors
a new color is formed….

It led me to think about water…and humans
and it suddenly occurred to me
If humans are mostly made up of water

shouldn’t we blend more easily?