Monday, September 30, 2019


With so much bad news all around our country…in our neighborhood…
We sometimes have a tendency to overlook the good.

Yesterday a woman came into the store and bought two books…
There was a gleam in her eyes when she told me one book was for her
the other…for her husband…a surprise.

But since here husband was in the store she didn’t want her intentions known
“Could you hide it under the counter?” She asked. “I’ll can pick it up when I’m alone.”

“I’m here to buy my daughter a book.” A man said.
She told me to go to the counter and see the man behind it
She knows I’m not good at locating things.
She said you’d help me find it.”

He described the book…I took him to the section
but he didn’t need me…I must add…
The book was open on the shelf
with a note reading, ‘It’s this one Dad’.

“That’s just like my daughter." he said
“Not only to leave it in plain view 
but to make sure I would find it…she even left a clue”

Sometimes we need to look for good news…
in a world where we’re barely treading water…
Like the love of a wife for her husband…
or a father for his daughter…

They say bad luck comes in threes…perhaps good news comes in twos…
For two times in a row I witnessed love…and I consider that good news

Good news in the smile of a wife’s dilemma
and how she found a way around it…
Good news in how a daughter hid a book
and the face of the dad who found it

And isn’t that the wonder of good news?
How easy it is to spot.
How it doesn’t have to overpower you…

in fact most times it does not…

Sunday, September 29, 2019


On his 50th anniversary they were asked this question:
What has made your marriage so enjoyable and strong
In this day and age…when many marriages fall apart…
How is it you’ve stayed together for so long?

They paused for but a moment 
then the same thought entered their heads.
“I believe what has kept us together so long
has to do with dreams” he said.

“I had a dream about where my life would go
and what I was going to do
and I’m sure before I knew her
my wife had her dream too.”

“But the secret to our marriage”, she continued
“something we both long ago realized
was not only that our two dreams came together

but how they harmonized.”

Saturday, September 28, 2019


There is a specific kind of loneliness when you lose someone you love
It is difficult to explain…
For some it’s like a hole in their heart…
For others…a permanent stain.

It’s specific for each person
We have our own joys…our own agonies
housed within our hearts…in specific memories

We spend our years making these memories…from every January to December….
after a person dies we spend the rest of our years
trying to remember….

We easily remember the big moments…momentous laugher…meaningful tears
But we find as our mind searches through its memories
It’s the little things we hold dear.

It’s a smile shared from across a room
It’s walks together in the sand
It’s seeing the sparkle in their eyes
It’s quietly holding hands.

It’s a hug for no reason whatsoever…just to show how much we care
It’s a kiss on the back of the neck…It’s those quiet moments that we shared…

When that specific loneliness enters our life…we have no choice but to face it…
But if we’re lucky for every moment of loneliness
we have a memory to replace it…

And when we stop and think it through…when into our memories we dig…
We wonder at what point in life…all our little things became so big? 

And though we know nothing will ever take away the ache
it is possible for the pain to be appeased
by filling up our specific loneliness

with specific memories…

Friday, September 27, 2019


After listening to his final lesson 
the wise one was approached by a young woman and young man…
“We have a question.” they asked softly. 
He nodded, 
“I will answer it if I can.”

“We’ve listened to all your teachings.” They said
“We’ve taken them to heart.
You’ve taught us about beauty 
about friendship, love and art.” 

“You’ve taught us about acceptance and compassion
about how to have an open mind.
You’ve taught us about peace, 
about wisdom.
You’ve taught us to be kind.”

“We’ve listened and we’ve learned.” they said
“We’ve held on to your every breath.
Yet of all the subjects you have taught…
Yet you never speak of death?”

Their teacher looked at them and smiled, 
touched their shoulders 
then began to speak…
“Death eventually finds us.” he said…
“All the others…

we must seek.”

Thursday, September 26, 2019


Voltaire lived in the early 1700’s…he was born in Paris, France….
His words still have meaning today…if we’d give them half a chance.

If we had the opportunity…to talk to the famous Voltaire
I imagine the first word out of his mouth…would be a word of warning…

Beware of your world leaders he might say…
they are not all compassionate and wise…
‘If you want to know who controls you…
look to those you’re not allowed to criticize’.

Beware of those who say how wise they are…
for there is usually insecurity behind it…
‘Cherish those who seek the truth,’ he’d say, 
‘but beware of those who find it.’

Beware of all the nonsense being spoken…
all the madness being tweeted.
‘Stupidity can appear as wisdom,’ he’d warn, 
‘the more often it’s repeated’.

He might say beware of those who are filled with arrogance 
with self-worship and pomposity
For ‘Those who can make you believe absurdities 
can make you commit atrocities’.

If he saw how easy it is for us to kill each other’s spouses, 
their daughters and their sons…
‘Beware of fools with power,’ he’d instruct, 
‘beware of fools with guns’.

If he looked at the way we treat those in need, he’d say
Beware! We need to change our point of view…
‘For everyone is guilty 
of all the good they do not do.’

Yes, I wonder if Voltaire was still here…
if he was around today
would we conveniently dismiss his words…

or listen to what he had to say?

Wednesday, September 25, 2019


Now that I am older…I love visiting the child I used to be
who would ride his bike out in the rain…or climb the highest tree…

Who believed in Santa Claus, saw faces in the clouds…
and never wondered why...
when he looked up on a moonless night...he saw starfish in the sky.

Who never cared about how he looked, or how much money his parents made
Who thought peek-a-boo and hide-and-seek were the best games ever played

Who could sit among the flowers watching the butterflies and bees…
Whose eyes were surprised more often…who was more innocent and free.

Now that I am older…I often stop to wonder…sometimes I fantasize
What the world would be like if we all grew up but kept our child’s eyes…

Would we be unable to see differences in our color, sex or name?
Would we smile and talk to everyone as if we’re all the same?

Would we welcome every visitor who enters through our door?
Would our world be one of peace and love?
Would we not think of war?

I have no proof things would be different…
but now that I’m older, as I say, I like to fantasize…
what our world would be like today

if we still saw it through our child’s eyes.

Tuesday, September 24, 2019


A young Native American boy was interested in his heritage
like many of us he wanted to know where he haled from
for he knew who he was and who he is…determines who he’ll become.

His father took him to an old cemetery…without any fanfare…without any frills
It was an unmarked private resting place…high up in the hills.

They sat silently for a moment…to allow old memories to amass
and so the spirits of their ancestors could join them in the grass…

He wanted his son to see for himself…he wanted him to understand
where so many of his ancestors were killed…by settlers who wanted their land.

He said this grass where we are sitting on…has grown here all these years…
nurtured by the sunlight…and a hundred years of tears…

But he also wanted his son to know…to make him understand
how his ancestors loved the beauty of the air…the trees, the sky…the land…

How they would talk to the animals…how they could walk without making a sound…
how the ground where they were sitting…is considered sacred ground…

“This cemetery is a reminder," he said, “of how nothing on Earth will last.
A place to look to the future with joy…while we grieve the sufferings of the past."

As his father retold old stories…his son felt connected…he felt proud
and on that hill-top cemetery…he made a solemn vow…

to carry on his culture…his traditions
to remember his history…
to ride on the back of his ancestors and be the best person he could be….

And he still remembers that day in the cemetery
listening to stories of hope and love and fear….
Sitting with eyes focused on the future

In grass softened by a hundred years of tears..

Monday, September 23, 2019


It’s old and a little tattered…the coat her grandma wore.
It doesn’t fit her all that good…it’s not in style anymore

It’s always by our front door…on the rack…just hanging there
She puts it on every now and then when she feels a chill is in the air.

I used to bring home new ones…I don’t do that anymore…
because she prefers to wear that old coat…the one her grandma wore.

Her grandma raised her after her parents died
It was in her grandma’s care she grew
She was too young to remember…
Grandma is the only mom she ever knew.

When she was sad or lonely or things weren’t going right
She would sit upon her grandma’s lap and grandma’s arms would hug her tight.

Through all the ills of growing up…through all the heartaches and thunderstorms
It was there in her grandma’s arms where she felt safe and warm.

When her Grandma passed away she left her this old coat
and there, on the inside pocket, she left a little note.

‘How many times over the years have I hugged you’…it read
‘I’ll never know the exact amount
because when it comes to hugging you
I long ago lost count.’

‘We all must die eventually for that is the circle of life.
This means I won’t be there to hug you
In times of happiness or strife.’

Which is why I’m leaving you my old coat…it’s the only one I’ve ever worn
It’s the one I was wearing when I first held you…the day that you were born.

Put it on when you are happy, when you’re excited or feeling blue
Put it on and know right then…I am hugging you.

Perhaps that’s why when she wears it…she also wears a smile…

and why that old coat her grandma wore…will never go out of style.

Sunday, September 22, 2019


Sometimes we humans can be so cruel…so unfair…so shadowy and dark…
A little girl is kidnapped, killed, then found discarded in a park.

Children are being murdered…for that matter people of all ages
Families flee into our country and are immediately put in cages.

Children are bought and sold for sex…women are abused
Survivors of these tragedies are left bewildered and confused

After every horror we create…in this country and abroad
we appeal to the heavens and ask the question…Where is God?

I wonder whenever we see one human-made tragedy end only for another to begin
if, instead of looking out for God…we should be looking in.

What if God is in each one of us…in our kindness…in the way we live
in our smile, in our touch…in our ability to give?

In a hug, a touch…a kind gesture…in every compliment we pay
in every act of compassion…in every thank you that we say?

If God is but a feeling in our heart in our mind and and in our soul…
then shouldn’t we be trying to discover her…shouldn’t that be our goal?

What if this is our mission in life…what if this is what life is all about
to discover the God in each of us…and invite her to come out?

If we realize that the God we look for is with us all along
then perhaps we’d stop asking where she is…

when we’ve done something wrong…

Saturday, September 21, 2019


A daughter came to her mother, “Mommy what is love?” she quizzed.
Her mother knew it was difficult to describe just what love is.

“I’m not sure I can answer for everyone.” She said, 
as her daughter climbed upon her knee
“But I will tell you as best I can…what love has meant to me”.

“It’s something that you feel…it’s not something you can see.
It’s when my heart is loved by you and your heart is loved by me.”

“For when two hearts love each other…happiness fills the air
and you notice when you look around…how beauty is everywhere.”

“It’s how you never suffer heartache or deal with your troubles on your own
because when two hearts love each other you never are alone.”

“I guess when you love someone”, and here she couldn’t help but grin… 
“You don’t know where your heart ends and where their heart begins.”

Then the mother looked at her daughter…having answered her little quiz
“Which makes me want to ask,” she said… “what do you think love is?”

Her daughter turned to face her mother…still seated on her knee…
“I guess when I think about it…
Love is you and Daddy…
and You and Daddy…and me.” 

“Yes!.” Her mom smiled as she gave her daughter a hug…
“Yes!” She said, as she softly whispered her name.
For she knew although their definitions may be different
their meanings were the same…

And they shared a quiet moment together…
both having aced their little quiz
each of them secure in the knowledge…

of exactly what love is.

Friday, September 20, 2019


The Earth now lay in ruins 
only one survivor remained
With his final message…
he wanted to explain….

I was part of a race of humans he wrote…
who didn’t know how to behave…
Who didn’t understand what would happen
Who took more than we gave…

The things we did to this planet
amounted to nothing more than theft.
we took 
and we took 
and we took
and now there’s nothing left…

I thought like many others…
I could abuse, destroy and deprave her
I, too, ignored the warning signs…
I thought someone else would save her.

We destroyed the air we breathe
our rivers our forests and our lakes….
Perhaps the next people who come along
can learn from our mistakes…

How sad…for we all knew the answers
but never really tried…
Then the man put down his pen
and took one more breath…

before he died.

Thursday, September 19, 2019


“I wish I could have taken you more places.” he said
as into her eyes he stared…
“Don’t you know it never mattered where I was.” she said,

"as long as you were there.”

Wednesday, September 18, 2019


I love that we have memories
Even though as the years pass we may begin to doubt them
I cannot imagine…I cannot fathom…
what life would be without them.

On the river of life…when times are difficult…
or when we float along with ease
wherever the current takes us…
we keep adding memories.

And if life is like a river always moving ever forward without a break
I like to think of memories as a calm and peaceful lake…

A lake that no matter how many memories we add will never over fill
A quiet, tranquil place where time itself stands still.

Where we can choose to pause a while…
on the edge where the water meets the land
to get our feet wet for a moment and scoop a memory in our hands…

Or if we want…if we have the inclination…to wade up to our knees
or dive headfirst under the water and be awash in memories.

I love to swim the entire lake…it’s waters cool and clear
because I never know what memories will suddenly appear…

I don’t mind that the good and bad memories have mixed together along the way
because they have intermingled to make me who I am today.

I find I like to talk to my memories…to thank them when they were bright…
and even though the time has passed…to warn them…in hindsight…

Oh, I know that moment’s gone and I can never change that memory
which makes me wonder:
if I am talking to my memory…or is my memory talking to me?

Yes, I love that I have memories
Even though as the years pass I may begin to doubt them
for I cannot imagine…
I cannot fathom…

what my life would be without them.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019


We have four grandchildren in our life and we love they came our way.
We remember when each was born…as if it was yesterday.

When they were merely babies we held them in our arms
and through the years we’ve been enchanted and captivated by their charms.

It’s fun to look back wistfully to a time when they were smaller
because over the years…we’re not sure when…they’ve all grown so much taller!

We use to kid with them when they were younger…oh how the kids would fuss
When we’d put our hands on their heads and say…
“You’ll never be taller than us!”

Well…the first grandchild grew taller than Nana years ago, 
followed by the second 
then the third…
and Nana smiled as each one overtook her…without saying a word.

But the other day, reminding us how time often passes in a blur,
Nana noticed our youngest granddaughter is now looking down on her.

Nana, who once carried all our grandchildren easily across the floor
in the blink of an eye, or so it seems, is shorter than all four.

(I probably would be more sympathetic to Nana…to this growing reality
If I didn’t realize that all too soon…they’ll also be taller than me!) 

Of course we know that’s the way it goes…the way the years are supposed to pass
still in our wildest dreams we never expected…the years would pass so fast….

But as I see Nana and our grandchildren now standing side by side
I have to smile when I think how much we’ve enjoyed the ride….

So the fact they are taller than Nana…
is not something we bemoan
because we have enjoyed every minute 
of every hour 
of every inch 

that they have grown….

Monday, September 16, 2019


He often pauses in the forest…
gets down on his knees as if he’s praying
to gossip with the wind

and listen to what the trees are saying.

Sunday, September 15, 2019


He was the great procrastinator
He had a knack…a way
of putting off until tomorrow
what he should have done today…

His life was filled with ‘not todays’
Many responsibilities he would shun
When he looked at a task, “Not today!” he would say 
and many things he left undone

As he was about to die 
his family sat by his bed to pray
they asked if he was ready 
he smiled… “Not today”.

“There’s still so much I want to see.” he said
“So much I want do.  
tomorrow I’ll be ready instead
perhaps…when the day is new”.

“Not today.” he said with a sigh
“there’re still a few lessons I’d like to instill.”
“Not today.” he repeated …  “and here is why…
they’re still a few promises I’ve yet to fill.”

But death is unsympathetic.
We don’t get to choose the day
“Not today.” he whispered the last time closed his eyes

and silently drifted away.

Saturday, September 14, 2019


(If we only saw a field of flowers stretching out in a hundred rows
We may never truly appreciate the beauty of one rose.)

When I look at the life Deborah and I have had…
to this fact I must attest
With 3 children and 4 grandchildren…
we have both been blessed.

We have been extremely lucky as we’ve watched them grow
to realize how together they set our world aglow.

But we also love to take a moment…on this we both agree
to stop what we are doing…
and think of each one separately.

(If a crowded forest is the only view our eyes will ever see
we may never know the beauty of that solitary tree.)

So periodically we take a moment to look at each child individually
to savor the beauty that is growing on our own family tree.

(If only in the harmony of a choir we rejoice
we may never know the beauty of that one distinctive voice.)

We think back to a time long ago when they were babies…
when they sucked their thumb
and then we look today at the person they’ve become.

We find when we take the time to look at each one individually
we are pleasantly surprised…at what we hear and see.

It seems remembering each child independently 
gives us a moment to rejoice
and listen to the beauty we hear in a single voice.

When we take the time to remember each child individually
is when we discover the beauty and the wonder of that single tree….

Yes, looking at a single child…through their triumphs and their woes

is when we truly appreciate…the beauty of one rose.