Thursday, August 1, 2024


We’ve stayed in a wide variety of places on this long cross country jaunt.

One night we’re in Le Chateau Frontenac in Quebec City 

the next two nights we’re in a tree house in Vermont.

We’ve gone from a luxury hotel…on the 10th floor of its enormous central tower

to a treehouse with no running water…and…an outdoor shower.

From a bedroom overlooking the St. Lawrence River with a king sized bed so soft….

to a treehouse where we climb a ladder to sleep up in the loft. 

From maids who turned down our sheets each day

and left us popcorn and candy…that we ate!

to no maid service and a bathroom with a toilet…the incinerates

From having a valet who took care of our car

then brought it to us when it was time for us to depart

to driving up a road so steep and rocky…

the only way to make it up was with a running start.

Truth be told on our first attempt…half way up…

our car stopped…although the wheels kept on spinning

(Somewhere up in heaven…the travel gods were grinning)

Determined, however, that this portion of our trip would not be a flop…

we backed down…closed our eyes…hit the gas..and made it to the top!

This is exactly what we wanted when we planned our trip.

When we decided from Washington to Maine we would traverse…

We wanted every stop to be an adventure…and those adventures to be diverse.

Besides…if we weren’t staying in the treehouse…the 21st different stop along our map

we wouldn’t have had ice cream at Ben & Jerry’s…or ate lunch at the Von Trapps.

We would have never taken a shower outside with the birds serenading us from their trees

We would have never heard the Sound of Music wafting on the breeze.

Which means even though some of those amenities and luxuries it lacks

we are just as happy in this treehouse in Vermont

as we were in Le Chateau Frontenac


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