Sunday, August 11, 2024



You may have noticed throughout our trip across this country

over every mountain, river and stream

as we’ve marveled at all her beauty 

there’s been an underlying theme.

With every mile we drove…every step we walked

we quickly began to understand…

no matter where we go in this country

there is an indigenousness to the land.

Everywhere we traveled we found stories

of indigenous legends, of their cultures…of their giving

of those who were here long before we came to colonize 

and destroy their way of living

Across this country we have crossed innumerable indigenous remains

from Seattle, Washington all the way to Indian Harbor, Maine.

(In case you’re wondering…Indian Harbor…the last name that I dropped

was the original name of Corea, Maine…the last place that we stopped.)

And it saddens us to think how different our world would be

If it could have been designed…

with the indigenous knowledge, legends and folklore

we so callously left behind

There is sill hope for our country…we believe

still time to change…to understand

but to do this 


we must stop…and listen

to the indigenousness of the land

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