Friday, August 9, 2024



When we planned our road trip we set up with Budget 

that a Toyota Corolla would be waiting for us in Seattle

but after standing in line for 2 hours…I was a little rattled

When Budget ran out of cars and sent me to Avis…at their counter I was told…

“We don’t have your Toyota Corolla…but we can give you a new Kia Soul.”

Our Kia had 6 miles on it when we began our trip…

and as with any relationship we tried to take it slow…

while we navigated the Seattle freeways at night…we told her all the places she would go.

And she was such a good sport…wherever we went she gave it her best .

driving all around Seattle, Olympic national park and through the rains in the Northwest.

She took us all the way to the sun in glacier…she made this trip with ease

She drove right by a grizzly bear on our way to Lake Louise.

Through the dusty plains of Canada she waited patiently as we packed, unpacked and packed

and did not flinch in Montana when a pebble caused her windshield to crack.

We thought about substituting her because of that cracked windshield 

but Deborah made the case

that in the 2000 miles we’d already driven….we’d grown accustomed to her face.

Besides, we figured at this point we had nothing to lose and everything to gain…. 

So on she drove us with her cracked windshield to Canada 

then into Vermont, New Hampshire and Maine.

In Maine, like us, she rested for a few days…

and I could fulfill a promise I’m sure she had come to doubt

that I would take the time to clean her…all of her…inside and out.

We got her when she was just a baby

I’m glad we decided to keep her in spite of her little crack…

and when we returned her to Budget  in Bangor

she had more 6800 miles on her back.

It’s funny that Corolla we thought we were going to drive…

on this trip never played a part

But we were happy with our substitute…the Kia Soul with heart.

In 48 days she grew a little older, she’s not as aligned as she once was 

and she’s developed a few scars everyone can see…

Perhaps that’s why we love her so much…

because she’s a lot like Deborah and me.

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