Thursday, August 8, 2024



Today we fly back home…it’s hard to comprehend

that our Great Northern Road trip is coming to an end

As we sort through the memories we’ve made along the way

one thing that we’ve been struck by…is what we’ve heard so many people say:

When we’ve talked to people on our trip about our trip 

how we were driving from Washington to Maine

we’ve heard the same words…that forever in our memory shall remain.

"This is the trip of a lifetime!” They smile and tell us.

“All the places you have been all the people that you mreet.

“This is a trip of a lifetime!. They oftentimes repeat.

And we politely nod our heads…look at each other and smile

knowing that’s how these conversations go…

but the smile we share hides the secret to something we both know.

Deborah and I were married in 1988 amidst our family and friends fanfare and cheers

which, if I’ve done the math correctly, means we’ve been married 36 years. 

We’ve raised 3 loving children and watched 4 beautiful grandchildren grow.

We’ve been and will be a part of their lives…wherever they choose to go.

We had jobs we both loved going to each day

We live in a beautiful little house in a city by the bay.

We have old friends we’ve known forever…forever and a day

and new friends we’ve been fortunate enough to have met along the way…

We’ve taken 3 other long road trips together…just the two of us on our own

We’ve been to the Grand Canyon, Niagara Falls the Tetons and Yellowstone.

So that’s why we smile and nod when people say we’re on the trip of a lifetime…

because, as I say, we both know…

this is is just another leg on the trip of a lifetime…that began 36 years ago.

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