Saturday, May 28, 2022


 We spent two nights in a tipi (yes that’s how they spell it here)

A tipi in Cody, Wyoming…with the Shoshone river near.

We chose this place to stay thinking no road trip would be complete…

without staying in a tipi with no electricity, bathroom or heat.

We thought…we won’t need heat unless on us the weather played her tricks…

Which she the evening when the temperature dropped down to 36.

But we were warm and cozy in our soft and comfortable bed…

while dressed in layers of clothing with 5 blankets on our heads.

In fact we fell asleep quite quickly…for this simple reason why…

the Shoshone river…just a few feet away…was singing a lullaby.

We did wake up in the middle of the night…I think it was around 2…

no need to know the reason…it’s something old people do.

Walking back from the restroom we both stopped and sighed….

when we happened to remember to look up at the sky.

The sky was awash with stars…more stars than we’ve ever seen before…

snd so we sat for a moment in the cold…so we could look some more.

The big dipper seemed to be pouring stars releasing them into the night

with every star released…another point of light…

It was a moment we’ll remember…truly a night to cherish…to behold

and for a moment under the stars…we forgot that we were cold…

I imagine it is a memory…the two of us shall forever keep

eventually, back in the comfort of our bed…we let the river sing us back to sleep.

But not before feeling lucky for the blessings in a life as wonderful as ours….

That allowed us to spend two nights without heat…without electricity…

In a tipi neath the stars.

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