Monday, December 23, 2013


When I was young my family would walk, Mom, Dad my brothers and me.
Ending up at one of our favorite spots by the lake under a weeping willow tree.

It was here one day with my head on her lap. I believe I was half asleep
When Mom told us the story behind that old tree, the reason that all willows weep.

It seems a long time ago under a willow tree a man and a women first met
And under that tree their love blossomed, a love neither would ever forget.

The young man was called to fight for his country, he joined the navy and went off to sea
The young girl pledged to wait for her love, under the branches of their willow tree.

Each day the young maiden waited, her eyes searched as her heart ever yearned
But such are the misfortunes of war that her young lover never returned.

One day the young maiden started to cry as she faced the worst of her fears
Try as she might she couldn’t stop her crying and she drowned in a river of tears.

The willow that witnessed her sorrow, whose friendship she found soothing and true,
Could not control his own feelings and, when his friend died, began weeping too.

And willows all over the world to this day continue to cry for lovers star-crossed,
For all love that is left unrequited...or never discovered...or lost.

Mom was convinced if you lie under a willow not only will it offer safekeeping
But if you put your head to the ground and listen, you can also hear that tree weeping.

Was it true the story my mom told, or just her way to make us feel blessed?
After all these years my head tells me no, but my heart keeps telling me yes.

Perhaps that is why whenever I see a weeping willow I go to it without making a sound
I quietly lay down beside it and gently put my head to the ground.

Yesterday was a beautiful day, the sun was shining, the weather serene
When I heard the willow weep for Claire Davis, a young maiden who was just 17.

I heard it weep for this young girl who will no longer love; no longer dance; no longer run
She died Saturday, the latest victim of a violent person with a gun.

And I had to wonder as we do nothing but over and over again say farewell,

Was the willow weeping just for Claire, or was it weeping for the rest of us as well?

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