Friday, January 6, 2023



I’ve always been captivated by water…from the raindrops that parachute out of the clouds…to the ocean and the sea…but it’s the relationship between a river and time that has always fascinated me.

It’s like I’m floating on a river of time

that sometimes seems to move slowly and other times to race…

but despite my illusions to the contrary moves forward at a slow and steady pace.

It’s a river that keeps moving whether I am sleeping or awake…

flowing from my past into my present and my future with every move I make.

Life on the river of time is lived in moments…

ephemeral, fleeting and sweet…

each present moment is the intersection of where my past and future meet.

Each present moment is a catalyst…

it’s where my hopes and dreams come from…

joining my past…made up of all those present moments I’ve left behind…

and my future…all those present moments yet to come. 

I imagine that’s what fascinates me…

and why I feel so much affection….

for the inextricable bond between 

the river and time connection.

Reminding me as I ride this river…

if I cherish every present moment…

knowing they’re here only for a short while…

I can look back on my past with joy…

and look to my future with a smile.

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