Sunday, April 10, 2022



Walking on the beach as the day awakens is one adventure we adore…

Just the two of us anticipating the sunrise as we walk along the shore.

We don’t often see the birds as they’re still nesting in their trees…

but we can hear their morning melodies carried on the breeze.

This morning was different however…as one dove rose early from her bed and it seemed as if she was waiting for us in the pathway up ahead.

We’ve heard a lot of doves sing over the years as the two of us have walked along 

but this morning…it was different…there seemed to be sorrow in her song.

“Is she okay?” Deborah asked. “I answered…”She seems okay to me.”

as we approached her she took off landing in a nearby tree.

We didn’t give it much thought at first…I mean we’ve seen doves before…

until we made it to the beach and noticed in a tree adjacent to the shore…

A dove…was it the same dove…it’s possible…and, sure, we could be wrong…

but it appeared to us she was singing…that same heart-wrenching song.

A little farther down the beach…I’m not sure exactly when…

in the top of another tree…that dove showed up again.

At this point our early morning walk for two…became an early morning walk for three…

as we kept walking down the beach…while she kept flying tree to tree.

We’re not sure what attracted her to us…that morning on the beach….

Why she joined us on our entire walk…nearby but out of reach.

Perhaps she was a lonesome dove…who just needed a little company….

Perhaps that’s why she was singing such a sorrowful melody…

Perhaps that’s why she accompanied us on our walk along the shore

So for a while on that beach…she wouldn’t be lonely anymore

It’s possible…because once we said goodbye to her…under an ever fading moon

from her perch upon a nearby sign..she was singing a happier tune.

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