Thursday, April 14, 2022



Once a week while school’s in session…to make one day ‘cooking free’

Deborah makes a meal which we deliver to Ali and her family…

With this week’s meal my grandpa senses were on full alert

for accompanying the meal…Deborah made cupcakes for dessert.

Deborah’s cupcakes not to be eaten by me turns me into a psychopath…

and immediately brings to the forefront…grandpa’s cupcake math.

I am not a mathematician…just a 69 year old man….

but here’s the way I did the math…follow…if you can.

Ali has three children home…so far the math was easy for me…

since Deborah made 12 cupcakes…each person would get three.

But she asked me to try one…to make sure they tasted good….

being a kind and giving grandpa…of course I said I would.

Well the cupcake wasn’t just delicious…it tasted like a little bit of heaven…

the only problem being….that left the cupcakes number at eleven.

Then again I hadn’t tasted the cupcake when frosted…which I had to do…but then

after eating two of the twelve cupcakes…that left only ten.

Ten cupcakes can’t be divided by four people evenly….(although, admittedly, my math’s not great)….so I ate two more cupcakes…taking their number down to eight.

This way they’ll each get two cupcakes when the dividing of cupcakes is done…

but do they really need two cupcakes each…when all they really need…is one.

So I ate another two cupcakes…then I ate two more…

and when the crumbs had settled…they left Ali’s family with four.

But four cupcakes seemed like such a small amount…

I didn’t want their feelings to be hurt…

So I ate the last four cupcakes….

after all…

Deborah made them an entire meal…

did they really need dessert!

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