Sunday, February 27, 2022



Once again in the world we see in use this familiar recipe for war

It aways begins with two countries but you’ll certainly be adding more.

The leaders of one country have two goals…to take another country’s freedom and to expand…The other country and her people want to keep their freedom and hold on to their land.

This recipe is guaranteed to cause countless deaths and endless pain..

We start by amassing an army with guns…then add some tanks and boats and planes…

From the guns bullets fly…from the tanks missiles are launched…and from the planes bombs will fall…creating a path of death and destruction…not for one…but for all.

We’ll need blood…lots of it…knowing so much of it will be spilled…as men…and women…and their babies…entire families are killed.

We’ll have to add more people and then more people and more people still…

until there’s no one left to add…until there’s no one left to kill.

Leaving us with only sorrow and tears where happiness dwelled before…because without sadness and sorrow and tears…you cannot make a war.

When the recipe is completed…when the last ingredient has been eliminated…is there any sane person in the world who enjoys the taste of what that recipe created?

And we think since it tasted so awful…perhaps we’ve had our fill of war…until the next time we look up and see two countries…maybe more.

Who have forgotten how bad war tasted…or worse ignore it…and then…begin to gather the ingredients to try that recipe again!

While the rest of the world who dream for the day when all wars will cease…

are desperately trying to develop…a recipe for peace.

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