Sunday, February 6, 2022



We took three of our children out do dinner last night…

wanting them to partake…

of the food and dessert at a famous Tampa restaurant 

where their speciality is steak.

We decided when our youngest child turned 40

It would be a treat

To take him, his fiancé and our daughter

To a restaurant that has won awards for serving meat.

There are many ways to gauge a parents love…

knowing their children are only children for a while…

Like being there to help them grow…

Like knowing we had a hand in why they smile.

Like knowing when to listen…when to push…when to help them when they bleed…

Like knowing when to stand behind them 

Like knowing when to lead.

Like seeing them for who they are…like knowing what a difference love can make

Like allowing them to be independent…like apologizing for our mistakes

Like helping to ease their hunger and being there to quench their thirst…

Like helping them believe in themselves by believing in them first

Like loving them unconditionally…when they agitate and annoy 

Like making sure their life is filled with happiness and joy….

I could go on an on with more examples…

Like knowing when to relax and when to be a disciplinarian…

But last night Deborah and I showed our children our love…

by taking them to a steakhouse…even though we’re vegetarians.

P.S. As further proof that a parents love is not only sincere, unending and heartfelt…

we picked a fancy restaurant where…

I had to tuck my shirt into my pants…

and even wear a belt!

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