Friday, December 22, 2017


Yesterday I was given a shirt (Thanks Wendy!)…
On the shirt were two of my grandchildren and me acting like hams
and it got me to thinking as I wore it…as a grandparent…how lucky I am…

My grandparents died when I was too young to remember them
one of Fate’s unexplainable twists…
not remembering anything about them…I never knew all the things that I missed.

What traditions would they have passed on to me 
if they had been there to watch me grow?
What wisdom would they have imparted?  
Would they have been proud?…
Unfortunately I’ll never know.

But I‘ve been lucky enough to be a part of my grandchildren’s lives...
To participate, to be alive…to see…
And I’m not sure who’s benefitted more from grandparenthood…
my grandchildren…or me.

I’ve learned to enjoy this roller coaster ride…
up and down through all the emotions I’ve felt.
I’ve learned how a look…or the touch of a tiny hand 
can cause this old heart to melt. 

I’ve learned how to listen when they tell me their stories…
no matter how exotic or benign.
I’ve learned to ignore their groans and the roll of their eyes when I retell some of mine.

I’ve learned not to worry if I flail when I dance or all the times I may warble off key.
I’ve learned you’re never to old to run, jump or play…
or climb to the top of a tree.

I’ve learned not to give big knives to a three year old.
I’ve learned of the wonder a smile can evoke.
I’ve learned to love hearing a grandchild say PopPop.
I’ve learned how to laugh at the same knock knock jokes.

From my grandchildren I’ve learned to see the world through innocent eyes…
I’ve learned what it feels like to be free…
This shirt proves they’ve taught me how to be silly…
(or is that a lesson that they've learned from me?)

Yes, It’s true I never knew them…
that is not a path the Fates had allowed
But I like to think…if they saw the shirt I was wearing today…
My grandparents would be proud.

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