Thursday, January 16, 2014


Deborah and I went to an RV show yesterday for we have always adored
Walking in and out of humongous things we could never afford.

Once inside, I must admit to feeling a little bereft
For some of the campers we looked at were bigger than the house we just left.

We toured a coach that had more room than the largest greyhound bus
But when they made us cover our shoes to walk in it, we knew it wasn’t for us.

We saw RV’s that looked enormous but with the touch of a button or trigger
Those behemoths somehow transformed themselves into something even bigger.

Is it possible all these big coaches have but one artist who decorates their frame?
Because the colors and designs on the exteriors always look the same.

And who decorates the interiors? Although to some they may look like heaven
I have to tell you, I looked it up, Liberace’s been dead since ‘87!

So I have a question for you RV makers, would it hurt you to finally decide
To bring the interior out of the 1940’s and splash a little color on the outside?

Our favorites were the Airstreams, we have always like their shape and style
However the price tag of an Airstream is something we can’t reconcile.

If my calculations are correct then this I must acknowledge
The smallest Airstream cost’s as much as sending Damien to college.

Yes we promised Damien we’d help attendance is on the decline
I imagine he can get a nice degree if he took all his courses on line.

As I thought about the University of Phoenix, or Keiser, or Devry
While looking at these Airstreams, a dilemma caught my eye.

I’d love for Deborah to have her camper and Damien to go to college to
But of course that would be what was I going to do?

Then as if by magic, out of thin air the solution appeared to me
I’ll paint 4 wheels on the side of our house and pretend it’s a giant RV.

Damien happily goes off to college and amidst the joy the celebration

Deborah gets the camper of her dreams...with a little imagination.

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