Tuesday, February 20, 2024



I think one of the main reasons I like to take a walk in nature as often as I can

is that nature is unaware of politics and man’s inhumanity to man.

I see trees of every size, shape and color…in the heat of summer to the winter snows

standing side-by-side…their roots connected…helping each other grow.

There is a wealth of wisdom and so much insight to be gained

as I watch the clouds high up in the sky…the ones that hold the rain.

They’re called cumulonimbus clouds…Yes, I know each of them by name…

and I watch when these unbiased clouds release their rain…

how it falls on everyone and everything the same.

I see birds sharing breakfast on our walks along the shore…

So many different kind of birds we meet….

all content knowing in the vastness of the ocean…

there’s enough for everyone to eat.

As I walk around it seems to me…living in peace an harmony is what nature’s all about.

Something, when I turn on the news, I see we humans have yet to figure out.

Which is why I pray one day we’ll understand how all our roots are intertwined

How we’re meant to help each other grow…

no matter our size, shape or color…through the summer heat and winter snow.

I pray we come to revel in our differences…to know each other by name

and like the rain that falls from those cumulonimbus clouds…we’ll treat everyone the same. 

I pray we share our meals with everyone we meet…

understanding, if we work together, there’s enough for everyone to eat.

Yes, I pray one day we humans will finally figure this out:

How we are all a part of nature…

and how peace and harmony is what nature’s all about.

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