Tuesday, October 10, 2023



I have never been nor will I ever be a good dancer my moves are the opposite of entrancing.

but never have I…nor never will I let my lack of rhythm inhibit me from dancing.

My reasoning is simple…one day it came to me with ease

It took place years ago when I had….a conversation with the trees.

It was in the mountains…the sun was peeking through the trees when by chance 

I happened to be walking and saw the trees begin to dance.

Why are you dancing I asked the trees…I don’t hear any music…

not one song

And what do you have to dance about being stuck in one place your whole life long?

“If you can’t hear the music”, the trees said 

(all the while they kept dancing too),

“that has nothing to do with us and everything to do with you".

“Yes it ’s true…we are all fated to grow in one place…but this one place we can enhance….

by swaying a little, by moving our leaves and branches we have found a way to dance.”

“So why then do you dance” I asked. “Is this part of nature’s plan?”

The trees shrugged…then together smiled…”We dance because we can.?

“There are no secrets, no mysteries in why we dance…no hidden truths to be revealed.

Ask any tree and they will tell you…we dance because of how it makes us feel.”

“We never know what will happen from one day to the next…life is a game of chance…

We dance no matter the season or the weather..because we find our joy within the dance

“In every life we must find our own joy.” the trees said, “our own happiness, our own romance….

sometimes we dance because we’re joyful and sometimes it’s our joy that makes us dance.”

This bit of tree wisdom is why…at any time 

you might find me dancing uninhibited and enthusiastically

after all…

if it was good enough for the trees…

then it’s good enough for me.

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