Wednesday, May 3, 2023



I love all the joys life offers….as each day passes by…

and how, when it comes to joy…I don’t have to know the reasons why.

Why does my heart beat faster…why is it difficult to put into words…

the joy I feel watching a baby elephant…on the savannah…chasing birds?

Why do I love sitting in silence…watching the wind tickle a field of grain…

Why do I smile with my arms outstretched while dancing in the rain?

Why am I filled with wonder when I see a picture of a baby in the womb…

Why am I so excited watching a butterfly or a bee drifting from bloom to bloom?


Why do I smile…listening to nature sing…as through the forest I stroll?

Why does the melody of a babbling brook have the power to soothe my soul?

Why is the feeling a waterfall evokes…or the stars…or watching clouds float by…

enough to cause me to stop…to create in me…a smile…or a sigh?

Why does the sight of the sun slowly climbing a mountain in the morning cause me as much delight…as watching the moon climb that same mountain as she ushers in the night?

I hope I never discover the reasons…

hope I never find the words…

to explain why I can find so much joy

watching a baby elephant chasing birds.

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