Thursday, April 6, 2023



I heard Run For The Roses by Dan Fogelberg on the radio the other day…instantly a memory awoke…and with it a feeling of humble joy that memory evoked.

It was years ago while still teaching (I wanted my my autistic students to experience it all!)…when our county had a program they called ‘Classroom In The Mall’.

I saw this as an opportunity for my students and I to see the world from a different point of view…as well as a chance to show people passing by all that my students could do.

We brought all our materials, including a record player and records so we could hear our music play…took a bus and set up our classroom…in the mall…for one entire day.

I was proud of my students….who exceeded my wildest expectations on that day…

and happy when people stopped to watch or ask a question before proceeding on their way.

One woman in particular stopped…watched for a while and unless I was misconstruing…seemed sincerely and genuinely interested all that we were doing.

When she finally approached me…I smiled as my joy and pride combined…

I codlin’t wait to answer her questions…to hear what was on her mind.

Would she comment on how my students were doing…ask about our routine?

Would she say to me as I humbly blushed…You’re the most amazing teacher I have ever seen?

As I stood there proud as a peacock…awaiting her remarks I could feel my anticipation rising…“Excuse me sir.” She asked, “this music you’re playing…I find it mesmerizing”

My bubble immediately burst as her words in my heart started stinging….

“I especially liked Run for the Roses,” she continued, “can you tell me who was signing.”

Nothing about my students or how she’d never seen a teacher like me before…

and once I showed her the album cover…she headed off to the record store.

Now, whenever I hear Run for The Roses I smile remembering how teaching was the chance of a lifetime in a lifetime of chance…and how blessed I was o have joined in the dance.

And as I remember a lesson from Classroom in the Mall a woman once taught to me… 

of the two things I needed to be a good teacher…


and humility.

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