Monday, November 15, 2021


 Standing behind the counter in our bookstore and peering through its window that looks out on the street give me a unique perspective on humanity…both from the people whom I talk with…and those I never meet:

I watched a car pull into the parking space directly in front of our store…then watched a middle-aged woman jump out the driver’s side, run around and open the passenger side door.

I watched her struggling to help a much older woman get up and out of her seat…and with the older lady leaning heavily on the younger one…I watched them slowly cross the street.

After lunch I saw them slowly shuffle back…I watched the daughter secure her mother in her seat…smile…gently shut the door…then run around to her side, enter, and make sure her mom was safe and comfortable once more.

As I watched this all unfold in front of me I thought of the life, together, they’ve traversed and my mind wandered back to a time when their roles had been reversed.

When the older woman, then a young mother, carried her daughter across the street…then opened her car door and made sure she was safe and comfortable within her seat.

And as I watched them drive away I thought about humanity…and how it’s one of our designers greatest creations…for what is humanity if not love…that’s been passed down…from generation to generation.

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