Thursday, October 21, 2021



She loves to walk inside the forest…among the trees…the streams…the ferns…

to enjoy what beauty nature has to offer…and what, from nature, she can learn.

She knows there is always something nature has to teach…wherever she may go

In Fall the lessons are usually about accepting change…and sometimes…letting go.

But this particular Autumnal walk brought with it a very different theme…

when she noticed two trees had fallen into one another…from opposite sides of a stream.

She knows all trees are part of the same family…of this there’s no dispute….

and that they communicate with one another…(it all starts within their roots)

Did the one tree feel in its roots what was about to happen?

Did the surrounding trees hear it call…to the other tree across the water

“Don’t be afraid I will catch you if you fall”.

Did the other tree know it was about fall…and know the only way to escape from harm…was to trust the tree across the water…and fall into its arms?

She would have loved to know the answer…she wished the forest would confess…

but nature does not reveal her secrets…so she had to make do with her guess.

Which made her wonder what lesson the forest was trying to teach her?  

Could it be in life that leaning on one another is the key….

and how all trees are a little stronger…when they stand with other trees?

That even when a tree grows old…when it begins to teeter…when it can no longer stand…how other trees are ready to help…and will catch them if they can.

How trees will always be there to remind one another…from the time their seed is sown…there will always be a tree around…and they will never be alone.

She stayed a little while longer…enjoying the stream…the view…the breeze…

and wishing…

if only people…

could be a little more like the trees.

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