Thursday, September 23, 2021



The moon was still shining bright and…as the sun rose…they began to play…and I felt blessed I was there to witness the birth of a new day.

Last nights rain clouds, now empty, still lingered in the sky…as pelicans and ibises and starlings sailed by.

The moon began to dim…her nightly job she knew was done…as she happily relinquished the day to her partner and good friend…the sun.

It’s as if the moon had turned around…in search of her next night…bidding a fond farewell to the clouds and their canvases of white.

The clouds, for their part, were happy to join in on the fun…they stood tall and proud and ready…to be painted by the sun.

The sky…only a moment ago infused in an ebony black hue…began her metamorphosis into a cerulean sky blue.

With the blue sky as her backdrop…the sun without constraints and with a brush on every ray of light…she began to paint.

She painted fast and furiously…each cloud constantly changing like the colors of a flame…and I thought…how amazing she’s been painting since the dawn of time…yet no two paintings are the same.

Her paintings are ephemeral…at the beginning of each day…and each new brush stroke…each new painting…took my breath away.

I became aware of the silence…how all the noise around me suddenly decreased…

and at how the morning breeze…in that same moment…suddenly had ceased…

And it occurred to me the Earth was also watching the birth of a new day….

and just like me…the wonders she was witnessing…took her breath away.

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