Sunday, January 5, 2020


She does not remember…in truth she imagines it would be a shock
If she could in any way remember the day she learned to walk

The first time she haphazardly put one foot in front of the other
teetering into the arms of her father…or could it have been her mother?

A time when each step, though precarious, felt wonderful and new
The first time she saw the world from a different point of view. 

The moment she suddenly became aware 
of the wonders that surround her.
The day she discovered the marvels, 
the surprises 
the miracles 
all around her.

She’s also not sure how walking became second nature
She can’t remember when…
but she wanted to recreate as best she could that feeling once again.

So she stepped outside and began to walk
at an unhurried…deliberate pace
and as she did she could not lose the smile on her face.

In that moment she she was thankful 
(though she walks now with more deft)
how all the wonders she once felt
had, actually…never left.

As once again she became aware
of the wonders that surround her
of all the marvels
the surprises
and the miracles that surround her

And she loved exploring with each footfall…
the hidden wonders she was unlocking
as she, once again, took her first steps

and rediscovered the joy of walking.

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