Monday, June 16, 2014


Moments flow by on the river of life, we blink and they are gone
As they gently cascade out of view to some higher echelon.

Although we cannot control how long one moment lingers or the length that it will stay 
A camera allows us to copy that moment before it flows away.

And as moments amass throughout the years from Januarys to Decembers
One look at those old photographs...and we instantly remember.

As we are drawn into that photograph it’s as if our world rewinds 
And we return to that moment in time for a moment in our mind.

One of my most cherished set of photographs--each depicting a different scene
Are not on light-sensitive paper and, to date, number only fifteen.

They’re on ‘T’ shirts I receive every year, every Father’s Day religiously
The photographs show the progression and growth of Alison’s family,

The first two show Damien as a baby and a child, 1997-98 were the years
Progressively as time moved on Taylor, Aden and Ava appear.

Each ‘T’ shirt shows them growing up and causes a joyous ache
As it shows how fast time flies by and what a difference one year can make.

Yesterday I wore them all, 15 years of Ali’s family
And for a brief moment I could feel the weight of that responsibility.

But usually I spread all the shirts out and as I view them lying there
I am thankful for this rare gift of an album I can wear.

I’m thankful that once a year a moment was frozen for all eternity
Emblazoned on a Father’s day ‘T’ shirt then entrusted over to me.

I wear that ‘T’ shirt proudly on Father’s Day for all the world to see
Then return it gently to my drawer of captured memories.

There they rest in my nightstand...I like to keep them near
For when I add my next photograph...on Father’s Day next year.

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