Tuesday, July 30, 2024



When I was young I believed angels were shy

content to remain in the shadows of the day and night

happy to watch over and protect us while remaining out of sight

Growing up in the Catholic Church…this is what I was taught

but the older I grow I’ve come to believe…angels are not as shy as I once thought.

Nor are they all sent from heaven…no I think many angels can be found… 

down hear upon the Earth…spreading kindness all around.

All along this trip we’ve encountered angels…who have helped us every day

in the airport, everyplace we’ve stayed…with our car… 

when we were lost…couldn’t find our way

People who stopped, smiled, listened, lent us a hand…

who were more than willing to share.

which enhanced my belief that surrounding us are angels everywhere.

Waiters, bell hops, clerks behind the counters, people on the street

angels we have never known but were fortunate to meet

As we walked the streets of Old Quebec City today…

angels were everywhere to help us with any undertaking or task…

and we found out sometimes an angel will help…without even being asked!

Yes, here in Canada where in a different culture we have found ourselves entrenched

we realized there are even angels who can speak to us in French.

In fact, this being an international tourist town…

we’ve heard, Chinese, Indian, Russian, Spanish, Dutch and Greek

It appears there isn’t any language angels do not speak

Which makes us want to try and be angels from now on…

every day of every week…

because, as all these angels have reminded us:

Kindness is a universal language everyone can speak.

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