Sunday, July 28, 2024



How can you not love the language, the accent…

they way they form their words in France? 

How French words flow so easily…linger in the air…and dance

Luckily we didn’t have to go to France…

to hear their language and be enthralled 

because French is the language many speak right here in Montreal.

We tried to study ahead of time…knowing we’d be coming here by car…

and we’re happy when we learned Bonjour, Merci and Au Revoir.

We did remember two songs from our youth…Alouette and Dominique

(apparently that was when our capacity for learning French hit it’s highest peak) 

They say there are 135,000 words in the French language

a number that seems quite high

when the only words we know are hello, thank you and goodbye.

But equipped with our Rick Steve’s handbook and our I-phone translator too

we walked the streets of Montreal determined to muddle through.

We took the Metro into the city, visited the Basillica of Notre Dame, 

walked Jacques-Cartier park and in front of city hall

deciding along the way how we love Montreal.

As it turns out many people speak two languages here…

unlike those of us wholly speak one…

and were happy to help us get around…which made our day more fun.

So as a tribute to their language…one of the most romantic languages by far

I’ll end this poem by saying merci beaucoup to you for reading it…

and end with au revoir.

For those of you who wanted to hear a little more French 

who weren’t  finished listening yet

I’m sorry this poem ended before you had a chance t

to hear my rendition of Alouette.

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